still classic but cmon. they could've done some revolutionary s*** with that fight this time around
lmao. my professional mode speedrun with infinite ammo rocket launcher finna go crazy
for better and for worse
honestly i get very little enjoyment from playing easy games. i need to feel a challenge or it bores me.
i’d rather watch a visual novel than play an easy game with a great story
yeah the aim is actually f***ed on xbox. I had to turn on slight aim assist to remedy it
for better and for worse
honestly i get very little enjoyment from playing easy games. i need to feel a challenge or it bores me.
i’d rather watch a visual novel than play an easy game with a great story
same. there has to be something constantly keeping me on my toes or it gets boring
yeah the aim is actually f***ed on xbox. I had to turn on slight aim assist to remedy it
Capcom slacking with no day one patch
yeah nvm i just started my savegame from 2020 and i heard that feller stompin walking toward me and i just alt f4 out of there
i finally got further than mr x wasnt scared this time
(used speakers on low instead of headphones)
im currently in the NEST thing this game is amazing
do i need to play 3 after this or can i go straight to 4?
i finally got further than mr x wasnt scared this time
(used speakers on low instead of headphones)
im currently in the NEST thing this game is amazing
do i need to play 3 after this or can i go straight to 4?
you don’t have to go in order with this series, they don’t connect too much mostly
They really did not test the shooting gallery at all for console, I’ve been trying for hours and I’m hitting exactly where the targets are but still missing. I’ve tried messing with aim speed and aim acceleration hundreds of times and nothing makes the aiming feel right. PC owners really won this time
Update: think I got the controls perfect now, I’m getting s rank on every level easily
I turned aiming speed to 100 and aiming acceleration to 50
They really did not test the shooting gallery at all for console, I’ve been trying for hours and I’m hitting exactly where the targets are but still missing. I’ve tried messing with aim speed and aim acceleration hundreds of times and nothing makes the aiming feel right. PC owners really won this time
Update: think I got the controls perfect now, I’m getting s rank on every level easily
I turned aiming speed to 100 and aiming acceleration to 50
glad i don’t care about the shooting gallery
Ain’t s*** scary when I got the mfing thang on me
I am nervous for the regenerators tho cuz my strat in the OG was to blast off their legs and knife them for 2 mins so I didn’t need to have a rifle and thermal. Don’t think I can do that with breakable knives
Apparently knives dont work on regenerators
Ain’t s*** scary when I got the mfing thang on me
I am nervous for the regenerators tho cuz my strat in the OG was to blast off their legs and knife them for 2 mins so I didn’t need to have a rifle and thermal. Don’t think I can do that with breakable knives
Make sure you get the thermal scope
glad i don’t care about the shooting gallery
Might wanna try it out. You get useful rewards
you don’t have to go in order with this series, they don’t connect too much mostly
did u like 3 or 4 more?
did u like 3 or 4 more?
i’ve played 3 remake and the OG version of 4, and they’re just completely different games lol. if you want more of the tense survival horror of RE2 then play RE3 first, but if you want survival horror combined with action gameplay then play RE4 first. i def recommend both of em tho
hard to say which i actually like better… probably 4 since it’s a lot longer
in that case I'll take a Revelations remake too
I’m down
The more the merrier fr
Nah bro, I'm in South Africa. The exchange rate is around $1 = R18, so the prices of games are more or less are equivalent. But our income isn't increased on the same scale and we're taxed heavily, so spending that kind of money on gaming just doesn't make sense
That’s bs bro sorry you gotta deal with that
Hopefully you can enjoy this remake soon man
Seems they datamined that Separate Ways is definitely a game mode coming.
and speculation that U3 is a boss in that mode
Believe dusk golem said it would be paid dlc & mercenaries would be a free update
Seems he’s right so far as usual
i finally got further than mr x wasnt scared this time
(used speakers on low instead of headphones)
im currently in the NEST thing this game is amazing
do i need to play 3 after this or can i go straight to 4?
Play 3 bro it’s not a long game & it’s fun as brixx. Could’ve did more with it but at least we got it in the long run you won’t regret it I promise
Nemesis is fun to fight on the harder difficulties but the final boss fight can be tough just a heads up
Never used headphones when playing a game what y’all recommend I get? Wanna feel more immersed in the horror
i’ve played 3 remake and the OG version of 4, and they’re just completely different games lol. if you want more of the tense survival horror of RE2 then play RE3 first, but if you want survival horror combined with action gameplay then play RE4 first. i def recommend both of em tho
hard to say which i actually like better… probably 4 since it’s a lot longer
thank u ill try 3 soon!
finished 2 just now great game
Great memories with 2 congrats bro let me know how you feel about 3 when you get to it
Chapter 9. Wow I cannot believe I missed out on this f***ing game for so long.
There's something about it that I can't put my finger on. Just the way you manage your inventory and the combat just works so well.
The chaos of it and the enemies that will randomly sprint at you
Just a great f***ing game so far.
I'd give it a solid 8.5-9 so far but I think I'm just a bit over halfway in.