  • proper 🔩
    Sep 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Kinda dislike how this apparently is poppin off, it’s a clear ripoff of Kamisama No Ituro.

    That’s a manga series (with a live action movie as well) where students are forced to play childeren games in order to become gods, even the first game is the exact same. The part from the trailer (I haven’t seen it myself yet) where they are let out from houses is the same as well. There’s even a similar mascot in the series. I’m sure there are many more similars in there as well but again haven’t seen it.

    Just seen people praising it for being original but it’s not and the original is getting no love

    Oldboy was based off a Japanese manga too.. still a classic

  • Sep 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Oldboy was based off a Japanese manga too.. still a classic

    Yeah I love Oldboy but that’s based on a manga with mostly the same plotline throughout as far as I know and even title. Same with Ichi The Killer.

    This isn’t based on Kamisama No Ituro but just taking the same concept and ideas and passing off as it’s own, without giving credit.

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah I love Oldboy but that’s based on a manga with mostly the same plotline throughout as far as I know and even title. Same with Ichi The Killer.

    This isn’t based on Kamisama No Ituro but just taking the same concept and ideas and passing off as it’s own, without giving credit.

    I didn’t watch either so I wouldn’t know lol

    Also you said you just Judging off the trailer.. maybe watch the show before you claim it’s stealing?

    It’s a lot of survival game movies w similar ideas (hunger games, battle royale etc, etc..)

  • Sep 23, 2021

    I didn’t watch either so I wouldn’t know lol

    Also you said you just Judging off the trailer.. maybe watch the show before you claim it’s stealing?

    It’s a lot of survival game movies w similar ideas (hunger games, battle royale etc, etc..)

    For sure you got a point, i’m purely basing it on the trailer so I might be wrong but I tried searching for it and found a few other bringing it up but the manga isn’t that popular.

    For sure but Battle Royale birthed all that too and Hunger Game ran with it and recieved critiscm for that as well.

    But yeah need to watch it myself, i’m sure the series itself is fire but the teaser just bothered me tbh

  • Sep 23, 2021

    I’m in

  • Sep 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Kinda dislike how this apparently is poppin off, it’s a clear ripoff of Kamisama No Ituro.

    That’s a manga series (with a live action movie as well) where students are forced to play childeren games in order to become gods, even the first game is the exact same. The part from the trailer (I haven’t seen it myself yet) where they are let out from houses is the same as well. There’s even a similar mascot in the series. I’m sure there are many more similars in there as well but again haven’t seen it.

    Just seen people praising it for being original but it’s not and the original is getting no love

    Is this the one where they dressed up as mouses? Yeah this a direcr copy and paste of the same premise lol. Nobody knows about it though. Blame it on timing or marketing

  • Sep 23, 2021

    Is this the one where they dressed up as mouses? Yeah this a direcr copy and paste of the same premise lol. Nobody knows about it though. Blame it on timing or marketing

    Yes exactly that’s the one, it even starts with red, yellow green light with a Daruma doll as well.

    Kamisama is from 2016 but it’s not really super popular so it never really went off since then but if anyone here likes Squid Game and wanna start a similar series, you can try it out. I’ll give this one a shot and see as well!

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 23, 2021
    1 reply

    director saying he wrote it before kamisama

    Director Hwang explained, "After I filmed my debut work in 2008, I went to a lot of manga and manhwa book stores. I saw a lot of survival stories so I thought it would be interesting if this genre was recreated in a Korean way. I completed the script back in 2009 but I was told that it won't be successful since the story is cruel and the genre was unfamiliar to the public at the time. I couldn't get any investment or casting since the project was difficult to understand. So I stopped preparing it."

    The director also spoke regarding the similarities between 'As the Gods Will' and stated, "While we were filming, I heard that it was similar to 'As the Gods Will.' But the first game was the 'Mugunhwa Has Bloomed' game since I wrote the script in 2009. That is the only coincidental similarity and has nothing in relation to that film. I did not copy anyone. I actually would be the first since I wrote it first."

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 23, 2021

    also miikes The Happiness of the Katakuris is just his version of the korean film the quiet family so now we even

  • Sep 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Since we talking about similarities, the manga Liar Game also deals with roping people with massive debts into playing a series of increasing difficult games to win money. It’s good too

  • Sep 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Also this is the first Korean drama/movie I’ve seen with a brown person (or any non Korean person) in the main cast

    Are there any others?

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Also this is the first Korean drama/movie I’ve seen with a brown person (or any non Korean person) in the main cast

    Are there any others?

    I’ve seen some Korean game shows/cooking shows w brown ppl/international cast. but movies/drama prolly rare.

    Itaewon class had a black dude in it tho

  • Sep 23, 2021
    1 reply

    I’ve seen some Korean game shows/cooking shows w brown ppl/international cast. but movies/drama prolly rare.

    Itaewon class had a black dude in it tho

    Damn now imma have to watch that, is it any good?

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 23, 2021

    Damn now imma have to watch that, is it any good?

    I dunno it’s a show my little sister watched lol

  • Sep 23, 2021
    1 reply

    director saying he wrote it before kamisama

    Director Hwang explained, "After I filmed my debut work in 2008, I went to a lot of manga and manhwa book stores. I saw a lot of survival stories so I thought it would be interesting if this genre was recreated in a Korean way. I completed the script back in 2009 but I was told that it won't be successful since the story is cruel and the genre was unfamiliar to the public at the time. I couldn't get any investment or casting since the project was difficult to understand. So I stopped preparing it."

    The director also spoke regarding the similarities between 'As the Gods Will' and stated, "While we were filming, I heard that it was similar to 'As the Gods Will.' But the first game was the 'Mugunhwa Has Bloomed' game since I wrote the script in 2009. That is the only coincidental similarity and has nothing in relation to that film. I did not copy anyone. I actually would be the first since I wrote it first."

    I saw that article as well but that’s really concidental ain’t it? He just happened to write a super similar script 2 years before the manga released with exact same premise and same start game and yet he never realized it was out there till someone brought it up 10 years later when his own work released. Anyone can say that. Also Miikes is a adaption of the manga released 3 years after the manga started, it’s not his series.

    But it’s all good, it ain’t that deep. Not my series, i’m atleast glad that the concept is out there now but I really liked the god concept rather than a money aspect but that’s probably a better idea to get a audience going

  • Sep 23, 2021

    Since we talking about similarities, the manga Liar Game also deals with roping people with massive debts into playing a series of increasing difficult games to win money. It’s good too

    Yeah Liar game is great as well, it’s also a unique fun concept. Heard good things about Alice in Borderland as well

  • Sep 24, 2021

    wildest show i ever seen

  • Sep 24, 2021
    1 reply

    Kinda dislike how this apparently is poppin off, it’s a clear ripoff of Kamisama No Ituro.

    That’s a manga series (with a live action movie as well) where students are forced to play childeren games in order to become gods, even the first game is the exact same. The part from the trailer (I haven’t seen it myself yet) where they are let out from houses is the same as well. There’s even a similar mascot in the series. I’m sure there are many more similars in there as well but again haven’t seen it.

    Just seen people praising it for being original but it’s not and the original is getting no love

    Is that the game with the black and white bear?

    EDIT: I should’ve read the rest of the thread before posting but it also reminds me of the game I mentioned too

  • Sep 24, 2021
    1 reply

    Have this in my que, but haven’t started it yet. It’s good right?

  • Sep 24, 2021

    just started it, s*** is wild

  • Sep 24, 2021
    1 reply

    I saw that article as well but that’s really concidental ain’t it? He just happened to write a super similar script 2 years before the manga released with exact same premise and same start game and yet he never realized it was out there till someone brought it up 10 years later when his own work released. Anyone can say that. Also Miikes is a adaption of the manga released 3 years after the manga started, it’s not his series.

    But it’s all good, it ain’t that deep. Not my series, i’m atleast glad that the concept is out there now but I really liked the god concept rather than a money aspect but that’s probably a better idea to get a audience going

    you got my curious to actually read that manga, was their a series for it ?

  • Sep 24, 2021
    1 reply

    Everyone been telling me to watch it too lol

  • Sep 24, 2021

    my cousin has been shilling this show to me since it came out

  • Sep 24, 2021

    Have this in my que, but haven’t started it yet. It’s good right?


  • Sep 24, 2021

    Liked this alot more than I thought.