  • PIMP 💿
    Oct 2, 2021
    1 reply

    bro dyeing his hair red gotta be one of the corniest things i ever seen after all the serious atmosphere in the show :dead: :dead:

  • PIMP 💿
    Oct 2, 2021
    Bo Ceephus

    I do not understand why he dyed his hair red. Like at all

    EXACTLY my reaction bruh

  • Oct 2, 2021
    2 replies

    Kinda wanted a better explanation for why they even be doing this s*** than the old man being bored but overall I enjoyed this

    Don’t feel the need for a 2nd season but they’ll forsure do one with the how the show ends and the reception it’s gotten

  • Oct 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Kinda wanted a better explanation for why they even be doing this s*** than the old man being bored but overall I enjoyed this

    Don’t feel the need for a 2nd season but they’ll forsure do one with the how the show ends and the reception it’s gotten

    fr the explanation from the old man was so vague and dumb

  • Oct 2, 2021
    2 replies


    Ain’t no way. This gotta be racist with how stupid they made him,

  • Oct 2, 2021
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Might have to join the Squid Games for the baddies alone

  • Oct 2, 2021
    1 reply

    i was okay with all the goofy s*** in the show up until the last episode. my interest for this is gone

  • proper 🔩
    Oct 2, 2021
    1 reply


    Ain’t no way. This gotta be racist with how stupid they made him,

    this why squid game was #1 in every country except India tbh

  • Oct 2, 2021
    1 reply


    Ain’t no way. This gotta be racist with how stupid they made him,

    I feel like he wasn’t stupid just very innocent/naïve

  • Oct 2, 2021

    i was okay with all the goofy s*** in the show up until the last episode. my interest for this is gone

    What specifically??

  • Oct 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Kinda wanted a better explanation for why they even be doing this s*** than the old man being bored but overall I enjoyed this

    Don’t feel the need for a 2nd season but they’ll forsure do one with the how the show ends and the reception it’s gotten

    Y’all want everything spoon fed lmao they shouldn’t have even explained it the conspiracy theories behind the game would’ve been even better than getting a definitive answer. The show leaves absolutely no mystery which was literally it’s defining aspect.

  • Oct 3, 2021
    1 reply

    this why squid game was #1 in every country except India tbh

    He’s from Pakistan, not India

    S will be hearing about this.

  • Oct 3, 2021

    Shorty started getting racist just cus Ali exposed her ass

  • Oct 3, 2021

    bro dyeing his hair red gotta be one of the corniest things i ever seen after all the serious atmosphere in the show :dead: :dead:

    Bro asked for the "let me talk to your manager" cut

  • proper 🔩
    Oct 3, 2021
    2 replies
    Not Like Josuke

    He’s from Pakistan, not India

    S will be hearing about this.

    Here’s your

  • Oct 3, 2021

    Here’s your

    Thought you was talkin bout the actual character

    L accepted

  • Oct 3, 2021
    Sir Swagalot

    fr the explanation from the old man was so vague and dumb

    Yeah I genuinely was disappointed by this and kind of lost interest while watching at that point, but I am still excited for a new season.

  • Oct 3, 2021

    So my opinion is the backstory of why they're having these games don't really matter to me. I still think the explanation stinked, but most of my entertainment came from the games and the characters playing I wasn't even super interested in their backstory's outside of the arena tbh I was more interested in the dynamic once they were inside the game if that makes sense.

    great show

  • Oct 3, 2021

    Mf kicked the second knife instead of picking it up. Easy clap

    Lmaooo. Nah this ending trash. Cliche ass ending. He should’ve killed MC.

    Edit: Nah, Gi Hun is a certified trash human. Like he really just said f*** his daughter and then just left that old lady with his friends brother cause he couldn’t be bothered. Nigga a deadbeat.

  • Oct 3, 2021
    1 reply

    not gonna lie the last two episodes really f***ed up my enjoyment of the overall story.

    Not even close to a satisfying payoff

    All the twists i predicted as i went along with the show. the In-Ho relation reveal and Oh Il-nam being the one behind the game. It was super obvious when they didn’t show his death

    I felt all the most impactful moments in Episode 6 that made me really invested were f***ed up by the very end in one way or another.

    Man, this was a disappointment. And i was really vibing with the show too.

    Bro like killing off sae pissed me off, wanted her to be the winner, Seong Gi-Hun not using his prize money for a whole f\*\*\*ing year because of guilt. Bro you knew what the f\*\*\* you signed up for, being a f\*\*\*ing deadbeat still

    Ending is actually f***ing trash

  • Oct 3, 2021
    1 reply

    2 million won is $1691 😂🤣😂

    This nigga wylin.

    46 billion won is 39 million dollars

  • Oct 3, 2021

    46 billion won is 39 million dollars

    I'm talking about his mom's medical bills. He was asking for 2 million won from people.

  • Oct 3, 2021

    Regarding the ending - so, the old man did rlly piss his pants in fear that one time? I felt like that whole twist of him being the main villain came across as forced, more than anything.

    Also, the cop subplot went nowhere.

    And the writing felt very uneven - they say gi-hun didn't touch any of the money (for a whole year, mind u) - so how exactly was he able to pay his debts? And, how come sang-woo's mom didn't get murked by his debt-collectors? (for a whole ass year)

    Also, Gi-un basically choosing to turn his back on his own daughter felt VERY out of character.

    I agree with you on the other complaints but have you never heard of adult diapers? Old people piss themselves for a number of health problems.

  • Oct 3, 2021

    Y’all want everything spoon fed lmao they shouldn’t have even explained it the conspiracy theories behind the game would’ve been even better than getting a definitive answer. The show leaves absolutely no mystery which was literally it’s defining aspect.

    The problem is that they didn't make it entertaining. What's the point of having that conversation if it isn't going to add nothing to the story? I almost fell asleep watching that scene.

  • Oct 3, 2021
    Emery Atreides

    not gonna lie the last two episodes really f***ed up my enjoyment of the overall story.

    Not even close to a satisfying payoff

    All the twists i predicted as i went along with the show. the In-Ho relation reveal and Oh Il-nam being the one behind the game. It was super obvious when they didn’t show his death

    I felt all the most impactful moments in Episode 6 that made me really invested were f***ed up by the very end in one way or another.

    Man, this was a disappointment. And i was really vibing with the show too.

    Bro like killing off sae pissed me off, wanted her to be the winner, Seong Gi-Hun not using his prize money for a whole f\*\*\*ing year because of guilt. Bro you knew what the f\*\*\* you signed up for, being a f\*\*\*ing deadbeat still

    Ending is actually f***ing trash
