Love this example
Turns out growing up in Chicago is a bigger factor than your media diet! Who knew
Everyone. Everyone knew that.
clown ass comment
i dont know if its been said but thats like saying "video games make kids violent" which has already been proven to be a brain dead opinion
man both u niggas be quiet and throw this s*** on @insertcoolnamehere
! fact you, one of the most self proclaimed pious users on this site doing this is proving user point lol
The fact you, one of the most self proclaimed pious users on this site doing this is proving user point lol
it’s tongue in cheek dawg relax lmao
i agree with hip hop being a bad influence (albeit not as egregious as you and him think) and allat other stuff, i just personally think it’s a bit of an ouroboros
there’s impoverished environments that some of these rap artists are authentically laying out their experiences (although i know @user has his gripes with this) and that in turn becomes glorified, romanticized and turned into a product for suburban kids and all adjacent to consume (ala Staples’ bit about selling his trauma)
it sells and it’s a pretty difficult mould to break save some conscious acts and the odd artist or two that genuinely does their own thing, (early Kanye, early Drake to an extent) user makes a semi-decent point about rap being the only genre that shames the consumer for not partaking in murder and all the other s*** they talk about, but honestly with how much hip hop has went mainstream and co, i honestly kind of feel like that sort of shtick and bravado is part of the overall package that rap comes with (which in turn obviously influences people to act like they’re down with the s*** they’re rapping about as well ‘cause it’s cool and romanticized!)
it’s a very complex and multifaceted issue overall
i dont know if its been said but thats like saying "video games make kids violent" which has already been proven to be a brain dead opinion
Do video games flash a message across the screen calling the kid p**** for not going on a kill streak in real life?
“Video Game Playing Ass Nigga” lol
Cause rappers do that and no one is acknowledging that when y’all make y’all’s silly little comparisons 😂
Do video games flash a message across the screen calling the kid p**** for not going on a kill streak in real life?
“Video Game Playing Ass Nigga” lol
Cause rappers do that and no one is acknowledging that when y’all make y’all’s silly little comparisons 😂
just because you see something like that doesnt mean its a command
most rappers arent even like that
just because you see something like that doesnt mean its a command
most rappers arent even like that
ehhh there’s a lot of flexing and posturing that rappers do in their songs, i can see people feeling like they should overcompensate for that sort of inferior feeling they might get hearing rappers talk about how tough they are by mimicking them and s***, but i still feel like that’s just part of the overall art form, and isn’t something that shouldn’t be emulated regardless (or even taken seriously)
im still really on the side of the consumers being kinda dumb asf for taking these rappers that serious to the point they do things irl that most of these artists wouldn’t do lol (or, haven’t even done)
Influence? No but it creates an echo effect in people who were already capable
BINGO! One giant echo chamber
so according to that logic all actors portraying criminals are to blame too? lock up Al Pacino then, no more movies about the mafia, gangsters, cartels, corrupt politicians, murders
oh also lets start banning video games too
and books
and theatre plays
if the people can't separate between art and real life, nobody is to blame but them
its the parents responsibility to teach kids basic morals, if you can't do that don't have kids
The assumption about raps are that they are real though, all those other things are presumed to be fictitious.
just because you see something like that doesnt mean its a command
most rappers arent even like that
So “I ain’t no rap nigga” “no cap rap” is something that only a few rappers do? 😂😂😂😂 oh brother.
Also Lmaoo at it “not being a command” to stupid f***ing kids with no guidance. “Just ignore it bro just because a rapper says it doesn’t mean you have to do it” lmao we talking about children…in a culture where Jay z had GROWN MEN wearing dress shirts and South Pole jeans like morons lol.
Y’all love rappers so damn much lol
just because you see something like that doesnt mean its a command
most rappers arent even like that
Most drill rappers are or adjacent to it to the point durk gotta actively add “this s*** is not real” to albums cause he got cases lol
if you listen to a song and are inspired to commit an act of crime you have deeper issues
if you listen to a song and are inspired to commit an act of crime you have deeper issues
What does this mean when we’re talking about children under the age of 16? Lmao Wtf
ehhh there’s a lot of flexing and posturing that rappers do in their songs, i can see people feeling like they should overcompensate for that sort of inferior feeling they might get hearing rappers talk about how tough they are by mimicking them and s***, but i still feel like that’s just part of the overall art form, and isn’t something that shouldn’t be emulated regardless (or even taken seriously)
im still really on the side of the consumers being kinda dumb asf for taking these rappers that serious to the point they do things irl that most of these artists wouldn’t do lol (or, haven’t even done)
Is that on the consumers for being dumb or the cooks for feeding and indoctrinating them?
We had kids make tik tok dances off a hook literally naming dead black kids last year bro
it’s tongue in cheek dawg relax lmao
i agree with hip hop being a bad influence (albeit not as egregious as you and him think) and allat other stuff, i just personally think it’s a bit of an ouroboros
there’s impoverished environments that some of these rap artists are authentically laying out their experiences (although i know @user has his gripes with this) and that in turn becomes glorified, romanticized and turned into a product for suburban kids and all adjacent to consume (ala Staples’ bit about selling his trauma)
it sells and it’s a pretty difficult mould to break save some conscious acts and the odd artist or two that genuinely does their own thing, (early Kanye, early Drake to an extent) user makes a semi-decent point about rap being the only genre that shames the consumer for not partaking in murder and all the other s*** they talk about, but honestly with how much hip hop has went mainstream and co, i honestly kind of feel like that sort of shtick and bravado is part of the overall package that rap comes with (which in turn obviously influences people to act like they’re down with the s*** they’re rapping about as well ‘cause it’s cool and romanticized!)
it’s a very complex and multifaceted issue overall
The 90s was such a special age cause joints like doo wop and keep ya head up woulda been S***TED on in this era lmao
Not all of it glorifies it but 90% of it does, that isn't debatable. Does it influence people to kill? For the impressionable minds it can start a slippery slope into doing risky things, sure, but if it escalates to killing idk if that can be blamed on the music - but it certainly isn't promoting them to be peaceful.
I'm gonna be fake for a second for being an RXK stan, but: gangsta rap should have never taken off, and is a blight on the genre, culture, and universal perception of it.