  • May 8, 2021


    Nope what?

  • May 8, 2021
    1 reply

    100 Days In

    Hey guys, sorry for the late update I’ve been so so busy

    Thanks to you all 4 keeping the thread active and shout out @SonicNirvana for keeping it updated w the latest info

    100 million vaccinations were promised in 100 days. By day 100, they exceeded 200 million

    Number of migrant children in CPB facilities down over 80%

    Down from a peak of over 6,000 to less than 700

    On average, a migrant child will now spend less than 20 hours inside a Border Patrol facility

    AFAIK this was all Kamala Harris, IIRC she was put in charge of the border situation a few months ago

    Second-half of Infrastructure Plan Released

    In addition to the $2.25 trillion American Jobs Plan that is still pending a vote, the White House released another infrastructure package called the American Families Plan worth another $1.8 trillion

    The American Families Plan

    • Will guarantee paid family leave for workers
    • Will give universal access to FREE pre-school for every 3 and 4 year old
    • Will make 2 years of community college FREE for every American
  • May 8, 2021

    Biden is full of s***.

    Vast majority of blacks were killed by handguns. Tf is banning rifles gonna do for black gun violence. And what is banning rifles gonna do when the crazies who do mass shootings will simply just go to handguns? (Like how the boys in columbine went to hand guns because Clinton had an assault rifle ban in place)

    Neither people in the streets nor the crazies even use “ghost guns”. So how is banning them going to curve gun violence. “Ghost guns” are still federally regulated because most of them are pre constructed with serial numbers. And “ghost guns” that have no serial number are constructed by hardcore gun enthusiasts, licensed weapon smiths or gun manufacturing companies. This is because a ghost gun with no serial number is literally a piece of the gun that is a flat piece of unstamped steel, and all the guts of the rifle completely dissembled. You will need special parts and extensive gun smithing knowledge to put it together, you’ll literally be building a gun from SCRATCH, what f***ing low brow criminal or mass murdering nut case is going to spend his or her time reading how to construct a weapon from scratch, buy the tools to do so, when it’s cheaper and faster to purchase a gun thru the rampant black market gun circulation? In other words, vast majority of ghost guns are FEDERALLY regulated like regular firearms, and if they are lacking a serial number it’s because you will receive something that doesn’t even resemble a gun and will have to build the thing from scratch, which is very time consuming and expensive.

    How is liability protection going to make a criminal any less likely to commit murder? Seriously? If they don’t gaf about taking a persons life, they obviously don’t care about a company getting torn apart by the gov over legal damages they have no control over.

    What’s the point of banning buying a gun online or at a gun show when you STILL have to have a background check in before owning it in almost every state????

    And lastly, the areas with the most murders by handguns have extremely stringent gun control measures that have literally have made no impact in the likely hood of a criminal owning a gun, but has essentially made it very hard for a regular citizen in owning one. How is making a gun harder to purchase for a law abiding citizen going to make it harder for criminals who ALREADY disregard the law? These laws have no effect in them obtaining a weapon illegally, never did and never will.

    How about Biden implements an aggressive socialism program in high crime areas to improve their quality of life, encourage job growth and quality education, and improve their infrastructure? Why are we not attacking the cause of this violence? Poverty....Instead we are focused on attacking the effects of poverty because it’s tangible and it is quick to please to the masses. Socio economic reform is slow and complicated and takes great resources and dedication but it’s the only true way of reducing crime. We spend so much money on the military and foreign aid but won’t spend a dime to help those at home first. Instead we push out lazy ass “gun reform” like that’s gonna eradicate poverty or eliminate the criminal element in low income neighborhoods, it’s not.

    They are doing that lol

  • May 9, 2021

    never thought we would be here but its fun watching the lab rats run free

  • Gojira 🦖
    May 9, 2021
    1 reply
    monza sp1 x
    100 Days In

    Hey guys, sorry for the late update I’ve been so so busy

    Thanks to you all 4 keeping the thread active and shout out @SonicNirvana for keeping it updated w the latest info

    100 million vaccinations were promised in 100 days. By day 100, they exceeded 200 million
    Number of migrant children in CPB facilities down over 80%

    Down from a peak of over 6,000 to less than 700

    On average, a migrant child will now spend less than 20 hours inside a Border Patrol facility

    AFAIK this was all Kamala Harris, IIRC she was put in charge of the border situation a few months ago

    Second-half of Infrastructure Plan Released

    In addition to the $2.25 trillion American Jobs Plan that is still pending a vote, the White House released another infrastructure package called the American Families Plan worth another $1.8 trillion

    The American Families Plan

    • Will guarantee paid family leave for workers
    • Will give universal access to FREE pre-school for every 3 and 4 year old
    • Will make 2 years of community college FREE for every American

    The most progressive president of all time 100 days in

  • May 10, 2021

    At least 9 mass shooting just this weekend

  • May 13, 2021
    3 replies
  • May 13, 2021
    1 reply

    He’s always been a Zionist piece of s***, this is nothing new. The United States continues to be Israel’s lapdog

  • May 13, 2021
  • May 13, 2021

    when the repubs agree in the comments you know it's asinine.

  • May 13, 2021
    1 reply

    He’s always been a Zionist piece of s***, this is nothing new. The United States continues to be Israel’s lapdog

    Yes, we don't need to coddle allies when they're in the wrong. Hoping he readjusts his position.

  • May 13, 2021
    2 replies

    That's my president

  • May 13, 2021
    1 reply

    That's my president

  • May 13, 2021

  • May 13, 2021

    That's my president

    lolllll ur playin

  • May 13, 2021

    The most progressive president of all time 100 days in

    fdr and eisenhower and johnson say hi

    grant too lowkey

  • May 14, 2021

    Yes, we don't need to coddle allies when they're in the wrong. Hoping he readjusts his position.


  • May 17, 2021

    When are my loans cancelled

  • May 17, 2021

    genocide supporting f***

  • May 17, 2021
  • May 17, 2021

    funny how it’s right after the WHO comments

  • May 18, 2021
  • May 18, 2021

    would be nice if he called on Israel to ceasefire.

  • May 18, 2021

    him saying he was gunna run over the reporter for asking the question about israel is funniest s*** ive seen him do next to his classic CMON MANE
