@op 👀
4 episodes into Visions..
The Duel was incredible. Generic story but I feel that was purposeful, and the art style was godly.
Tatooine Rhapsody was meh. A cutesy lil one, it’s like something I could show my daughter
The Twins was awful lmao. Neil Patrick Harris was f***ing terrible. Shoulda watched with subs, I didn’t realize that was an option till I came itt.
The Village Bride art style and writing were dope af, even if the story was a bit slow
The Ninth Jedi was great. Few writing nitpicks but the animation style was fantastic. Would love a full show with that tone and drawing.
T0-B1 was cuuute. Little generic but it was a nice little story. Getting a bit tired of everything being Jedi and Sith lol. There’s other interesting aspects of Star Wars like space battles, bounty hunters, Mandalorians, politics, and more.
The Elder..well I know it’s more Force users but this one was actually a very compelling little story. Might actually be my favorite episode so far, even if the English voice acting wasn’t great. I’d be down for more adventures from this Master & Padawan duo. Obi and Anakin vibes.
01 The Elder
02 The Duel
03 The Ninth Jedi
04 The Village Bride
05 Lop & Ocho
06 Akakiri
07 T0-B1
08 Tatooine Rhapsody
09 The Twins
Really solid first season imo. It sucks getting so into some of these stories and character dynamics, but knowing none of them will likely be revisited anywhere.
Also I just watched S2E1 and what a BANGER to start the season off with.
Never really got into the animated part of Star Wars. Where should I start?
Tales Of The Jedi first
then The Clone Wars
then Rebels
Started watching Visions in May and now I’ve finished that, Clone Wars, and Rebels
Not sure if I should backtrack to Tale of the Jedi real quick or continue onward to Bad Batch
Started watching Visions in May and now I’ve finished that, Clone Wars, and Rebels
Not sure if I should backtrack to Tale of the Jedi real quick or continue onward to Bad Batch
watch tale of the jedi, like you said its a quick watch, good watch too!
This is a great surprise
looks so good