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  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    I hear stories from my pops,moms,aunts,uncles about how wild s*** was back in the day before hiphop was even popular some even before there was a hiphop

    You can’t blame music for people doing stupid s***

  • BRUNTZ 🖤
    May 13, 2023

    if you end up killing people and trying hard d**** due to music, im inclined to say that’s natural selection at work


  • May 13, 2023
    2 replies

    That murder on my mind aesthetic melly had was super hard tho ngl

  • May 13, 2023

    Yes it does.

  • May 13, 2023
    iCarly Japan2

    i never killed one person or did d**** because of a rap song (i did it for other reasons)

    do you remember who you killed, where you killed them, when you killed them, and/or how you killed them?


  • May 13, 2023
    2 replies

    I hear stories from my pops,moms,aunts,uncles about how wild s*** was back in the day before hiphop was even popular some even before there was a hiphop

    You can’t blame music for people doing stupid s***

    I've heard stories about the Savage Nomads and the Decepticons and the Lo's and how they used to get down. Rap had no influence on crime during hip hop's early days.

  • JR

    I've heard stories about the Savage Nomads and the Decepticons and the Lo's and how they used to get down. Rap had no influence on crime during hip hop's early days.

    Exactly tomahawks mad other gangs was going crazy back then this s*** ain’t new at all

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    if you end up killing people and trying hard d**** due to music, im inclined to say that’s natural selection at work

    don’t know your personal story but it’s crazy hipsters who grew up with two parents and want to defend rap will say this like it’s not kids out here growing up with no role models or supervision before dark lol let alone impressionable suburban kids

    mfs will make jokes about how Hov have grown men wearing dress shirts and jeans and throwing away bball jerseys or Kanye wayne Pharrell etc making Niggas wear tight clothes but rap being able to make crime and d**** cool is out of the question. lol y’all love rappers and rap music so much

  • May 13, 2023

    i mean not all gangsta rap like geto boys nah but this bronx drill s*** it most definitely. whether it's actually getting kids to kill people I couldn't say lol

  • May 13, 2023

    I've heard stories about the Savage Nomads and the Decepticons and the Lo's and how they used to get down. Rap had no influence on crime during hip hop's early days.

    Why are you saying this like it’s out of the question certain things couldn’t have become exponentially worse in the 2000’s after rap? It’s unfortunate for one part of a city or one group of kids to be f***ed up but it’s different when 50 cent/Keef/YB revamps the entire archetype of what it means to be cool/young/black lol

  • May 13, 2023
    Chuckys Revenge

    Go watch ye second visit to drink champs.

    All this trauma p*** shoot ‘em up music can influence certain people to behave irrationally just like some people can’t smoke weed without going into psychosis. It doesn’t make weed bad it’s just not for certain people.

    You can watch The Games drink champs interview with him explaining how he “thought rap was real” because of what he heard in the songs growing up.

    Rap fans and most promoted rap artist these days are brain dead.

    I literally just saw someone wish death on nba young boy for mentioning drake in a song in another thread.

    “I hope drake puts a hit on him like he did X”

    “Gangsta rap” ain’t even real nowadays. It’s just some weird fetish other races love seeing black men engage in and unfortunately impressionable people mimic that behavior because they think it’s cool.

    its really crazy how the people who are most adamant about defending rap and it’s influence are likely the most detached from the consequences of some of the ethos it promotes and instills in black youth.

  • May 13, 2023

    That murder on my mind aesthetic melly had was super hard tho ngl


    Yeah it has influence because these negative conditions are veiled in success glory and “aesthetics” so a lot of kids feel empowered to follow suit

  • May 13, 2023

    Usually when this topic comes up I would say the system and conditions are the major factors for why and that's still true. But nowadays I can't lie the culture and music probably play a role, to what extent they play, id tho

  • May 13, 2023

    Also don't think the movies, tv, video games arguments hold up as well. Cause the music is from real people about real life things. That's inherently different than a work of a fiction

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    anything can influence anyone to do anything

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    That murder on my mind aesthetic melly had was super hard tho ngl

    What is an “aesthetic” about his mugshot. He didn’t have a distinct dressing or music video/visual style at the time he was locked up

    Lmao prime example of some goofy nerdy d*** riding glorification of a nigga simply being a criminal and niggas tryna blend that all together with “they’re just expressing their reality” lmao

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    don’t know your personal story but it’s crazy hipsters who grew up with two parents and want to defend rap will say this like it’s not kids out here growing up with no role models or supervision before dark lol let alone impressionable suburban kids

    mfs will make jokes about how Hov have grown men wearing dress shirts and jeans and throwing away bball jerseys or Kanye wayne Pharrell etc making Niggas wear tight clothes but rap being able to make crime and d**** cool is out of the question. lol y’all love rappers and rap music so much

    ? i didn’t say that rap music and hip hop artists don’t influence the youth to do d**** and other crazy s***, (that’d be pretty shortsighted to say) im saying that if they do become interested in that s*** through music, it’s natural selection because it’s dumb asf to do lol

    it’s no different from how these weirdo mass shooters watch some horror movies and then want to go out and try to kill someone, it’s just dumb lmao, im also 100% against censorship in art and feel like anyone should be able to express whatever they want in a creative medium, versus having to worry about mediating what they say due to some people taking what they say to heart and trying it out for themselves, idk where you exactly stand on that end but that’s how i personally see it

  • May 13, 2023

    Art is a reflection of the material world. It is not what moves it. It’s fascinating when seemingly progressive people easily fall for reactionary played out correlation and slippery slope fallacies. Not to get deterministic, but there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of how people’s brains operate. To believe a song or a film or a game or any piece of art really—has the ability to radically shift someone’s brain chemistry is utterly delusional. People who are seemingly set off by some artistic product have already been preconditioned to behave in that manner. It’s like a domino effect of action and reaction of their own making. It doesn’t conjure the impulse for violence, but rather colors it in a specific way. It’s like that quote from Scream — “movies don’t make psychos, they make psychos more creative”.

  • May 13, 2023

    @user you gotta look at it this way, there’s always going to be someone out there that takes some art and uses it to spur themselves to do some crazy s***

    look at Charles Manson, he literally took the
    Beatles’ Helter Skelter and formed an entire cult thinking that the song was somehow a call to arms for some apocalyptic race war, Helter Skelter is literally a song about a damn water slide

    that isn’t to say that everyone is as crazy as Manson was, but he serves as a good example that anyone will use anything they can get their hands on (in art) to inspire them to do some wild s***

  • May 13, 2023

    What is an “aesthetic” about his mugshot. He didn’t have a distinct dressing or music video/visual style at the time he was locked up

    Lmao prime example of some goofy nerdy d*** riding glorification of a nigga simply being a criminal and niggas tryna blend that all together with “they’re just expressing their reality” lmao

    yeah that boy d***riding and treating this s*** like a circus show

    average c**

  • YE2024

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Shouldn't the entirety of the suburban audience which love this street gangster rap be proof that music doesn't cause this s***?

  • May 13, 2023
    2 replies

    Crime is at an all time low overall in USA & crime existed, even at worst pesks, before Rap

    D****, murders & general sutuations that come with being in a poor tax bracket plus being a race that is literally lobbied politically & discriminated socially against in a country no wodner the music isnt about sunshine and rainbows

    Also Funk, Blues & Jazz had similar elements of d****, s***& gang violence before Rap

    If you dont want Rap to "inspire" violence, then you should probably stop the issue(s) that inspires the Raps.

    Also f*** you @op

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Black people were living like KINGS UNTIL RAP SHOWED UP BROOOOOO

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