Peanut butter not gonna help me fam plus i hate peanut butter with a passion.
Eat a gang of protein high cream cheeze
top it with Fruits and a good jam or smth
Nuts etc
Go crazy
give it time; I dont know if youre religious but if you are, pray every morning before you pick up your phone; write down manifestations you want to achieve, and exercise more my man
I hope and I know things will get better
You Okay bro?
Keep your head up. Stay in touch with that girl and try and better your personal situation the way she is. Maybe it could bring you two closer in the future
She’s bullshitting you OP. You know how many times a chic told me she’s not ready for a relationship just for me to text her a month later and she got a whole certified boyfriend? Too many times 😭.
When they say “I need to focus on myself” this means, (I don’t really wanna hang out with you anymore, I’m just saying it really nicely)
When they say “I can’t give you the attention you need”, it’s because she giving it to some other nigga and not interested in you no more.
I mean sure sometimes people legit don’t be wanting to date, but more often than not they cappin hard 💀💀
Was deadass in the middle of commenting something along the same lines of this at work when I got bombarded by customers lol. This is all facts op. Shorty isn’t feeling you. She’s not worth your time move on.
And do heavy lifts and eat a lot of carbs and protein. Chicken, veggies, protein shakes.m, yogurt, milk, eggs, wraps. All that.
Gaining weight is simply calories in/out. Download myfitnesspal, type in your weight & height measurements. When it asks you how much weight you want to gain, click on “2 pounds per week”. Eat that amount of calories everyday and come back to this thread in about 1 month OP. Guarantee you’ll gain weight
Get some chickens. they're cheap to buy and raise then you have a meal everyday from the eggs saving money long term.
I’ve been tryna gain weight as well OP, I had to give up nicotine in order to stomach more food