  • loading 🧊
    Apr 14, 2021

    i thought its linked after the lucid dream and u suddenly wake up and then u paralysis

    for me this is true. a night of lucid dreaming would go dream>para>dream>para til it's over

  • Apr 14, 2021
    Troy Ave Stan

    You wide awake in your bed, well atleast it seems like you are

    But you can’t make no movement and no noise, sometimes people hallucinate and feel like theirs weight holding you down. It’s scary the first time, just gets annoying afterwards lol

    Damn that’s scary

    I’m not really sure if I ever had one.

    Is it random and happens to everyone randomly?

  • loading 🧊
    Apr 14, 2021
    1 reply

    sp scared me enough to never sleep on my back again lmao, ruined my sleep. too many run ins with that shadow/demon

    i remember it shaking the s*** out of my door, luckily i cut back into my dream.. come back to sp and it's in my room slowly approaching me and it sounds like it's speaking in this low ass demonic tone. then it looks like it's about to cover my nose and mouth and all i remember was trying to scream as hard i could internally. f*** that s***

  • Apr 14, 2021
    1 reply

    You get used to it, just chill and you'll go back to sleep. I've had it for like ten years and I legit forget I have it.

    People make it out like they're being abducted by aliens or have demons sitting on there chest like bro it's just that your brain woke up before your body

  • Apr 14, 2021
    1 reply

    You get used to it, just chill and you'll go back to sleep. I've had it for like ten years and I legit forget I have it.

    People make it out like they're being abducted by aliens or have demons sitting on there chest like bro it's just that your brain woke up before your body

    Nah those things can definitely happen, I've had a few hallucinations from sleep paralysis before

  • I can physically only sleep on my back,not allowed to turn or to sleep on stomach but surprisingly I've never had this

  • Apr 14, 2021

    Nah those things can definitely happen, I've had a few hallucinations from sleep paralysis before

    I have too but some people talk about it as if it isn't a hallucination, I deadass saw alien jesters around me talking s*** over my bedside when I was a kid with sleep paralysis and I was confused for like five years after that. I had no idea what sleep paralysis hallucinations were

  • Apr 14, 2021

    I get sleep paralysis quite often but luckily I don't hallucinate, I just cant move for like 30 seconds or so and then I snap out of it. Still scary as s*** tho.

  • Apr 14, 2021
    1 reply

    sp scared me enough to never sleep on my back again lmao, ruined my sleep. too many run ins with that shadow/demon

    i remember it shaking the s*** out of my door, luckily i cut back into my dream.. come back to sp and it's in my room slowly approaching me and it sounds like it's speaking in this low ass demonic tone. then it looks like it's about to cover my nose and mouth and all i remember was trying to scream as hard i could internally. f*** that s***

    Wow I dead experienced this too but it had horns and red eyes

  • loading 🧊
    Apr 14, 2021

    Wow I dead experienced this too but it had horns and red eyes

    man f*** that LMAO

  • Apr 14, 2021
    p t

    i just spent what felt like an hour being kidnapped and not being able to move while sleeping but also while being awake at the same time


  • Apr 14, 2021

    Ahhh f*** that sounds horrible. I'll send prayers your way broder @Pushin