Pretty sure Cow vocaroo's make up half of their servers storage
If we were still on KTT OG i'd lock this immediately like i did the rest of these dumbass "my opinion on this is so special it needs it own" threads
You not though are you nigga. Im literally giving a history lesson in OP. Its a forum in which you share your opinions, or do you want me to make a dumbass thread calling an album or artist overrated or some petty ass drama between rappers?
Although I would argue that making an entire beat from scratch does take more talent than sampling no matter how any1 might try to argue otherwise.
Chopping up samples is mad difficult
If we were still on KTT OG i'd lock this immediately like i did the rest of these dumbass "my opinion on this is so special it needs it own" threads
i guess if all those threads were locked on here, all that would be left is pedophilia and other topics of that nature. i'll stick with the monotony if that's the case lol
it’s uneducated music causals having a platform on twitter. no one actually cares
You not though are you nigga. Im literally giving a history lesson in OP. Its a forum in which you share your opinions, or do you want me to make a dumbass thread calling an album or artist overrated or some petty ass drama between rappers?
A history lesson 99.9999% of the entire site already taught themselves 15 years ago.
Go back to YouTube
Hot take: sampling isn’t even close to as impressive as original production. In fact, I believe the overzealous defense of sampling has spawned laziness in production. More than half of your favorite beats nowadays feature Splice loops and I can almost guarantee they do if they have a flute or guitar involved. It’s leveled the playing field and allowed for “producers” without a creative bone in their body to toss some drums under a loop and call it a day.
Dilla-esque s*** is forever cool though.
Although I would argue that making an entire beat from scratch does take more talent than sampling no matter how any1 might try to argue otherwise.
Depends, but thinking like this is definitely a slippery slope though.
One can argue that pointing and clicking with a mouse, and dragging and dropping noises into a DAW to create melodic patterns from pre made vst presets takes zero musical talent, and is similar to just solving a puzzle or doing math formulas
oh honey don’t tell me that attention ridden donkey baited you successfully?
go check out the thread. niggas really gotta be bored as s*** to entertain some people on here, you can spot the trolls a mile away
A history lesson 99.9999% of the entire site already taught themselves 15 years ago.
Go back to YouTube
Its my opinion + facts. What should I make threads about then bro?
I feel like sampling wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't based in a predominantly black genre
go check out the thread. niggas really gotta be bored as s*** to entertain some people on here, you can spot the trolls a mile away
Its my opinion + facts. What should I make threads about then bro?
"DAE feel like sampling isnt stealing on **kanye**"
Hot take: sampling isn’t even close to as impressive as original production. In fact, I believe the overzealous defense of sampling has spawned laziness in production. More than half of your favorite beats nowadays feature Splice loops and I can almost guarantee they do if they have a flute or guitar involved. It’s leveled the playing field and allowed for “producers” without a creative bone in their body to toss some drums under a loop and call it a day.
Dilla-esque s*** is forever cool though.
theres levels to both
a basic 4 chords progression will never be as impressive as what good sample based producers do
theres levels to both
a basic 4 chords progression will never be as impressive as what good sample based producers do
That’s fair. I can agree with that.