killzone they dont really want to cover nazism right now lol. Also resistance and killzone would be much higher budget if live action than a last of us which is already basically 28 days later, I am legend, so many proven properties.
Most they could do with those is animated series or arkane level which doesn't seem to interest them because a lot of people watching an anime doesnt interest them
cyberpunk worked though and got people to play the game again.
they dont even have a recent resistance , twisted metal or killzone to hook people in
they definitely care about anime since they bought crunchyroll
there’s probably better avenues than bringing back a couple of PS3 shooters people wanted to get away from
prepare for spider man 3, wolverine, 1, 2, dlc
I mean I’m sure I’ll enjoy wolverine but insomniac is one of their better creative studios imo. There’s gotta be someone else they can have make Marvel games for the next decade.
I don’t get the “those games don’t make money” argument. Sony excels at niche titles. It’s what defined them before.
They already have their cash cows, just keep pumping out TLOU, Borizon, Spider-Slop and God of Snore. For every one of these entries that are successful, you can release 1-2 smaller budget beloved franchise games. Maybe catch some critical acclaim and good WOM and turn those into high selling titles. This satisfies everybody and diversifies your catalog in a big way
I know it’s not a Sony exclusive, but MHW is a great example of a niche franchise becoming a titan seemingly overnight
they let indie games like stray fill the bubble that used to be first party
or they pay for indie exclusive deals lol
they dont care to make low level games anymore its beneath them
they definitely care about anime since they bought crunchyroll
there’s probably better avenues than bringing back a couple of PS3 shooters people wanted to get away from
they care about owning existing anime yes not creating their own lol
@sony resistance
they care about owning existing anime yes not creating their own lol
How do we know they aren’t making their own? Ghost and Bloodborne are rumored adaptations iirc
@sony resistance
I can tell you thats not what insomniac working on any time soon lol I dont sign an NDA with them
How do we know they aren’t making their own? Ghost and Bloodborne are rumored adaptations iirc
rephrase they are not in a rush to make their own until there is a product on their platform , merch or a movie to sell it with
so cool its in production but needs a new game to truly care
twisted metal was dogshit
at one point a new twisted metal was going to be rolled out closer to it though yes
sony isnt ever dipping into another medium withoiut trying to drop a reboot or refresh of the game on ps5
I can tell you thats not what insomniac working on any time soon lol I dont sign an NDA with them
I’m listening 👀
I’m listening 👀
Super hero factory is accurate lol . Again spider man was going to be coop I’ve seen coop gameplay that’s part if why You saw me so mixed on what dropped cause that coooo looked fun like worth delaying fun but I know how s*** goes
I can tell you thats not what insomniac working on any time soon lol I dont sign an NDA with them
Insomniac is going all in on capeshit, such a shame
Insomniac is going all in on capeshit, such a shame
lol it’s what I told yall that leads to people not wanting to work on cape s*** their entire career so they leave that’s about to be another rocksteady
Wish Ted price didn’t come back after he went to perfect dark but money got him
Like yes guerilla good at horizon and insomniac good at spider man
But you think that’s the only property they want to work on for 10-15 years ? A game that gamers play for 40 hours
Super hero factory is accurate lol . Again spider man was going to be coop I’ve seen coop gameplay that’s part if why You saw me so mixed on what dropped cause that coooo looked fun like worth delaying fun but I know how s*** goes
Hulk game soon! Enjoy insomniac fans wooo!!!
Hulk game soon! Enjoy insomniac fans wooo!!!
I wish lol not that and no coop planned shockingly
Twisted Metal?
Like, if they want a GAAS game, why not use one of those IPs to build off of?
Also, bring back Syphon Filter, I NEED a new AAA stealth/espionage game.
Syphon Filter love me and my brother used to play split screen 1v1 on Playstation 1 back in the day. all time classic
Twisted Metal?
Like, if they want a GAAS game, why not use one of those IPs to build off of?
Also, bring back Syphon Filter, I NEED a new AAA stealth/espionage game.
Syphon Filter
all they have to do is start pumping out more high quality AA titles. something like a ape escape remake or even a new title would be a nice start