  • Sep 30, 2021
    2 replies

    If you like Deadman Wonderland, Gantz, or Battle Royale then you'll like this. It was basically a mix of all survival/battle royale type mangas

  • Sang Woo was a piece of crap and that hair choice at the end was straight out of an anime. I woulda been dead at game 2

  • Sep 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Sir Swagalot

    Episode 7 thoughts the VIPs' acting SUCKS D\*\*\*

    UPDATE yeah bro this s\*\*\* is getting weak with their commentary and repeating the same 69 joke over and over like wtf is this. the "we live in a society" vibes are over the top now

    Idk if it was the acting or the dialogue or just a mix of both, but it was bad

  • Sep 30, 2021
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Finished the series should’ve ended with 001 dying and Gi Hun watching the homeless man be saved

    needed to get that season 2

  • Sep 30, 2021

    lmao dammmmm yall coming for the endings NECK

  • Sep 30, 2021

    I’m enjoying this but I never feel like the main party is ever really in danger and it takes away a little of the enjoyment for me. Seems like there’s a theme of things coincidently working out for them. Idk could be me just nitpicking

    Edit: writing this as I’m starting on episode 6 btw

    yeah its p obvious who ends up at the end

  • Sep 30, 2021

    Gotta give this a watch

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Do they play w these in the show at all?

    weused to make these out of paper all the time when we were kids

  • I kinda figured that would be the end twist with the old man too though

  • Sep 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Do they play w these in the show at all?

    weused to make these out of paper all the time when we were kids

    The second one yea

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 30, 2021

    The second one yea

  • Sep 30, 2021

    Idk if it was the acting or the dialogue or just a mix of both, but it was bad

    It was just all bad, them dudes could just not act!!

  • Sep 30, 2021
    1 reply

    this show worth watching with a friend? My bro was going to put me onto top boy this afternoon but maybe we could watch this instead

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 30, 2021
    Moses X

    this show worth watching with a friend? My bro was going to put me onto top boy this afternoon but maybe we could watch this instead

    I would watch top boy first tbh that s*** hard

    U gonna be saying wagwan and mandem and safe and all that British s*** when u finish

  • Sep 30, 2021

    I’m convinced it’s another birdbox, I tried watching the first episode and couldn’t get through it.

    Saw the whole thing, it definitely is another birdbox but MUCH much better imo. It's first 5 episodes are solid but it drops the baton towards the end.

  • Sep 30, 2021

    Ali is f***ing stupid bruh. Too gullible

    Like most humans tbh shame he went out like that

  • Sep 30, 2021

    why did he just lick that other dudes nosebleed

  • Sep 30, 2021
    1 reply

    I’m convinced it’s another birdbox, I tried watching the first episode and couldn’t get through it.

    I'd say the last 15-20 or so minutes of episode 1 are what got me hooked

    before that i was

    but then the series peaks at like episode 6 and steadily falls off a cliff there

  • Sep 30, 2021

    I'd say the last 15-20 or so minutes of episode 1 are what got me hooked

    before that i was

    but then the series peaks at like episode 6 and steadily falls off a cliff there

    gave it another chance, been using it as background noise whenever im browsing. dont think ill finish it, probably wouldve been better served as a movie than a series

  • Sep 30, 2021

    the middle aged woman was the most annoying character i wanted her to get clapped in every episode

  • Sep 30, 2021

    Haflway through the first episode...

  • Sep 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Episode 6 destroyed me bro

  • Sep 30, 2021

    If you like Deadman Wonderland, Gantz, or Battle Royale then you'll like this. It was basically a mix of all survival/battle royale type mangas

    I love Deadman Wonderland

    Gotta check this out. Been hearing a lot of hype for this

  • Sep 30, 2021
    5 replies

    Remember in the beginning of the show when the face slap guy said choose blue or red? If the main character would of chose red, he would of been on the other team with the masks and the guns.

  • Sep 30, 2021
    3 replies

    would be so hot if those 2 chicks made out in episode 6 🤒
