That part with Salazar's statue where you have to move its hands around was just impeccable game design
Finished my 4th playthrough last night
Professional run? I gave up, I’m doing a S+ hardcore for the chicken head
Professional run? I gave up, I’m doing a S+ hardcore for the chicken head
Is professional that hard?
Professional run? I gave up, I’m doing a S+ hardcore for the chicken head
Hardcore ng+ fun run just tryna do challenges. I’ve tried like 10 different times to make it past del lago to do my first save for pro s+ and I can’t I think ima just do a run with no bonus weapons to get the handcannon
Is professional that hard?
Not that bad when you take it slow and save a ton, shooting for S+ to get unlimited ammo for all weapons is f***ed, no auto save is hell
Is professional that hard?
S+ rank on professional is that hard because you can only save 15 times and there’s no auto save. Every death will f***ing set you back so far and it’s so easy to get hoed.
doing a knife/handgun no healing run rn
I would do those separately are you insane
I would do those separately are you insane
was actually super easy if you do it on assisted new game plus
was actually super easy if you do it on assisted new game plus
oh nice, gonna save the assisted run for after I play through again on professional but I’ll try to do knife/no healing
Professional run? I gave up, I’m doing a S+ hardcore for the chicken head
yeah professional S was fine but im good on S+ just don't have the skill
yeah professional S was fine but im good on S+ just don't have the skill
luckily professional s+ isn’t required for plat
luckily professional s+ isn’t required for plat
yeah im not a trophy hunter in general but I always plat the RE games, that wouldve killed me to only have one missing