  • Apr 25, 2020

    Lmao. So did Luke. Plus that the point of their character arcs. TCW Anakin is a amalgamation of one-liner hero SW tropes which is why unlike Ahsoka or Obi-Wan, he the only character that doesn't get much character development.

  • WOOOOW just watched the last 2 Eps
    Best star wars content in a looooong time

    My jaw wouldn't close

  • When Ani was trying to talk to ahsoka when they reunited and she was being cold

    Then he showed her the 332nd batallion and those light sabers

    Clones vs Mandalorians

    Obi being a square like usual


  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    i doubt it, ahsoka dosnt know that anakin turned to the darkside until they meet in rebels

    Nah, I mean away from Ahsoka's POV if they did another Order 66 montage with the soundtrack and everything, but showing different characters and planets to the movie.

  • Apr 25, 2020

    I agree. I enjoy TCW Anakin in context of the show as it's essentially the first 40 minutes of ROTS Anakin stretched across 7 seasons, but I do wish they gave Anakin a character arc like the 2003-2005 CW show did, easing the transition between AOTC and ROTS and Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship.

    My only issue is having Anakin become his ROTS persona only 2 months after Episode II.

    Like I vastly prefer TCW Anakin but I like to see consistency which is why I have trouble seeing them as the same character sometimes but I do agree they could of done a better job of going from the AOTC persona to this current one

  • Apr 25, 2020

    Bro imagine if we got the full duel with Cin Drallig. He was the boss in the Ep. 3 game and we saw Vader duel him while choking out his apprentice briefly in the hologram that Obi-Wan watches.

    Pre-suit Vader wrecking s***>>>>

    Cin Dralig Man was taking on two Jedi at once and wrecking their s*** in that hologram

    Need that deleted Rots scene of Anakin putting his saber through Shaak Ti's chest repurposed for the show

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    So Ahsoka is essentially gonna go these last 2 episodes without a saber ? I guess it makes sense considering she has new ones in Rebels

  • Apr 25, 2020

    ep was nuts

    the throne room fight was god tier

  • Apr 25, 2020

    Nah, I mean away from Ahsoka's POV if they did another Order 66 montage with the soundtrack and everything, but showing different characters and planets to the movie.

    Oh we definitely getting an order 66 where ahsoka gotta escape with rex, though im not so sure theyd do another montage like how the movie did but we can be hopeful 😩🤞🏽🤞🏽

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Hayden literally played the part to perfection, he was suppose to look conflicted and confused the entire time 🤷🏽‍♀️ the visions are what was killing him and if he kept that same swagger he had from the clone wars, palpatine wouldve never been able to change him

    Also, i feel like anakin is most comfortable on the field fighting, which definitely helped him with his confidence like we’d see during the clone wars, something we didnt see too much of from him during ep 3

  • Apr 25, 2020

    Hayden literally played the part to perfection, he was suppose to look conflicted and confused the entire time 🤷🏽‍♀️ the visions are what was killing him and if he kept that same swagger he had from the clone wars, palpatine wouldve never been able to change him

    Also, i feel like anakin is most comfortable on the field fighting, which definitely helped him with his confidence like we’d see during the clone wars, something we didnt see too much of from him during ep 3

    Exactly. Anakin was based on James Dean/Rebel Without A Cause. Lucas wasn't making a Han Solo 2.0 or Luke Skywalker 2.0.

  • OP
    Apr 25, 2020

    would be cool if someone cut up these 4 episodes and fit them within Revenge of The Sith in order of the events once they're all out

  • Apr 25, 2020
    2 replies

    Crazy how Hayden is forever going to be the spitting image of how we always see Anakin before Vader. He should be getting paid for his whole face being animated like this

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    So Ahsoka is essentially gonna go these last 2 episodes without a saber ? I guess it makes sense considering she has new ones in Rebels

    nah I think she'll get her sabers back. In one of the scenes of the trailers, she has them back.

  • Apr 25, 2020
    slime wrld

    Crazy how Hayden is forever going to be the spitting image of how we always see Anakin before Vader. He should be getting paid for his whole face being animated like this

    Basically goes for everyone in SW lmao, down right to the most lowkey characters

  • Apr 25, 2020

    nah I think she'll get her sabers back. In one of the scenes of the trailers, she has them back.


  • Apr 25, 2020

    I need some 4k screenshots for wallpapers of these last two episode

  • Apr 25, 2020
    slime wrld

    Crazy how Hayden is forever going to be the spitting image of how we always see Anakin before Vader. He should be getting paid for his whole face being animated like this

    Bro, Hayden been the face of Anakin for almost 20 years. Like that s*** is crazy to me.

    I hope he comes back in some CW flashback for the Kenobi series. Would make up for his lack of appearance in 9

  • Maul’s genuine fear of what’s to come really escalates the impact of Order 66 for me

    It’s like he is literally sensing the countdown

  • Apr 26, 2020
    1 reply

    That moment you remember TCW Anakin actor threw shade at Hayden in that Disaster Movie at the 0:58 mark.

  • Apr 26, 2020
    1 reply

    That moment you remember TCW Anakin actor threw shade at Hayden in that Disaster Movie at the 0:58 mark.


    Lmfao, I’m so glad parody movies are out of business dahell is Kim K doing there

  • Apr 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Lmfao, I’m so glad parody movies are out of business dahell is Kim K doing there

    What's weird is that this came out the same month and year that the Clone Wars box office bomb movie came out too.

    Honestly, Scary Movie was the only fun one.

  • Apr 26, 2020
    1 reply

    What's weird is that this came out the same month and year that the Clone Wars box office bomb movie came out too.

    Honestly, Scary Movie was the only fun one.

    Anakins sure do know how to pick a movie

  • Apr 26, 2020

    Anakins sure do know how to pick a movie

    Watch that shade

  • Apr 28, 2020
    2 replies

    I dont believe the Mace vs Palpatine duel is at the same time as Maul vs Ahsoka. We didnt hear the "Plot To Destroy the Jedi" speech yet that was in the trailer.

    ROTS is roughly a six day period

    Day 1- Battle of Coruscant ending with Anakin's nightmares

    Day 2- Anakin angry at the Council, ending with Palpatine and Anakin at the Opera, where Palpatine reveals Grievous's location.

    Day 3- Obi-Wan tells Ahsoka Grievous is on Utapau and is leaving. Anakin and Obi-Wan say final goodbyes. We dont see Day 3 end in movie because it was cut, but the scenes are still canon. Padme confronts Palpatine with the Delegation of 2000.

    Day 4- Palpatine reveals his identity. Anakin becomes Vader, Order 66, Jedi Purge

    Day 5- Obi-Wan and Yoda go to Coruscant, Vader to Mustafar, Palpatine declares New Order, Anakin vs Obi-Wan and Yoda vs Palpatine.

    Day 6- Vader rebuilt, Padme gives birth

    So I think the Maul vs Ahsoka duel is still on Day 3, one night before Order 66.
