legit the main menu im not playing on pc i only got 200 left on my ssd and i dont feel like this should be downloaded on a external drive
Yeah I had to delete like 4 games to fit it
Stuttering is bad enough on a m.2 I can’t imagine what an external would be like
Downloading now. Kinda tempted to play with subtitles and Ukrainian voices for the real experience
Downloading now. Kinda tempted to play with subtitles and Ukrainian voices for the real experience
English VA is hilariously poor
Downloading now. Kinda tempted to play with subtitles and Ukrainian voices for the real experience
1 million NAFO freaks. Overall, this game was a FLOP!
English VA is hilariously poor
yeah kind of a bummer but I can’t hold it against foreign games and film, they do their best
if its an American or English game then I’d really judge it harshly
Aiming in this game on console feels like ass imo
Supposedly they’re fixing the deadzone issues but who knows
That was 90% of the reason I uninstalled on Xbox and switched over to pc. M&KB feels so much better
Supposedly they’re fixing the deadzone issues but who knows
That was 90% of the reason I uninstalled on Xbox and switched over to pc. M&KB feels so much better
Watching people play with mouse looks so much more fun. Aiming feels so bad on Xbox. It’s almost impossible to play. I’m wasting mags trying to kill these dogs.
lost hours worth of saves
What the f***, i just booted it up and all my saves are gone I was like 10 hours in smh
The dead zone and stick drift issues on Xbox are making it unplayable
Im holding off until they fix it
Keep seeing stuff like this
I honestly might hold off for a month or two until it gets some more patches
Wait this nigga in the tweet said “absolutely gutted” after 2 hours
If you don’t restart the f***ing game man
F***ing with the game so far but the stick drift to the right on Xbox is driving me insane
Other than that I’ve never played a stalker game before and this feels like a love child of fallout and metro.
Dope so far, hope they patch some stuff asap tho
Wait this nigga in the tweet said “absolutely gutted” after 2 hours
If you don’t restart the f***ing game man
bro is so dramatic