Is this actually good or this another case of social media hyping mid like bird box?
Nah this is good
It’s also weird knowing people watch this in dub
I switched to sub for later episodes. Much better now. Dub got annoying lmao
Way better then that s*** bro
If this was a movie, I’d probably be more inclined to watch it. But I don’t think this plot needs to be a show, with multiple seasons at that
Americans probably gonna adapt this lol
Episode 7 thoughts the VIPs' acting SUCKS D\*\*\*
UPDATE yeah bro this s\*\*\* is getting weak with their commentary and repeating the same 69 joke over and over like wtf is this. the "we live in a society" vibes are over the top now
the goats.
Thought they were about to make out in that one scene in marble episode
Thought they were about to make out in that one scene in marble episode
Finished the series should’ve ended with 001 dying and Gi Hun watching the homeless man be saved
Finished the series should’ve ended with 001 dying and Gi Hun watching the homeless man be saved
Was great until that ending
I’m enjoying this but I never feel like the main party is ever really in danger and it takes away a little of the enjoyment for me. Seems like there’s a theme of things coincidently working out for them. Idk could be me just nitpicking
Edit: writing this as I’m starting on episode 6 btw
This series is dope, but random as f*** how this could be Netflix's biggest show when Alice in Borderland had a similar concept and was a better story.
Just started a couple mins ago while I was eating and I realized I’m not Korean enough to watch and eat w/o subtitles
gonna start again now
why did he just lick that other dudes nosebleed
wow that ending was dog s*** wtf
damn gl for the heads up could have wasted 9 hours just now
turning this off and gonna watch some s*** on YouTube instead gl