  • Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't get why ranked choice f***s dems more than others.

    most libertarians (3rd largest political party) would choose republicans over democrats

    wisconsin for example

    Joe Biden
    Democratic Party

    Donald Trump
    Republican Party

    Jo Jorgensen
    Libertarian Party

    same goes for arizona, Pennsylvania, and georgia
    thats 57 electoral votes which would mean trump wins

  • Nov 14, 2020
    hey man relax

    if the electoral college ends up favoring dems within the next decade, i doubt it. But we’ll see

    eh popular vote favors dems even more than an electoral college w blue texas

    republicans have won 1 popular vote since 1992 and it was Bush incumbency with 9/11 and the Iraq war

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    how about a compromise.

    each state should have an electoral vote number equal to that of the amount of voting participants that year, and then each R or D vote in the state gets tallied up and both are awarded to their respective candidate. whoever gets the most nationwide wins the election

    this is just popular vote

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Tbh as much as I hate the concept of a two party system/country you need a legitimate opposition to keep your own party honest and normal

    If one party had a complete "monopoly" on politics then things would get extreme and crazy

    it would just force the republicans to actually have a f***ing position on s*** instead of just opposite of dems

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    most libertarians (3rd largest political party) would choose republicans over democrats

    wisconsin for example

    Joe Biden
    Democratic Party

    Donald Trump
    Republican Party

    Jo Jorgensen
    Libertarian Party

    same goes for arizona, Pennsylvania, and georgia
    thats 57 electoral votes which would mean trump wins

    but part of this is because leftists are less willing to vote green because it hurts the dems

    I guarantee ranked choice would create a solid competitive left of dem party

  • Nov 14, 2020

    this is just popular vote

  • Nov 14, 2020

    but part of this is because leftists are less willing to vote green because it hurts the dems

    I guarantee ranked choice would create a solid competitive left of dem party

    hmm 🤔

  • Nov 14, 2020
    The Viper


    Wrong, it was Bush in 2004

  • Noir

    Going full popular vote would decimate the Republican Party and I am here for that.

  • hot pancakes

    popular vote would literally force politicians to actually campaign instead of just targeting swing states.

    they would actually need to appeal to everyone to win

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    It’s f***ing insane that 50-200k voters decide everything in a country of 300+ million

  • Nov 14, 2020

    No. The electoral system is actually a pretty decent system to counter hive mind and not making it the united states of California, New York, Texas & the rest.

    What’s ridiculous about this post is it makes the assumption that everyone who lives in those states are going to vote one way. The reality is that a lot of people don’t vote or are discouraged from voting in states like California because the EC makes it feel like your vote literally doesn’t count — because it doesn’t.

    Could you explain the motivation for someone who lives in CA to vote conservative with the existence of an electoral college? Seems to me the popular vote would actually amplify individual choice instead of drowning out the minority votes in each state.

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    I really don’t understand the argument for electoral college. It makes a lot of votes essentially not count at all.

  • Nov 14, 2020

    Popular vote also means neoliberals for the rest of the USA existence

  • Nov 14, 2020
    1 reply

    They should switch to the popular vote but that's not happening because Republicans wouldn't win another election

    They could if they became sane lol

    In canada the Conservative party got more votes than the center left liberal party

    the thing is tht the canadian conservative party is pro climate change(Even tho their solutions are Nonsense), it’s leader is pro choice and generally socially liberal and not full on economic libertarian. So basically what democrats are rn lol

    So in a North American cultural climate a conservative party can definitely win more votes people just dnt realize how extreme current republicans are

  • Nov 14, 2020
    Jowe Buddew

    Man I'd argue for there to be restrictions on voting tbh. Some people should not be allowed to vote, forreal

    That’s a slippery slope to niggas ain’t allowed to vote no more

  • Nov 15, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    They could if they became sane lol

    In canada the Conservative party got more votes than the center left liberal party

    the thing is tht the canadian conservative party is pro climate change(Even tho their solutions are Nonsense), it’s leader is pro choice and generally socially liberal and not full on economic libertarian. So basically what democrats are rn lol

    So in a North American cultural climate a conservative party can definitely win more votes people just dnt realize how extreme current republicans are

    canada conservative party would probably be democrat in usa tho right?

  • Nov 15, 2020

    It’s f***ing insane that 50-200k voters decide everything in a country of 300+ million

    this isnt true at all

  • Nov 15, 2020
    Gary Givenchy

    I really don’t understand the argument for electoral college. It makes a lot of votes essentially not count at all.

    The idea is that every state gets at least a somewhat fair opportunity to vote for their own interests. It’s really just an antiquated holdover from when the federal government was much smaller in scale and the country was very much a union of independent states. They didn’t want the potential for one large, populous state basically ruling over all of the rest on the federal level.

  • Nov 15, 2020

    Proportional vote + an expanded party system is the move

  • Nov 15, 2020

    random election of lower and middle class citizens. After a month long term we vote on whether or not to keep them or find someone else.

  • Nov 16, 2020
    CLB Fractions

    canada conservative party would probably be democrat in usa tho right?

    Not exactly. They’d be solidly democrat in certain issues and to the left of republicans on most social issues but it depends.

    The house dems are pretty center left but they’d be more akin to senate democrats

  • Nov 16, 2020
    1 reply

    The electoral college system would make sense if the USA was still a true confederation of states with powerful state's rights, but that era is over and is never coming back. So just ditch it and switch to popular vote. 1 person 1 vote, or go back to a confederation of some sorts, instead of doing this impotent hybrid of federalism and centralism

    inb4 "but muh population centers will rule everything"
    You want land to rule instead of people?

  • Nov 16, 2020

    The electoral college system would make sense if the USA was still a true confederation of states with powerful state's rights, but that era is over and is never coming back. So just ditch it and switch to popular vote. 1 person 1 vote, or go back to a confederation of some sorts, instead of doing this impotent hybrid of federalism and centralism

    inb4 "but muh population centers will rule everything"
    You want land to rule instead of people?

    i think states should have less power to like you said that era is over

  • Nov 17, 2020

    abolish electoral college

    install ranked choice voting

    register every citizen

    national holiday on election day