yeah I agree, I didn't dislike these episodes but yeah it seemed to drag on
these last few episodes would have been better shorted into 2 or 3 episodes for sure
I hope the last episode is really long cause honestly it's definitely a bummer that we are over half way done
exactly, i felt like the episode where they end up right back in jail was such a waste smfh, definitely couldve found other ways to introduce the mandalorian cast without wasting a whole ass episode smh. the arc isnt bad, just annoying that it takes up so much room in such a short season smh
I honestly don't see any episodes in the last 3 seasons as filler but maybe I'm bias
I mean the 5 episodes with Droids can be skipped lol but I don't think there are any others
I love that arc tbh
I love that arc tbh
same Gregor at the ending taking on all those Droids is one of my favorite scenes in the show also
my friends all think those episodes are meh tho :-(
i never been on side ktt but i am huge star wars nerd
man why did need to put that ass arc when they only have 12 ep i know the arcs which link to SOM have been covered but they could have picked
Ahsokas walkabout
Crystal Crisis
Ahsoka finding the sith temple
some r2 and rex adventure (probs be filler also)
Yoda on Kashyyk (expend it more)
Boba Fett and Cad Bane (that would been great)
Still i am so excited to get my teeth stuck into this last arc havent been this hype for SW since TFA
s***s finally getting great
this new arc already way better than the last one
ties into rebels and rots so great
action scenes looking amazing
classic clone wars action
need to see what happens next week
entire thing is better than that last trash arc omg
might even be one of the best in the entire series
holy f*** what blessed day this has been
my gosh the production quality this basically a movie
holy f*** what blessed day this has been
my gosh the production quality this basically a movie
bruh amazing right?
need the next episode NOW
bruh amazing right?
need the next episode NOW
i was about to cry when i saw Ashoka last scene with Ani
ties into rebels and rots so great
action scenes looking amazing
classic clone wars action
need to see what happens next week
makes me sad knowing this is the final arc but I'm so ready
This is more cinematic than the 2008 TCW movie.
an essential movie in the prequel trilogy
makes me sad knowing this is the final arc but I'm so ready
this s*** really boutta make up for the previous filler episodes
an essential movie in the prequel trilogy
No not AOTC. The 2008 animated TCW movie released in theaters.
No not AOTC. The 2008 animated TCW movie released in theaters.
oh yeah most definitely lol