I don’t like k dramas usually but this is reeling me in. Voice acting reminds me of anime tho lol
Is that the game with the black and white bear?
EDIT: I should’ve read the rest of the thread before posting but it also reminds me of the game I mentioned too
Nah nah that’s Dangan Ronpa which is kinda similar to the Zero Escape series as well but not completely. It’s a fun game!
you got my curious to actually read that manga, was their a series for it ?
Yeah there’s two parts for it, the second one gets a bit weird at a certain point but it’s still really fun. Definetly go try reading the first part and see if you like it, it’s only 21 chapters and it’s a good read tbh
Everyone been telling me to watch it too lol
My gggggg
Peeped the first episode last night
This was tense as hell
Def gonna finish over the weekend
god dammit was doing so good avoiding spoilers and a ducking Rico nasty tweet on my tl just lowkey spoiled some s***.. nothing major (hopefully) but now that shut gonna be in the back of my mind while watching
god dammit was doing so good avoiding spoilers and a ducking Rico nasty tweet on my tl just lowkey spoiled some s***.. nothing major (hopefully) but now that shut gonna be in the back of my mind while watching
not that big of a spoiler, you good
Seen people saying this is some of the best s*** ever made, is that cap?
Def boosting, it’s good tho.
not that big of a spoiler, you good
Should I watch bro?
Ngl still haven’t watched
been hearing more good than bad from other ppl who have watched tho.
ima start n finish for sure before/by thurs tho.
I really liked this but why everyone acting like they dont realize only 1 person can win and in turn everyone else has to…ya know
Just popping in quickly because I don’t want spoilers but I’m 5 episodes deep and this show is absolute fire