first ep was great watched 3 times, so happy i didnt watch the unfinished arcs as its mystery for me
Same here, luckily I forgot a good amount of what happens as well lol
plus seeing the clone wars back and looking better than ever
the base from the start of the episode is a base from rebels the abandoned clone wars base in season 2
also look in the background while their at the camp fire another rebels easter egg
Trailer for Friday
another great episode tbh
looks so good
Im pretty sure Kenobi always knew
yeah I always thought he knew since attack of the clones tbh
watched the last two episodes whew great
flashes of rots anakin
loving this new arc can't wait for next weeks episode
can't wait to see where this all goes
can't wait to see where this all goes
lowkey disappointed they wasted an episode to introduce the mandalorians (2 ep ago). felt like filler which this season cant afford with only 12 episodes smh. felt like they couldve combined 2 of the episodes from this arc into one but
lowkey disappointed they wasted an episode to introduce the mandalorians (2 ep ago). felt like filler which this season cant afford with only 12 episodes smh. felt like they couldve combined 2 of the episodes from this arc into one but
yeah I agree, I didn't dislike these episodes but yeah it seemed to drag on
these last few episodes would have been better shorted into 2 or 3 episodes for sure
I hope the last episode is really long cause honestly it's definitely a bummer that we are over half way done