  • Oct 7, 2023

    forgot to mention i finally beat RE4make on hardcore, wasn’t toooo bad once i got used to it. took a lil over 21 hours.

    Saddler was easy as f*** though lmfao I didn’t die once to that dummy

    Krauser and Sal were great boss fights tho

  • Oct 12, 2023

    Haven’t played in a couple weeks, forgot why I quit my separate ways professional S+ run. I think I’m soft locked on the troll fight dont have enough ammo to finish him RIP

  • pretty cool video on a PS2 debug version
    he also uploaded it if you want to check it out for yourself

  • Nov 12, 2023
    1 reply

    If I had one criticism of RE4 (and it’s not even really a criticism, just a personal preference really), I wish it wasn’t interrupted by the end of the chapter screens, but instead was a more seamless experience.

    Maybe have the chapter stats pop up Bayonneta end-of-battle style on the side while the game continues on. Just feels a little archaic and exists solely because it was the case with the original.

  • Nov 12, 2023

    If I had one criticism of RE4 (and it’s not even really a criticism, just a personal preference really), I wish it wasn’t interrupted by the end of the chapter screens, but instead was a more seamless experience.

    Maybe have the chapter stats pop up Bayonneta end-of-battle style on the side while the game continues on. Just feels a little archaic and exists solely because it was the case with the original.

    Although I agree with you, I think they just wanted to maintain the integrity of the OG by keeping the loading screens. Not really a big deal to me but yea it would be nice if it was more a seamless experience. Game is still my GOTY 2023.

  • Nov 30, 2023
    1 reply

    dec 8th

  • Nov 30, 2023

    dec 8th


    Dual wielding I wonder if it’s just the whole base game or if they changed some things up to better fit vr

  • Dec 1, 2023
    3 replies

    Code Veronica next please

  • Dec 1, 2023
    2 replies

    Guess the question now is whether or not the RE5 Remake will still take place in Africa, or if they do a full on reboot of the title.

    Because I can’t see any way you do it that either isn’t still racist, or feels overly forced to avoid being perceived as racist, which would only serve to further expose how terrible the premise of the game was to begin with.

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    What if they sort of fuse CVX and 5 together, present the setting and premise of CVX as the new RE5 and feature Shiva as a different sort of character entirely?

    CVX does feature both Chris and Wesker already.

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    What if they sort of fuse CVX and 5 together, present the setting and premise of CVX as the new RE5 and feature Shiva as a different sort of character entirely?

    CVX does feature both Chris and Wesker already.

    Please no we need cv remake more than oxygen

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Please no we need cv remake more than oxygen

    You’d still get CVX, but with elements of 5 in it.

  • Dec 1, 2023

    You’d still get CVX, but with elements of 5 in it.

    I think they deserve their own titles, what I’m wondering is will CV gameplay be similar to 4 or will they scale it back to be slower paced like 2

  • Dec 1, 2023

    Code Veronica next please

  • Dec 1, 2023

    Code Veronica next please

  • CrimsonArk

    Guess the question now is whether or not the RE5 Remake will still take place in Africa, or if they do a full on reboot of the title.

    Because I can’t see any way you do it that either isn’t still racist, or feels overly forced to avoid being perceived as racist, which would only serve to further expose how terrible the premise of the game was to begin with.

    They should just abandon remaking 5 imo Not worth the headache

  • Dec 4, 2023

    Guess the question now is whether or not the RE5 Remake will still take place in Africa, or if they do a full on reboot of the title.

    Because I can’t see any way you do it that either isn’t still racist, or feels overly forced to avoid being perceived as racist, which would only serve to further expose how terrible the premise of the game was to begin with.

    Sometimes you gotta face the critics

    S*** was my first proper RE game and it was fire asf

  • Dec 4, 2023

  • Dec 4, 2023

    I’m gonna s*** my pants when I have to fight regeneradors in first person

  • Dec 8, 2023

    Yo just did the village fight in first person I’m a f***ing noob didnt know how to reload the skull shaker.

    The controls are a lot more manual in VR that are normally quick button presses. Like executing a downed enemy before they turn requires you to pull out your knife, hold L2/R2 whichever hand you have it in, then stab them.

    Church bell rang while I was still running around I didn’t even kill chainsaw dude.

    VR got me disoriented af tho that’s all I could do like 15 mins of play. Even typing on my phone rn feels like my fingers are VR LMAO I’m bugging

  • Dec 8, 2023

    re4 vr is so damn good

  • Dec 10, 2023

    headset starts to feel heavy after an hour but damn i wish i could play this all day. riding around on the boat fighting the lake monster in vr was tons of fun! as was defeating el gigante. when it gets dark the psvr2 makes it feel so dark...

    its so immersive to get up close to all the little details in the remake. if this was a true vr game itd be the best vr game out.

  • Dec 22, 2023

    Code Veronica next please

    It should have been gotten a remake over Resident Evil 4

  • Dec 26, 2023
    1 reply

    The cabin fight in chapter 5 is killing me on professional mode