i have a work from home job and im introverted as f***. every week feels grueling and soul sucking. i do hang out with friends but that's just basically on friday and saturday. i do work out regularly, go for walks during the day, hikes, etc
i also struggle to get girls. i don't do well on dating apps. tbh i don't think i'm ugly (i'm 27, 6'4, ~185 lbs, relatively fit) i am just really introverted which is a death sentence in modern dating
life is really starting to drag on for me so any tips you have i appreciate.
i have a work from home job and im introverted as f***. every week feels grueling and soul sucking. i do hang out with friends but that's just basically on friday and saturday. i do work out regularly, go for walks during the day, hikes, etc
i also struggle to get girls. i don't do well on dating apps. tbh i don't think i'm ugly (i'm 27, 6'4, ~185 lbs, relatively fit) i am just really introverted which is a death sentence in modern dating
life is really starting to drag on for me so any tips you have i appreciate.
Seek new hobbies?
Maybe lower you standards and find a partner.
You are not perfect, your partner will not be perfect.
I feel like people are to picky about dating
Anyways.. loneliness is really tough and I hope you find friends or a partner.
Maybe you could start doing some classes you enjoy that involves other people. It’s a good way to meet people as an adult.
I started going to some stress management and mindfulness and meet allot of new people
Go to places you really enjoy and focus on enjoying yourself. The right person would be interested in the same things as you and you could strike up a conversation about it.
Meetup.com events and talk to people
Eventbrite events and talk to people
Talk to people at concerts
Really do something you like doing and talk to people.
But most of all learn to be alone without feeling lonely
Maybe lower you standards and find a partner.
You are not perfect, your partner will not be perfect.
I feel like people are to picky about dating
Anyways.. loneliness is really tough and I hope you find friends or a partner.
Maybe you could start doing some classes you enjoy that involves other people. It’s a good way to meet people as an adult.
I started going to some stress management and mindfulness and meet allot of new people
first part kinda unnecessary
first part kinda unnecessary
Ride it out
You see your firends every single week and two days at that?
Thats literally more than most adults lmao.
Also whay do you expect? Your friends to be taped to your ass 24/7? Not happening and it shouldnt be a thing anyways if theyre also functioning and relatively successful adults as well.
How bout you use that Friday and Saturday with your friends to also try to talk to a woman while youre all out?
Also didnt see one mention about family, that could also be an issue. If it is, then finally call your mother.
You have a good job, see your friends more often than most people (you have friends which is a positive to begin with, you should see some of the users on this site they would kill for that) which can also create opportunities to find a significant other - and youre not "reclusive" or stuck if youre going out and/or seeing people literally every week or so. On top of your other activities.
Its not that bad. Get out of your head, and when youre outside the few days of the week (again, more than most adults) - try to shoot a few shots here and there. Worst case scenario - life stays the same until you finally score. So there is no downside.
Stop having a pity party or getting stuck in yourself. If what all youre saying is true, then you do have people & you do have opportunities.
But situations takes at least two people to happen. It 50/50 to make it 100. Put your 50 in.
And being an inteovert is not a death sentence in dating lol, tou do know theres girls that are also introverts? Also dating is not black and white like that. What is a death sentence is doing nothing at all. Thats true.
@op what hobbies do you have and do you match with women on the apps but just can’t close?
U better than me, i havent been out in almost 9 years
what do you mean by 'out'?
like no events/parties - s*** like that?
Start new hobbies
Goto church
Find a local club or volunteer service
Get a dog and goto the dog park
@op you should get a dog!
1. You’ll never be lonely with one, they keep your mind occupied constantly
2. You can take the dog to parks & it’s an instant conversation starter with women. They won’t see you as a threat, or at least not near as much, because you own & a dog & are kind to it. That’s automatically a green flag
introversion is not real ur just sad bro
introverts recharge by being alone, extroverts recharge by being around people