the idea that Gangsta / Trenches / Opp rap doesn't have an impact on Young black children is silly. If you've ever actually been in the trenches with these niggas, heard how they talk, seen how they act, you'd be a fool to not be able to see the obvious connection.
Is it the sole reason for their actions? No. But they'd probably be better off not listening to it lol
We factually know the impact that music can have on one's mood, desires, etc. so why would it not heavily impact how niggas who are already impoverished behave?
Love this example
Turns out growing up in Chicago is a bigger factor than your media diet! Who knew
Everyone. Everyone knew that.
Did the man that invented college go to college?
Did Papa Pickle have a Papa Pickle?
If gangster rap disappeared tomorrow would the conditions that created it disappear?
But it would decrease a lot of the incentive.
I just find it crazy yall bringing up “most these rappers are capping” when 75% of drill rappers are either doing time for a murder, bragging about doing it, or are the murdered being rapped about.
!https://youtu.be/gTH3AYUP9sE?t=135Lmaoo from niggas own mouths but they gonna swear they know more than the niggas from the actual communities they’re using as props for a debate. S***s amazing
People could be influenced by any form of entertainment
every KTT2 post is an infinite influence
If gangster rap disappeared tomorrow would the conditions that created it disappear?
We certainly would be able to think a lot more clearly to start brainstorming on the root solution to those issues if you didn’t have a culture that prioritized/glorified being dumb reckless violent capitalists in a language and presentation specifically tailored to young black people lol.
Crime is at an all time low overall in USA & crime existed, even at worst pesks, before Rap
D****, murders & general sutuations that come with being in a poor tax bracket plus being a race that is literally lobbied politically & discriminated socially against in a country no wodner the music isnt about sunshine and rainbows
Also Funk, Blues & Jazz had similar elements of d****, s***& gang violence before Rap
If you dont want Rap to "inspire" violence, then you should probably stop the issue(s) that inspires the Raps.
Also f*** you @op
I’ve said multiple times all entertainment influences people to do good and bad
We’re on a music forum and my post was a copy paste of my comment in a thread about gangsta rap
F*** me?
S*** is just racist, ignorant of history, ignorant of social and political happenings & a scapegoat to avoid doing something of actual help or effort.
Shut the f*** up.
100% It's easy to use music as a scapegoat but the facts are this s*** starts from the home. Rap music is the most popular genre in the world yet only a small percentage of folks are seemingly "affected" by it? Bullshit. Facts are that the issues are already there from childhood. It's easy to say "BAN RAP MUSIC" but it's harder to cure childhood neglect, abuse, etc. which largely actually causes this s***
Without current drill/gangster rap does 40 y/o kanye start claiming GD in his raps?
Does Drake all of a sudden start talking gangsta/so blatantly about X that his people try to put him on trial?
Does Ja wave that gun in the club?
I mean I literally used to work in Juvenile halls as a DSO
They’re in jail for the same crimes that are being depicted in songs that they requested us to play 24/7 but sure no connection
You’re being willfully ignorant if you actually are calling bullshit on the impact that gangsta rap has on young black males. They 100% are to varying degrees emulating what it is that they listen to and watch and when you combine that with the conditions that they’re born into? It’s a deadly combo.
Because it’s the only genre that sells you on the idea of there superhero like personas being how young black men are supposed to actually behave
No other genre or art form does that. Lol
man both u niggas be quiet and throw this s*** on @insertcoolnamehere
yeah this was an example i pulled out so long ago, these rockstars be on some wild satanic d*** binging s***, and you don’t see a bunch of white people really copying them
idk why rap is the only genre that gets this sort of magnifying glass held to it where it’s to blame for the way some niggas act
You absolutely do see white people copying the rocker taking d**** and f***ingvrtc it’s called Sec d**** and rocks and roll
it does reinforce some stereotypes in the black community tho. impoverished kids are more likely to throw their life away over some dumb s***.