Both epic in their own ways. Love Duel of the Fates obviously but Luke saving the entire Rebellion leadership while also punking Kylo Ren without using a shred of violence is the most Jedi s*** ever. Luke’s the goat
i’m not even against the idea of luke doing that but why make it so cgi slowmo
like leia floating thru space is fine also but the way it was executed really takes me out of the movie
The way some of yall d***ride the last jedi baffles me
They wanna be different so bad i don’t get it at all
They wanna be different so bad i don’t get it at all
Maybe we just...
Like the movie
Maybe we just...
Like the movie
I like some parts too but niggas saying it’s top 2 Star Wars is f***in hilarious
I like some parts too but niggas saying it’s top 2 Star Wars is f***in hilarious
Maybe film is I don’t know…
Maybe film is I don’t know…
Totally fine but idk how you can be a fan of the OT and not be confused with most of the decisions made in this film
Totally fine but idk how you can be a fan of the OT and not be confused with most of the decisions made in this film
The way some of yall d***ride the last jedi baffles me
Fun as hell making Last Jedi haters seethe
Also, it's the only one in the new trilogy that isn't creatively bankrupt
I wouldn't put it top 2 but maybe top 4-5 in the same general tier as ROTJ and ROTS
Nah Mark's seen the light
He’s still salty but he’s accepted that he can’t change the past
He’s still salty but he’s accepted that he can’t change the past
Fun as hell making Last Jedi haters seethe
Also, it's the only one in the new trilogy that isn't creatively bankrupt
I wouldn't put it top 2 but maybe top 4-5 in the same general tier as ROTJ and ROTS
Being the most creative film out of the sequel trilogy is a very low bar lmfao
I ain’t going back and forth over the last Jedi on Christmas 2022 I’m glad you love the movie
I ain’t going back and forth over the last Jedi on Christmas 2022 I’m glad you love the movie
You started it
Both epic in their own ways. Love Duel of the Fates obviously but Luke saving the entire Rebellion leadership while also punking Kylo Ren without using a shred of violence is the most Jedi s*** ever. Luke’s the goat
I have no clue why you guys love TLJ. Complete trash film. The only good thing from these 3 movies was Kylo Ren. Whole trilogy should’ve just been about him and not pointless OP Rey
i’m not even against the idea of luke doing that but why make it so cgi slowmo
like leia floating thru space is fine also but the way it was executed really takes me out of the movie
That Leia scene was so bad and so unrealistic even in Star Wars terms
That Leia scene was so bad and so unrealistic even in Star Wars terms
the whole canto bite section seems so unneeded
i’m very mixed on the last jedi cause it has the best moments and worst moments of the sequels, it’s probably the best movie of the sequels tho
the other two seem bland and going for the safest choices and the last jedi does the exact opposite
makes the whole trilogy feel like it’s in an argument with its self would have been better if they wrote all 3 at the same time and got all the writers on the same page instead of having 3 totally different teams
the beats of the whole trilogy are obsessed with the original trilogy instead of just trying to make a new trilogy with new ideas
the prequels definitely have their problems but they are at least cohesive and offer new ideas + settings
yeah finn a stormtrooper having doubts and then turning against the first order was one of the only original ideas the force awakens has, same with the knights of ren and the last two movies just totally ignore these things
the force awakens hints at there being some connection between rey and kylo and at least that was expanded on, some of the best moments of the sequels
Consequences of the sequel trilogy being centered around a wholly unoriginal and safe/bland protagonist which is why the fresh idea of a stormtrooper turned Jedi should’ve been what the sequel trilogy was centered around but I know ppl not trying to hear that lol
Consequences of the sequel trilogy being centered around a wholly unoriginal and safe/bland protagonist which is why the fresh idea of a stormtrooper turned Jedi should’ve been what the sequel trilogy was centered around but I know ppl not trying to hear that lol
yeah definitely it would have been more interesting if it focused on Finn as a force user
the sequels seems all over the place when it comes to Rey, they are obsessed with who her parents are and less focused on her learning about the force, training or the jedi
the force awakens always felt like she was the granddaughter of some jedi
people feel this way because it's episode 7 in the Skywalker saga and she's presented as the female Luke, also we see them leave her behind and she has a vision touching the saber
if Rey was a character in another star wars movie no one would have cared
the last jedi clearly says they are nobody, okay anti climatic but still makes sense
rise of skywalker says Palpatine's granddaughter
rise of skywalker book says a clone of Palpatine's daughter
alright disney