Never used headphones when playing a game what y’all recommend I get? Wanna feel more immersed in the horror
what is your price range, console and what are you trying to use them for. To start the PS Pulse for like a 100 best basic deal. There are many many options depending on where you are at
Hey guys someone that struggled with stray will they be able to play this game and have fun? Asking for… myself
Hey guys someone that struggled with stray will they be able to play this game and have fun? Asking for… myself
Game is fantastic and has a great map
Make sure you get the thermal scope
Mann i don’t like basically locking a part of progression behind a weapon you HAVE to have. I was stuck in the og for a min because I sold the thermal scope thinking I was done with the regeneradors and panicked when I realized I wasn’t. Luckily they had a method for killing them without the scope so hopefully there’s a way here too
Mann i don’t like basically locking a part of progression behind a weapon you HAVE to have. I was stuck in the og for a min because I sold the thermal scope thinking I was done with the regeneradors and panicked when I realized I wasn’t. Luckily they had a method for killing them without the scope so hopefully there’s a way here too
Way more regenerators/iron maidens in the remake than the og
Game is fantastic and has a great map
Like a mini map on the side like gta???????
Hey guys someone that struggled with stray will they be able to play this game and have fun? Asking for… myself
bro how do you struggle with stray
bro how do you struggle with stray
had to dead ass YouTube every mission. I had no idea where tf the cat was supposed to go. Especially during the MIDDDDtown mission smh
You don’t know how to follow a map??
No I don’t I gps my way in real life tf
That’s crazy
Why lol that’s the whole point of gps so you don’t have to worry about where your going lol
Why lol that’s the whole point of gps so you don’t have to worry about where your going lol
It’s just easy to read a map idk lol.
That request to kill that dog was kinda easy. Grenades and my rifle made short work of buddy
That request to kill that dog was kinda easy. Grenades and my rifle made short work of buddy
I forgot about him where was it?
I forgot about him where was it?
I forgot where i picked up the request but it was chapter 5 in the village chiefs manor but then it ran to the village and i killed it there
You must be 47
You don’t have to have literally used old paper maps to know how to follow a map
Resident evil 4 is pretty straightforward though I doubt you’d get lost
You don’t have to have literally used old paper maps to know how to follow a map
Resident evil 4 is pretty straightforward though I doubt you’d get lost
Might have to watch gameplay then wait when the game is on ps plus
what is your price range, console and what are you trying to use them for. To start the PS Pulse for like a 100 best basic deal. There are many many options depending on where you are at
Xbox series x
Basic price range I suppose
I don’t play online I just want them for my horror games for more immersion