I dont believe the Mace vs Palpatine duel is at the same time as Maul vs Ahsoka. We didnt hear the "Plot To Destroy the Jedi" speech yet that was in the trailer.
ROTS is roughly a six day period
Day 1- Battle of Coruscant ending with Anakin's nightmares
Day 2- Anakin angry at the Council, ending with Palpatine and Anakin at the Opera, where Palpatine reveals Grievous's location.
Day 3- Obi-Wan tells Ahsoka Grievous is on Utapau and is leaving. Anakin and Obi-Wan say final goodbyes. We dont see Day 3 end in movie because it was cut, but the scenes are still canon. Padme confronts Palpatine with the Delegation of 2000.
Day 4- Palpatine reveals his identity. Anakin becomes Vader, Order 66, Jedi Purge
Day 5- Obi-Wan and Yoda go to Coruscant, Vader to Mustafar, Palpatine declares New Order, Anakin vs Obi-Wan and Yoda vs Palpatine.
Day 6- Vader rebuilt, Padme gives birth
So I think the Maul vs Ahsoka duel is still on Day 3, one night before Order 66.
In the preview it shows after Ahsoka captured Maul and is en route to taking him back to Coruscant, Order 66 is initiated.
In the preview it shows after Ahsoka captured Maul and is en route to taking him back to Coruscant, Order 66 is initiated.
Link to preview?
So does this mean the episode last Friday was over a period of 2 days?
Link to preview?
So does this mean the episode last Friday was over a period of 2 days?
I dont believe the Mace vs Palpatine duel is at the same time as Maul vs Ahsoka. We didnt hear the "Plot To Destroy the Jedi" speech yet that was in the trailer.
ROTS is roughly a six day period
Day 1- Battle of Coruscant ending with Anakin's nightmares
Day 2- Anakin angry at the Council, ending with Palpatine and Anakin at the Opera, where Palpatine reveals Grievous's location.
Day 3- Obi-Wan tells Ahsoka Grievous is on Utapau and is leaving. Anakin and Obi-Wan say final goodbyes. We dont see Day 3 end in movie because it was cut, but the scenes are still canon. Padme confronts Palpatine with the Delegation of 2000.
Day 4- Palpatine reveals his identity. Anakin becomes Vader, Order 66, Jedi Purge
Day 5- Obi-Wan and Yoda go to Coruscant, Vader to Mustafar, Palpatine declares New Order, Anakin vs Obi-Wan and Yoda vs Palpatine.
Day 6- Vader rebuilt, Padme gives birth
So I think the Maul vs Ahsoka duel is still on Day 3, one night before Order 66.
I think the Ahsoka and Maul fight happens near the same time as the Grevious and Obi wan fight honestly
would be interested in seeing a timeline tho to where this all lines up when its over
behind the battle in episode 10
I feel this little moment so much
Ashoka is going to have to go against the clones soon
tonight we will cry
my gosh
this is just peak star wars
This is the end for you, my master
Set the mood music
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=57YPXXZPSbo!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=re7yPqALKYI!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m2p-im7cxa4padme rumination is the song you play when you know s*** is gonna get f***ed
Rex trying to resist killing ahsoka
Maul going crazy on those troopers with no lightsaber
The revenge of the sith voice lines
These eps been too good makes up for the previous trash arc
also f*** Mace, he got what he deserved lol
all of the blame goes on him
Rex trying to resist killing ahsoka
Maul going crazy on those troopers with no lightsaber
The revenge of the sith voice lines
These eps been too good makes up for the previous trash arc
I think its going to rebound back to it, the sisters are the only ones who can help Ahsoka and Maul escape
I think its going to rebound back to it, the sisters are the only ones who can help Ahsoka and Maul escape
they better not show those sisters for the final episode
they better not show those sisters for the final episode
I doubt they will get a few lines, but they're the only ones who can save their asses