  • Apr 14, 2021
    1 reply

    I feel you bro, I had crazy insane insomnia but when I got a job I was good cus I knew i had to wake up early

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Idk if I’ve ever had sleep paralysis. There’s been times where I was on the brink of falling asleep and I heard weird noises or laughing but that’s about it

  • Apr 14, 2021

    I remember I was a kid and woke up with sleep paralysis and at the same time I was pissing myself

    fr just frozen watching myself piss a fountain in the air

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Fr, s*** is reminiscent of one of biggest fears, being buried alive. can't handle that s***

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Way too many experiences

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Funny thing is that happened to me in the morning

    Dude I’m always scared like a motherfckr 😭

    Use to have them every week previously

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Its only happened to me once but it was terrifying.

    Especially because it reminded me of how it felt right before I had a seizure

    Edit: Now I'm wondering if I had a legitimate bout of sleep paralysis before falling into a seizure wtf

  • Apr 14, 2021
    2 replies

    Im ngl man Ive never had this happen but ever time I read about it on here and ktt1 I kind of want it to happen to me to see what its like

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Im ngl man Ive never had this happen but ever time I read about it on here and ktt1 I kind of want it to happen to me to see what its like

    This but not really

    Seems like you unlock the sleep paralysis by lucid dreaming

    Makes sense

    Your body goes to sleep while your unconsciously awake

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Have had it happen a few times to me. Definitely one of the scariest feelings ever.

    Once was when I was around 7 years old, I remember screaming for my mom but no voice would come out

  • Apr 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Last summer was the worst for me. I had 5 sleeping paralysis nights back to back over the course of two weeks. The kind I’ve never had before either. My heart would be racing and my chest would hurt. Really felt like I was having a heart attack. The first two times this happened I thought I was dying in my sleep and would make a prayer mentally

    I‘d legit be awake too but unable to move so I’d try to force myself to get up. I’d try so hard to the point where I’d get my body to wiggle back and forth until eventually I’d get up like:

    It got to the point where I dreaded falling asleep and would stay up until 7am and 9am just so I could avoid this experience. I think at the point the isolation from 4 months of lockdown and the chronic insomnia was taking a huge toll and causing it. I still get it every now and then and it sucks but it’s whatever

  • Apr 14, 2021

    have had too many

  • Apr 14, 2021

    I’ve only experienced sleep paralysis a handful of times. I can’t remember what I was dreaming of, but I remember trying to scream and get off my bed and it felt like my head was glued to the pillow and all i could let out was a mutter

  • Apr 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Last summer was the worst for me. I had 5 sleeping paralysis nights back to back over the course of two weeks. The kind I’ve never had before either. My heart would be racing and my chest would hurt. Really felt like I was having a heart attack. The first two times this happened I thought I was dying in my sleep and would make a prayer mentally

    I‘d legit be awake too but unable to move so I’d try to force myself to get up. I’d try so hard to the point where I’d get my body to wiggle back and forth until eventually I’d get up like:

    It got to the point where I dreaded falling asleep and would stay up until 7am and 9am just so I could avoid this experience. I think at the point the isolation from 4 months of lockdown and the chronic insomnia was taking a huge toll and causing it. I still get it every now and then and it sucks but it’s whatever

    F*** that sounds insane. I hope you don’t get them as bad as that anymore bro

  • Apr 14, 2021
    aaron xx

    last time i had it was when i was 15 or so

    i had been trying to lucid dream/astral project but ended in sleep paralysis

    saw a floating demon head staring at me but honestly didn't even get scared, just stared right back at the c***

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Im ngl man Ive never had this happen but ever time I read about it on here and ktt1 I kind of want it to happen to me to see what its like

    post nut coma will give you sleep paralysis

  • Apr 14, 2021
    p t

    i just spent what felt like an hour being kidnapped and not being able to move while sleeping but also while being awake at the same time

    went through this for years and it stopped happening when I moved out of my parents house

    Think it may be related to trauma/abuse

  • Apr 14, 2021
    p t

    i just spent what felt like an hour being kidnapped and not being able to move while sleeping but also while being awake at the same time

    Dont sleep on your back

  • Apr 14, 2021
    1 reply

    First time I had that s***, a 9 foot tall demon with a completely blacked out face sprinted from the corner of my room and got face to face with me and started saying some dark ass s*** in a weird super deep voice. S*** was terrifying.

  • Apr 14, 2021

    F*** that sounds insane. I hope you don’t get them as bad as that anymore bro

    Thanks fam I’m good now but it still happens here and there. Like someone else on here said you can trigger them by lucid dreaming and that’s how I started getting them. Stress just made it worse

  • Apr 14, 2021

    but fr, as soon as you notice you cant move, try wiggling your toes/fingers, even though you "cant move" you can do the slight movements and it'll tell your brain that youre awake and to unlock ur body

    ive also found that i fall back asleep in the same position i woke up in ill get sleep paralysis again

    That last piece of advice you gave is a major key. Sleeping in the same position or even sleeping right after you just woke up will trigger it again. Getting out of bed and doing a lap around the house can help a lot. Even just getting up to take a piss or splashing some water on your face will help.

  • aaron xx

    last time i had it was when i was 15 or so

    i had been trying to lucid dream/astral project but ended in sleep paralysis

    saw a floating demon head staring at me but honestly didn't even get scared, just stared right back at the c***

    I've wanted to attempt lucid dreaming before but like wtf didn't know you could end up sleep paralysis if you f*** it up

  • Apr 14, 2021
    Chuck McGill

    First time I had that s***, a 9 foot tall demon with a completely blacked out face sprinted from the corner of my room and got face to face with me and started saying some dark ass s*** in a weird super deep voice. S*** was terrifying.

    Bro wtf
    I never see s*** if I have them & I break myself out of them also

    couldnt imagine having one like this

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Shoutout to everybody who saw the same dark hat man w red eyes n sharp n long asss fingerz 💯

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Don't sleep on your back