For what reason
Lucki retweeted whoever the f*** this is, retweeting this tweet lol
wtf is this? if someone wants to shuffle an album, it's not a crime
i'm never doing it but who tf cares
..............bro i don't know what your response or party has anything to do with what i said.
You can shuffle plenty of mixtapes and lose nothing of value (can even come up with a more enjoyable order for the album). Hell even albums that are supposed to be in order sometimes are better shuffled (I prefer listening to EA shuffled way more than in order).
If it's more than 18 tracks, there's a temptation to shuffle ngl
Shuffling is acceptable if there is zero chance for a cohesive album experience as intended
Lucki retweeted whoever the f*** this is, retweeting this tweet lol admitting that he doesn't give af about his art is pretty telling
Lucki admitting that he doesn't give af about his art is pretty telling
I mean he is a d***gie bro