Communism Thread

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  • Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    I think it's more than that tbh. I think that's part of it but i think there's a social aspect. As a younger person you're more likely to have slightly rebellious social beliefs - not economically necessarily - but in the sense of thinking the social norms of the generation before you are flawed and gravitate toward the groups which attempt to progressively abolish or conflict with those groups older than you (for a multitude of reasons, I don't think it's not "trying to be hip and rebellious" superficially) - i also do htink those norms tend to always more aligned logically with leftist groups for obvious reasons (not always though which is how you end up with conservative/libertarian social activists i.e. andrew sullivan). However as you get older, you get more concretely settled because you aren't in touch with the younger generation and their own social trends, which then creates the same cyclical conflict.

    I mean, as a good example of this, look at how many women didn't support civil rights, how many civil rights activists didn't support gay rights, but then how many like gay activists don't support trans stuff, etc.

    Yea ofc it's just one aspect

  • Aug 5, 2022

    Socdem is when your PRINCIPLES make you want change but your SELF INTEREST dont want toooo much change

    Basically lol

  • Nessy 🦎
    Aug 5, 2022
    3 replies
    krishna bound

    i thought you were making an argument about physiognomy and political views lmfao

    We should bring back physiognomy as a joke

  • Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    The whole bit about people being young and later turning conservative is a tired talking point but there's some truth to it

    When your politics revolves around what you perceive to further your own individual interest it's easy to be left-wing when you're young and worrying about student debt

    But when you got a decent job, paid your loans off, own a house, maybe even another one you can rent out, do you still stand by your PRINCIPLES

    Ngl it still kinda surprises me that so many people really just don't care about society and will readily admit it too, but then these are the same people doing social media activism lol

    People are crayz man

    Never understood this s*** either because at least for me as I’ve gotten older, gone to college, started working full time etc. you really see how f***ed up the system rly is and it’s only reinforced my views

  • Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply

    We should bring back physiognomy as a joke

    Playing with fire

    Leftist satire is right wing theory

  • Scratchin Mamba

    Yea ofc it's just one aspect

    the thing is i guess that i'm saying is that a lot of these views aren't necessarily libs becoming conservatives it's that lib/conservative as a dichotomy is largely relative to time period and those views don't actually change necessarily they jsut get labeled as conservative once the overton window shifts in favor of the new generational argument up until some massive catalyst happens that pushes the overton backward in a sisyphean fashion

    i actually think inversely if you're not talking social lib/con politics the exact opposite has actually in terms of economic views, where 100 years ago the overton window of left vs right economics was incredibly wide (i mean there were literal federal campaigns in the US for socialism & syndicalism) and now it's like "SUBSIDIZED HEALTHCARE? WHAT ARE YOU, A CHINESE SOVIET?".

  • Aug 5, 2022
    p apollo

    Never understood this s*** either because at least for me as I’ve gotten older, gone to college, started working full time etc. you really see how f***ed up the system rly is and it’s only reinforced my views

    Yeah definitely, but a lot of people narrowly focus on their own self-interests as individuals, and objectively, and comparatively as a college student your self-interest lines up more with left-wing politics than when you get a cozy lil bullshyt job at Deloitte after

  • Nessy 🦎
    Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Playing with fire

    Leftist satire is right wing theory

    But doing satire satisfies my self interest

  • Aug 5, 2022

    But doing satire satisfies my self interest

    French moment

  • Aug 5, 2022
    2 replies

    We should bring back physiognomy as a joke

    i be seeing how these mass shooters always end up looking and I’m like

  • Aug 5, 2022
    p apollo

    i be seeing how these mass shooters always end up looking and I’m like

    when it's right...

  • Nessy 🦎
    Aug 5, 2022
    p apollo

    i be seeing how these mass shooters always end up looking and I’m like

    @Scratchin_Bandit it begins 😈

  • Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Physiognomy is still a thing in psychology actually lol

  • Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply
  • Aug 5, 2022

    Psychologists are insane ngl

  • Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Physiognomy is still a thing in psychology actually lol

    can't you actually detect autism with like 90% positivity through facial features?

  • Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    i spot a pedophile in his face maybe he isn’t wrong

  • Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Imagine spilling out all your lifetime of trauma and pain and the psychologist just looking back at you like

  • Aug 5, 2022
    krishna bound

    can't you actually detect autism with like 90% positivity through facial features?

    It's actually a real thing with developmental disorders a lot of times also alcohol spectrum disorder

    But it gets a lil weird when they do it for personality traits lol

  • Aug 5, 2022
    p apollo

    Imagine spilling out all your lifetime of trauma and pain and the psychologist just looking back at you like

  • Womanpuncher69

    i spot a pedophile in his face maybe he isn’t wrong

    the origin of all these wojaks/soyjaks/etc. exist for a reason

  • Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Research in the 1990s indicated that three elements of personality in particular – power, warmth and honesty – can be reliably inferred.clarification needed

    Some evidence indicated that the pattern of whorls in the scalp had some correlation to male homosexuality,26 though subsequent research has largely refuted the findings on hair whorl patterns.27

    A February 2009 article in New Scientist magazine reported that physiognomy is living a small revival, with research papers trying to find links between personality traits and facial traits.2 A study of 90 ice hockey players found a statistically significant correlation between a wider face—a greater than average cheekbone-to-cheekbone distance relative to the distance between brow and upper lip—and the number of penalty minutes a player received for violent acts like slashing, elbowing, checking from behind, and fighting.28

    This revival has been confirmed in the 2010s with the rise of machine learning for facial recognition. For instance, researchers have claimed that it is possible to predict upper body strength and some personality traits (propensity to aggression) only by looking at the width of the face.29 Political orientation can also be reliably predicted.30

    In 2017, a controversial study claimed that an algorithm could detect sexual orientation 'more accurately than humans' (in 81% of the tested cases for men and 71% for women). A director of research of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) accused the study of being "junk science" to the BBC.31 The director, an 'equity and inclusion strategist' with no scientific background, was criticized by the researchers for "premature judgement". The researchers criticized GLAAD and HRC's press release for falsely stating the paper was not peer reviewed. In early 2018, researchers, among them two specialists of AI working at Google (one of the two on face recognition), issued a reportedly contradicting study based on a survey of 8,000 Americans using Amazon's Mechanical Turk crowd-sourcing platform. The survey yielded many traits helping to discriminate between gay and straight respondents with a series of yes/no questions. These traits had actually less to do with morphology than with grooming, presentation, and lifestyle (makeup, facial hair, glasses, angle of pictures taken of self, etc.).32 For more information of this sexual orientation issue in general, see gaydar.

    In 2020, a study on the use of consumer facial images for marketing research purposes concluded that deep learning on facial images can extract a variety of personal information relevant to marketers and so users' facial images could become a basis for ad targeting on Tinder and Facebook.33 According to the study, while most of facial images' predictive power is attributable to basic demographics (age, gender, race) extracted from the face, image artifacts, observable facial characteristics, and other image features extracted by deep learning all contribute to prediction quality beyond demographics.clarification needed

    Critics of physiognomy say that the human mind tends to extrapolate emotions from facial expressions (e.g., blushing) and physiognomy, with its assumption of permanent characteristics, is only an over-generalization of this skill. Also, if one classifies a person as untrustworthy due to facial features, and treats them as such, that person may eventually behave in an untrustworthy way toward the person holding this belief (see self-fulfilling prophecy).2

  • Nessy 🦎
    Aug 5, 2022

    "This guy is probably gay"
    "You know having a gaydar means you’re gay too"
    "Huuuuuuuuuuuh" invents physiognomy

  • Aug 5, 2022

    Psychologists be like based on your face you're a Machiavellian gay monarchist who will buy mango flavored candy with low upper body strength with a tendency to act violently

  • Aug 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Research in the 1990s indicated that three elements of personality in particular – power, warmth and honesty – can be reliably inferred.clarification needed

    Some evidence indicated that the pattern of whorls in the scalp had some correlation to male homosexuality,26 though subsequent research has largely refuted the findings on hair whorl patterns.27

    A February 2009 article in New Scientist magazine reported that physiognomy is living a small revival, with research papers trying to find links between personality traits and facial traits.2 A study of 90 ice hockey players found a statistically significant correlation between a wider face—a greater than average cheekbone-to-cheekbone distance relative to the distance between brow and upper lip—and the number of penalty minutes a player received for violent acts like slashing, elbowing, checking from behind, and fighting.28

    This revival has been confirmed in the 2010s with the rise of machine learning for facial recognition. For instance, researchers have claimed that it is possible to predict upper body strength and some personality traits (propensity to aggression) only by looking at the width of the face.29 Political orientation can also be reliably predicted.30

    In 2017, a controversial study claimed that an algorithm could detect sexual orientation 'more accurately than humans' (in 81% of the tested cases for men and 71% for women). A director of research of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) accused the study of being "junk science" to the BBC.31 The director, an 'equity and inclusion strategist' with no scientific background, was criticized by the researchers for "premature judgement". The researchers criticized GLAAD and HRC's press release for falsely stating the paper was not peer reviewed. In early 2018, researchers, among them two specialists of AI working at Google (one of the two on face recognition), issued a reportedly contradicting study based on a survey of 8,000 Americans using Amazon's Mechanical Turk crowd-sourcing platform. The survey yielded many traits helping to discriminate between gay and straight respondents with a series of yes/no questions. These traits had actually less to do with morphology than with grooming, presentation, and lifestyle (makeup, facial hair, glasses, angle of pictures taken of self, etc.).32 For more information of this sexual orientation issue in general, see gaydar.

    In 2020, a study on the use of consumer facial images for marketing research purposes concluded that deep learning on facial images can extract a variety of personal information relevant to marketers and so users' facial images could become a basis for ad targeting on Tinder and Facebook.33 According to the study, while most of facial images' predictive power is attributable to basic demographics (age, gender, race) extracted from the face, image artifacts, observable facial characteristics, and other image features extracted by deep learning all contribute to prediction quality beyond demographics.clarification needed

    Critics of physiognomy say that the human mind tends to extrapolate emotions from facial expressions (e.g., blushing) and physiognomy, with its assumption of permanent characteristics, is only an over-generalization of this skill. Also, if one classifies a person as untrustworthy due to facial features, and treats them as such, that person may eventually behave in an untrustworthy way toward the person holding this belief (see self-fulfilling prophecy).2

    81% / 71% success what was the margin accounting for those who were lying because they were closeted