OP biasing yourself by not including the possibility that 4) it was just instrument error or an extremely rare natural phenomenon. Obviously if you only list those three extremely specific explanations then it seems obvious that there’s a conspiracy but you should do yourself a credit and include everything
but thats exactly the thing that leads to those 3 options
based on the public information out there this totally could be a possibility that its equipment failure or something
but if the US government has eyewitnesses, radar, thermal/IR, video and the like then they know to a high degree of accuracy whether this is the case or not
if it is equipment failure and they don't want to admit it then it's option 3
if its not equipment failure then its option 1 or 2
as far as a rare natural phenomenon goes I feel like this fits into the same kinda boat but ill admit that I didn't really consider that a serious option - regardless the US government then knows a lot about a really bizarre natural phenomenon and is doing some really weird spin with all this UFO PR stuff
Hard to come up with an explanation other than the three things you listed.
Logic says that at least one of the three of those has to be true
also, even if the videos are crazy s*** i think one of the realities is that short grainy black and white videos of a moving blob are never going to be able to captivate the general public on a mass scale like that. like unless the video itself was unimaginably crazy. even if this stuff is as wild as some think it is with these videos, i dont think the videos itself are attention grabbing enough.
no I totally agree
I think that is the reason why it doesn't have more attention
Hard to come up with an explanation other than the three things you listed.
Logic says that at least one of the three of those has to be true
like trying to be as objective as possible I feel like its really hard to find an explanation that doesn't broadly fit into one of those 3 categories
for more funding?
Don’t know exactly why, who knows why we get manipulated the way we do it’s always something.
basically that they have enough video, radar, other sensor data and eyewitnesses to know for sure whether something was there
like it totally could've been the pilots seeing glare or something right? but then if the radar data also fits it gets a little more unlikely that's the case but maybe it just malfunctioned? but then if the video is there and the infrared/thermal shows something strange then its getting really doubtful that its just some mistake.
im not saying they can know its a craft but they can know to a really high degree what the chances of this being a mistake are and what potentially realistic explanations are - and no-one else can make this judgement call w/out access to the level of information that they have
yeah but "something was there" is a big jump to make to knowing what the something is, like if it was literally something defying all the laws of physics it would take a lot to prove (but yeah that is kinda the whole point why its mysterious and a bit spooky)
also maybe im not as scared (or surprised) by the idea of the military developing crazy technology as much as i should be. and ofc how it could be another government or something that adds to the secrecy. but then maybe if we knew that for sure we wouldnt have even seen these videos released at all
like trying to be as objective as possible I feel like its really hard to find an explanation that doesn't broadly fit into one of those 3 categories
Yeah there really isn’t an explanation that isn’t covered by those. I honestly think option 1 is most likely.
I agree that option 3 has to be an option in order to include all possibilities, but when you think about it, like you said, why would they be completely making all this up haha
yeah but "something was there" is a big jump to make to knowing what the something is, like if it was literally something defying all the laws of physics it would take a lot to prove (but yeah that is kinda the whole point why its mysterious and a bit spooky)
also maybe im not as scared (or surprised) by the idea of the military developing crazy technology as much as i should be. and ofc how it could be another government or something that adds to the secrecy. but then maybe if we knew that for sure we wouldnt have even seen these videos released at all
I agree w your first paragraph but I think that the military has the capability to know to a pretty high degree how legitimate this is. they have enough funding that we're considering the possibility that they have things that can defy the laws of physics - I feel like its not really a reach at all to say that if they were tracking these things for days and sending fighter jets to observe they know a lot more than just "could be aliens could be a balloon could be nothing" which seems to be the current position
Aliens dont exist so cant be option 1
option 1 doesn't even necessitate aliens - other options are equally nuts imo but its not just limited to aliens
Idk why the assumption that they have more data is a sound one. If a craft can defy physics ostensibly itd definitely be resistant to any known sensor in any spectrum we're currently aware of. So I see the first option but only the first half.
Idk why the assumption that they have more data is a sound one. If a craft can defy physics ostensibly itd definitely be resistant to any known sensor in any spectrum we're currently aware of. So I see the first option but only the first half.
thats a valid point but I think that its sound to say they would've had the technology present to gather more data in this situation and would have at least tried given that they scrambled jets to investigate
so then if there is a lack of data that in itself is a data point because that would suggest something really unusual in itself - and the US government hasn't said anything about this either
but thats a good point and honestly does present a problem w my argument if it turns out to be the case but regardless it shows the government covering this up to an extent
option 1 doesn't even necessitate aliens - other options are equally nuts imo but its not just limited to aliens
I only mean aliens as in sci-fi green or gray little men from another planet dont exist
I'll give you this. It's less far fetched than thinking an all powerful deity cares if you play with your butthole
I guess you could ask yourself what interest does that serve sentient life beyond our own?
If that was a UFO, What was its purpose? To get spotted like a jackass in foreign territory? Doesn’t seem very sentient to me.
Dont wanna be sapiencentric with my line of thinking but to me its just happenstance
imo our intelligence did deals w demons/lower dimension beings to get this technology and can’t tell us for obvious reasons
This is the thing that always gets me though, similar to what others are saying above me:
If aliens exist and it is their mission to stay hidden, are these ones slipping up recently? Is our technology improving in a way that we now see them?
If they exist and are hiding - why? And why are they surfacing?
Also, how has one not slipped up so bad yet to the point where they would have appeared on earth either due to a crash/accidental death etc? Are they that flawless?
They probably just wanna watch Minions, tell them they got the wrong place and direct them to the closest cinema.