What is this motherfucker saying?
out of the ones they use he isnt wrong what are you thinking
Like they abandoned a lot of those IP . They possibly bought the companies after but sometimes that doesnt mean they still posess the IP those companies have etc etc.
What he said isnt as dumb as you think
What is this motherfucker saying?
When a game journalist or developer speaks, you listen. You don’t know games.
Just give me another Resistance game man damn.
they didnt own insomniac til later so I dont think he is counting that
I think they are only counting companies that that they owned from start of development of characters and franchises
so he isn't really wrong
Then on anime side they literally bought funimation and owned Crunchyroll before that
When a game journalist or developer speaks, you listen. You don’t know games.
Especially when the testers speak up!
When a game journalist or developer speaks, you listen. You don’t know games.
you name the main character of the gameplay trailer I posted I will delete the thread and bow to you
but you cant so yes you dont know what you are talking about
they didnt own insomniac til later so I dont think he is counting that
Twisted Metal?
Like, if they want a GAAS game, why not use one of those IPs to build off of?
Also, bring back Syphon Filter, I NEED a new AAA stealth/espionage game.
Dormant IP Sony is sitting on:
Syphon Filter
Twisted Metal?
Like, if they want a GAAS game, why not use one of those IPs to build off of?
Also, bring back Syphon Filter, I NEED a new AAA stealth/espionage game.
they are publisher on 2 of those
when I think he means develop and publish from jump
I don't know though I cant access full article
That would be my guess though from what I am gathering he means develop in first party studio from jump not publish then buy or acquire the company ( same s*** microsoft does )
Sony: lets make another Superhero game 👍
the genius of buying insomniac then having them pump out super hero games for a decade rather than diversify with their great amount of talent. At least we got a great ratchet and clank
Dormant IP Sony is sitting on:
Syphon Filter
None of those IPs are super successful. Which is the point, if they were, they would not be dormant.
they are publisher on 2 of those
when I think he means develop and publish from jump
I don't know though I cant access full article
That would be my guess though from what I am gathering he means develop in first party studio from jump not publish then buy or acquire the company ( same s*** microsoft does )
That’s what they’ve been doing though.
Concord was already in development and they acquired the studio making it because they are/were desperate for a GAAS hit.
They need to go all in on Helldivers and stick with making more single player titles, which is what people tend to buy a PS for tbh.
God I hope that showcase or whatever they have this month is good.
these lazy f***s just want a quick buck instead of taking an existent ip and trying something new w it.
the genius of buying insomniac then having them pump out super hero games for a decade rather than diversify with their great amount of talent. At least we got a great ratchet and clank
The first Spider-Man game outsold every single game insomniac had previously made combined. That is the genius lmao.
what the fukk are yall smoking in this section
None of those IPs are super successful. Which is the point, if they were, they would not be dormant.
a new little big planet could be something
Dormant IP Sony is sitting on:
Syphon Filter
War of the Monsters
Jak and Dakster
Sly Cooper
The first Spider-Man game outsold every single game insomniac had previously made combined. That is the genius lmao.
what the fukk are yall smoking in this section
sales is dope man super dope and I am glad they are getting the sales but smaller games which Sony Japan used to make and filling the in between is the soul
Gravity Rush and so many other games which is why we fell in love with playstation as a brand.....
Dormant IP Sony is sitting on:
Syphon Filter
ive always wondered why there hasn’t been another motorstorm that game was good
a new little big planet could be something
There are 6 LittleBigPlanet games that combined across multiple generations and genres. The well is dry.
Especially when the testers speak up!
Name 10 main characters before you quote me. You don’t know games mate.