  • Aug 27, 2020

    Twitter's the worst for me

    i mean,.. the "men are trash tweets" really hurt. but as long as it's not an instance of direct interaction, or i'm interested in the person then it doesn't bother me much..

  • Aug 27, 2020

    Twitter feels like its for 'cool kids' with their trash opinions

    Reddit Is like the place for the not so 'cool kids' to speak out

    Ig and snap chat Is just to show off mostly

  • Aug 27, 2020
    3 replies

    Maybe it's just because I'm old af but tbh people take the s*** way too seriously and tie their value as a person to people they'll never meet and probably wouldn't respect anyway.

    For me, social media is a place to catalog my daughter's life and pick up on news stories slightly more quickly than I would otherwise. That's really it.

    If you want a meaningful social media following that you can be proud of, focus on your craft and being the best in your field. Don't strive to be an influencer, make an influence on the world with something tangible and valuable.

  • Aug 27, 2020
    Soo Diff

    I understand what you're saying. Everyone promotes themselves on social media to an extent even if it's just you. Girls be thinking your weird nowadays if you don't have a Facebook/ig. Social media is a new normal these kids grew up on that s***.

  • Aug 27, 2020

    Also I didn't mention it but fan pages and like stan accounts are like super duper weird to me, like imagine having the mental to run an entire page dedicated to another person who has no idea you exist. I'm so tired of clario selfies on my explore page. I don't even use the app too much

  • Aug 27, 2020

    i don't read comments on ig or reddit 😖.. x_x there's possibility that it could ruin my day

    Like negatively? I never see negative comments on ig

  • Aug 27, 2020

    never really been that deep into the text based side of social media, i was always hooked on video. youtube, tiktok, vine have all sucked thousands of hours from my life. ktt has been the exception to that rule since i found out about it years ago and i was active in a college discord last year (which i wont be returning to). for the latter tho, i actually was able to make a couple friends but maybe closer to acquaintances. so not exactly meaningful friendship like you mentioned, but close to it and about as close as i usually get to people. then again discord is a bit more personal than something like twitter so not quite the same situation

    at the same time, i never jumped into social media until it was too late, so i was scared to friend people or follow them but not get followed back bc no one knows who you are. i was still able to make connections and new friends in person esp in hs, but i still felt left out at times. my instagram was deactivated from sophomore year on new years until i graduated (and i recently re-deactivated it again) so that didnt help either

    i guess what im saying is you can make meaningful connections with strangers on more personal platforms, but sitting out limits your experiences within your local community

    also, is this the topic of your upcoming video? looking forward to it either way

  • Aug 27, 2020

    Bro any "cool job" requires social media clout, they asked me about my follower count at a job interview for a f***ing clothing store once

  • Aug 27, 2020
    2 replies

    I don't know I think social media is whatever you make it. Would you consider KTT or discussion boards social media? Its a very broad term that could include any online community for any purpose.

  • Aug 27, 2020

    well ur lucky social media isn’t the worst part

  • Aug 27, 2020

    I don't know I think social media is whatever you make it. Would you consider KTT or discussion boards social media? Its a very broad term that could include any online community for any purpose.

    It is. But it's not social media as we know it today.Forums have probably been around since the beginning of the internet and forums might be just as distracting and harmful as social media to some people. But forums were never going to influence our collective minds and society the way social media has. Forums are a kind of a cliquey thing, it's an anonymous thing, if you post on a forum there's a good chance you have something in common with the users that post there, forums separate themselves. Social media is universal and suppose to be a bit more personal or so they pretend to be, anyone can join, everyone has a platform to spew there hot takes, and anyone can choose how to present themselves, they can reach millions of users maybe even billions. I agree that it is what you make of it and we should. But at this point it's so ingrained into our culture the influence social media has on people and our society as a whole I don't think it can be understated.

  • Aug 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Build something then.

  • Aug 27, 2020
    Stan Smith

    Build something then.

    no u.

  • Aug 27, 2020

    deleted facebook and twitter a long time ago

    life is so much better without that cancer

  • Aug 27, 2020
    3 replies

    just saying, the same thing y'all complain about when it comes to social media happens here as well, the circlejerk of negativity, the want for validation (as a result of the like system), it all occurs on here

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 27, 2020

    I don't know I think social media is whatever you make it. Would you consider KTT or discussion boards social media? Its a very broad term that could include any online community for any purpose.

    Forums are usually based upon a shared interest. Most big social media is just a way to show off your life. Big difference imo.

  • its wild how toxic some people on twitter can be

  • Gojira 🦖
    Aug 27, 2020

    Maybe it's just because I'm old af but tbh people take the s*** way too seriously and tie their value as a person to people they'll never meet and probably wouldn't respect anyway.

    For me, social media is a place to catalog my daughter's life and pick up on news stories slightly more quickly than I would otherwise. That's really it.

    If you want a meaningful social media following that you can be proud of, focus on your craft and being the best in your field. Don't strive to be an influencer, make an influence on the world with something tangible and valuable.

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 27, 2020

    Maybe it's just because I'm old af but tbh people take the s*** way too seriously and tie their value as a person to people they'll never meet and probably wouldn't respect anyway.

    For me, social media is a place to catalog my daughter's life and pick up on news stories slightly more quickly than I would otherwise. That's really it.

    If you want a meaningful social media following that you can be proud of, focus on your craft and being the best in your field. Don't strive to be an influencer, make an influence on the world with something tangible and valuable.

    It's cuz we old af bro.

    To kids these days sm is everything.

  • Aug 27, 2020

    just saying, the same thing y'all complain about when it comes to social media happens here as well, the circlejerk of negativity, the want for validation (as a result of the like system), it all occurs on here

    i loved how og ktt had no likes and kind of encouraged discussion through quotes even though half the time you got an empty reply but still

  • Aug 27, 2020

    Maybe it's just because I'm old af but tbh people take the s*** way too seriously and tie their value as a person to people they'll never meet and probably wouldn't respect anyway.

    For me, social media is a place to catalog my daughter's life and pick up on news stories slightly more quickly than I would otherwise. That's really it.

    If you want a meaningful social media following that you can be proud of, focus on your craft and being the best in your field. Don't strive to be an influencer, make an influence on the world with something tangible and valuable.

    are you worried in any way about putting photos of your children online?

  • Aug 27, 2020

    This is why Snapchat gets such a bad rap because you need friends and an interesting personality to make that app worthwhile

    I hated snap but facts.