all they have to do is start pumping out more high quality AA titles. something like a ape escape remake or even a new title would be a nice start
Sony is too focused on being taken seriously for that
yeah your opinion just different
There is a reason he left for Gendesign before studio japan close
there is also a reason Last Guardian development was so troubled
The Last Guardian for me always felt sort of like the gaming equivalent to Carter 6.
Hyped up and delayed for so, so long, but then when it finally released it kind of disappeared from all conversation before long.
I dont see anything wrong, sony Is really bad at fostering ips, in the sense that they self every potential series that doesnt sell well, despite a potential being there. And even then, there's nothing wrong with having niche titles on your portfolio. I'll never understand letting the studio behind cult classics like ico, sotc, both gravity rushes and last guardian close down because they didnt make them a lot of money, when all these games helped give early playstation prestige. You already have gow, spiderman and horizon to cover costs, a lower budget gravity rush is not ruining your business, attempts like concord are.
But you cannot have this discussion without mentioning how sony has trained their audience, because i think thats the root of the issue. If you promise them and always give them 3rd person Hollywood budget story driven action adventure games (with the appreciated exceptions like astro, returnal and gran turismo), your audience is not gonna be open to a sly cooper or the before mentioned gravity rush. Ratchet and Clank survived because they made a movie and the newest game is very pixar-like, so more palatable.
As always, and i know ima sound like a stan, look how Nintendo does it and you'll understand why they're unfuckwitable when it comes to first party offerings🤐
This sxn and gamers in general are idiots that think they’re so smart
Name 10 bosses from new franchises. You don’t know games mate. Leave it to the journalist, developers, and veterans.
I dont see anything wrong, sony Is really bad at fostering ips, in the sense that they self every potential series that doesnt sell well, despite a potential being there. And even then, there's nothing wrong with having niche titles on your portfolio. I'll never understand letting the studio behind cult classics like ico, sotc, both gravity rushes and last guardian close down because they didnt make them a lot of money, when all these games helped give early playstation prestige. You already have gow, spiderman and horizon to cover costs, a lower budget gravity rush is not ruining your business, attempts like concord are.
But you cannot have this discussion without mentioning how sony has trained their audience, because i think thats the root of the issue. If you promise them and always give them 3rd person Hollywood budget story driven action adventure games (with the appreciated exceptions like astro, returnal and gran turismo), your audience is not gonna be open to a sly cooper or the before mentioned gravity rush. Ratchet and Clank survived because they made a movie and the newest game is very pixar-like, so more palatable.
As always, and i know ima sound like a stan, look how Nintendo does it and you'll understand why they're unfuckwitable when it comes to first party offerings🤐
Exactly why I’ve argued against movie game after movie game . While also knowing the high of dropping movie games wears thin quickly on people
You know s***'s bad when ppl ask for Resistance to come back
That game was kind of made for the dual sense give them folks a spider man Wolverine break lol. When you only work on one type of game for a while you get gassed out or less inspired
Name 10 bosses from new franchises. You don’t know games mate. Leave it to the journalist, developers, and veterans.
Damn it’s been 24 hours and you still can’t watch a gameplay trailer to completion
Damn it’s been 24 hours and you still can’t watch a gameplay trailer to completion
I’ve watched it 20 times mate. It just blows me away. I just don’t know games like you mate. Congrats.
I don’t get the “those games don’t make money” argument. Sony excels at niche titles. It’s what defined them before.
They already have their cash cows, just keep pumping out TLOU, Borizon, Spider-Slop and God of Snore. For every one of these entries that are successful, you can release 1-2 smaller budget beloved franchise games. Maybe catch some critical acclaim and good WOM and turn those into high selling titles. This satisfies everybody and diversifies your catalog in a big way
I know it’s not a Sony exclusive, but MHW is a great example of a niche franchise becoming a titan seemingly overnight
sadly games are becoming too big to fail and i just dont see the big guys willing to invest in smaller projects, they'd all rather dump on bigger projects expecting a bigger yield
its just the state of the industry rn
Dormant IP Sony is sitting on:
Syphon Filter
Dormant IP Sony is sitting on:
Syphon Filter
If it was up to me we'd be on Jak X 3 rn
To be honest waiting for old f***ers in charge of the gaming industry to die off
I am telling you not asking game companies care about live service because they dont want you to get a dmt trip
they dont give a f*** if you cry to a game
they want you to get a hit of crack and keep coming back
buying the merch, the lego set, the tv show, the skins
they want you to make a game your entire personality and preach the gospel about it
My friend is like that with TLOU. He’s bought all the games including remaster, collecters edition etc. wish I could smack some sense into him or at least get him to buy actual cool s***
My friend is like that with TLOU. He’s bought all the games including remaster, collecters edition etc. wish I could smack some sense into him or at least get him to buy actual cool s***
well yeah trauma is a smart market to trigger someone to make it their entire personality
look at vegans with factory farming videos
its smart
that or "look a father figure " "Grief" look how serious we are
but you can do all of that with a game being fun rather than it trying so hard to evoke an emotion out of you
well yeah trauma is a smart market to trigger someone to make it their entire personality
look at vegans with factory farming videos
its smart
that or "look a father figure " "Grief" look how serious we are
but you can do all of that with a game being fun rather than it trying so hard to evoke an emotion out of you
I never played those games but damn that makes perfect sense now damn. I thought he he just liked mid