The clone conspiracy story from S7 and these episodes are easily some of the best episodes. Star Wars and political/conspiracy thriller is always a banger if done right.
They ain't really advertise this new season of The Bad Batch well. I had no clue it was out
They ain't really advertise this new season of The Bad Batch well. I had no clue it was out
I had to find out via the radio in the thrift store
Man I really wish western audiences and studios didn’t equate animation to kids. I feel like for the subject matter Bad Batch covers, it’s hands are tied with kiddy gloves
todays episode was hyped loved the call backs to the clone wars
The Dave Filoni led animated Star Wars projects are the only post Lucas stuff I care about. He understands the soul of Star Wars. New season of Bad Batch is pretty solid so far. All the stuff dealing with the Empire transitioning from Clones to Stormtroopers and the politics around that is all fascinating. Also the animation style might be the best it’s ever been. Some really gorgeous moments.
my mind blown by the fact the zillo beast gets stronger with electricity
in the clone wars the zillo beast is awaken by the electricity, anakin talks about short circuiting it and when they poison it they shock it and suddenly it has more energy to escape, also i loved the alien type horror episode
I have been loving Bad Batch but its kinda odd how it goes from very serious to very kid friendly
I get that's Star Wars things in a lot of ways, the duality of being for kids but also subtly talking about serious world/political/war issues
but this series is so extreme about it, because unlike the movies or the clone wars that do both in one episode.. these can have whole episodes that feel one way or the other
this weeks episode was fantastic tho, it’s really tragic to see the clones treated this way but it makes sense
damn the season finale was very exciting i usually can guess what happens but it kept me guessing this week
definitely a sad tone tho
are clone wars, rebels, and bad batch worth watching? I havent watched any of em but I may go on a nice mando/boba marathon next month and was thinking of doing those after
are clone wars, rebels, and bad batch worth watching? I havent watched any of em but I may go on a nice mando/boba marathon next month and was thinking of doing those after
Clone Wars and Rebels yes
Can’t get into Bad Batch for some reason
Clone Wars has some filler but when it’s good, it’s GOOD
are clone wars, rebels, and bad batch worth watching? I havent watched any of em but I may go on a nice mando/boba marathon next month and was thinking of doing those after
hadn't watched clone wars until last year but its godly!
the whole series is made up of like 1/2/3 episode arcs, anthology style
find online lists or reddit posts about Best Clone Wars arcs and it'll list which episodes. theres no order for the most part so you can go from there. the lists also will say which character the arcs cover.
i wanted to just get into Ahsoka so i found which of her arcs are the best and went from there. Had so much fun branching out and jumping around. some of the best SW content is in the show
are clone wars, rebels, and bad batch worth watching? I havent watched any of em but I may go on a nice mando/boba marathon next month and was thinking of doing those after
I love The Clone Wars and Rebels
two of my favorite shows
The Clone Wars is random missions, it follows so many Jedi within the 3 years of The Clone Wars and it gets very cinematic at the ending and the focus switches to Ahsoka more
Rebels is amazing and is more of straight forward story following a small squad, so many great moments in the last 3 seasons
Tales of The Jedi is great also and the whole show is like 80 minutes run time all episodes definitely worth a watch
The Bad Batch has amazing Star Wars moments, loved some of the episodes this season but definitely can become a kids show at times
Going to start Tales of the Jedi. Is it good?
yeah i liked it, the dooku episodes were most interesting just cause content about him is limited
Just give us a full on Star Wars anime series please
yess sirr,
lets wrap this with an epic final season that doesn't feel like following the batch on random side quests
also wrecker shoulda been the one to die and I hope he does by the end, i hate him so much lmaooo
This s*** is gonna be so good. I like how the first volume was strictly Japanese but ove how they’re using different animation studios from around the world
This s*** is gonna be so good. I liked how the first volume was strictly Japanese but love how they’re using different animation studios from around the world for vol. 2
This s*** is gonna be so good. I like how the first volume was strictly Japanese but ove how they’re using different animation studios from around the world
yeah i'm pretty excited to see all the different styles and stories can't wait for may 4th