  • Apr 25, 2020

    I dont think these fights take place at the same time. We still havent seen the Mace Windu "plot to destroy the Jedi" scene from the trailers, which takes place before the Mace Windu and Palp fight.

    Oh true

  • Apr 25, 2020

    I knew they were doing Anakin dirty since TFA. The fact they just called him "Luke's father" and only referred to him as "Vader" throughout the trilogy showed that.

    I can't believe they didnt have the ghosts of Jedi appear during the final battle scene. Like who was satisfied with Rey killing Palpatine? I guess the whole granddaughter/grandfather dynamic made it somewhat personal but that s*** was retconned a few weeks later when Rey was revealed to be Palpatine's clone's daughter.

    Right? Perfect opportunity to wrap it up with all fan bases favorite character and they fumble it if they gonna cater to what the fans want at least do it right
    I still cant wrap my mind around doing the single most important character in the entire starwars franchise dirty like that

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    come on man
    F*** this episode was hard af

  • OP
    Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    come on man
    F*** this episode was hard af

    Maul talking about what is about to happen is so hard


  • lil neon

    Maul talking about what is about to happen is so hard


    Maul was spot on, Ashoka finna find out the hard way

  • Apr 25, 2020
    4 replies

    The movie cuts away to Utapau after Anakin marches on the temple, so I hope we see him actually killing jedi in the temple in this while Order 66 happens. Would be amazing

  • Apr 25, 2020
    2 replies

    The movie cuts away to Utapau after Anakin marches on the temple, so I hope we see him actually killing jedi in the temple in this while Order 66 happens. Would be amazing

    you think we gonna get Vader v Ashoka during revenge era?

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    you think we gonna get Vader v Ashoka during revenge era?

    the next time Ahsoka seen Anakin/vader was in Rebels

  • Apr 25, 2020
    2 replies

    the next time Ahsoka seen Anakin/vader was in Rebels

    I know that they verse each other in Rebels but did they really establish that as the next time they see each other as canon?

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    I know that they verse each other in Rebels but did they really establish that as the next time they see each other as canon?

    yea rebels is canon, that fight they had in Rebels is the first time Ahsoka sees Anakin/Vader since the first episode of this season

  • Apr 25, 2020

    yea rebels is canon, that fight they had in Rebels is the first time Ahsoka sees Anakin/Vader since the first episode of this season

    Yeah i worded it weird but i know Rebels is canon.

    I guess i was just curious if they already confirmed what you’re saying

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    The movie cuts away to Utapau after Anakin marches on the temple, so I hope we see him actually killing jedi in the temple in this while Order 66 happens. Would be amazing

    this would make up for ep 9 and I’m not even kidding

  • Xile44

    this would make up for ep 9 and I’m not even kidding

    Episode 9 is not canon.

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    you think we gonna get Vader v Ashoka during revenge era?

    Nah def not. Would ruin their meeting in Rebels.

  • Apr 25, 2020

    I wanna see suit Vader and burnt-face Sidious in one of these episodes for the culture

    Extended version of that bridge scene at the end of ROTS of them watching the Death Star being constructed pls

  • OP
    Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    I know that they verse each other in Rebels but did they really establish that as the next time they see each other as canon?

    "The last time I saw him, he was rushing off to save the Chancellor. Then everything changed. The war ended and the Jedi were accused of treason."

    Ahsoka talking to Ezra

    so yeah the scene in Episode 9 of this season was their last encounter

  • Apr 25, 2020

    Nah def not. Would ruin their meeting in Rebels.

  • Apr 25, 2020
    lil neon

    "The last time I saw him, he was rushing off to save the Chancellor. Then everything changed. The war ended and the Jedi were accused of treason."

    Ahsoka talking to Ezra

    so yeah the scene in Episode 9 of this season was their last encounter

    Got it

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    The movie cuts away to Utapau after Anakin marches on the temple, so I hope we see him actually killing jedi in the temple in this while Order 66 happens. Would be amazing

    Bro imagine if we got the full duel with Cin Drallig. He was the boss in the Ep. 3 game and we saw Vader duel him while choking out his apprentice briefly in the hologram that Obi-Wan watches.

    Pre-suit Vader wrecking s***>>>>

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    It’s mad sad to see how far Anakin fell with Ahsoka’s story being added to it

    Lowkey wish she redeemed him, not Luke lol, I never felt that love between Luke and Vader. Guess that’s more so attributed to the strong writing of Ashoka and Anakin relationship thru out these last 7 seasons

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    It’s mad sad to see how far Anakin fell with Ahsoka’s story being added to it

    Lowkey wish she redeemed him, not Luke lol, I never felt that love between Luke and Vader. Guess that’s more so attributed to the strong writing of Ashoka and Anakin relationship thru out these last 7 seasons

    Ashoka adds a whole nother layer to Anakin , story is even more tragic now

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    The movie cuts away to Utapau after Anakin marches on the temple, so I hope we see him actually killing jedi in the temple in this while Order 66 happens. Would be amazing

    i doubt it, ahsoka dosnt know that anakin turned to the darkside until they meet in rebels

  • Apr 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Ashoka adds a whole nother layer to Anakin , story is even more tragic now

    Facts, it’s still hard to see Anakin of clone wars and the prequel Anakin as the same character but all of this cross over stuff is definitely helping

  • Apr 25, 2020
    2 replies

    Facts, it’s still hard to see Anakin of clone wars and the prequel Anakin as the same character but all of this cross over stuff is definitely helping

    I agree. I enjoy TCW Anakin in context of the show as it's essentially the first 40 minutes of ROTS Anakin stretched across 7 seasons, but I do wish they gave Anakin a character arc like the 2003-2005 CW show did, easing the transition between AOTC and ROTS and Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship.

    My only issue is having Anakin become his ROTS persona only 2 months after Episode II.
