  • Feb 4, 2021

    yeah, i totally resonate with the liquid asset aspect.

    i also i feel like it's pretty anti-consumerist for me at least because i only really buy secondhand, i think the my only retail purchase last year was my kiss heels

    i dont think consumerist was the right word really

    i would be interested to see if takti had the same views on your fits if he didnt know you as a person and your history on ktt. impossible to know tho

  • Feb 4, 2021
    2 replies

    Podcast was great guys but Vox please have a proper set up for your camera, got a headache with the mini lag and camera movement. takti had a great setup.

  • Feb 4, 2021
    2 replies

    Podcast was great guys but Vox please have a proper set up for your camera, got a headache with the mini lag and camera movement. takti had a great setup.

    amman dont worry about that. ur set up is fine. blessing us with ur knowledge is all that matters

  • Feb 4, 2021
    2 replies

    Podcast was great guys but Vox please have a proper set up for your camera, got a headache with the mini lag and camera movement. takti had a great setup.

    This my no. 1 priority for the next one - we were planning on just streaming through youtube like we did in 2018 but had to go through discord and linking through youtube and that's where the problems popped up

    Preciate this though - anything in particular that you really enjoyed/suggestions for improvement beyond the camera stuff?

  • Feb 4, 2021

    amman dont worry about that. ur set up is fine. blessing us with ur knowledge is all that matters

    Preciate this too but my feed was definitely trash and something that gotta be improved

    For people to be rocking with me and what I was saying despite all of that though

  • Feb 4, 2021
    2 replies
    · edited

    This my no. 1 priority for the next one - we were planning on just streaming through youtube like we did in 2018 but had to go through discord and linking through youtube and that's where the problems popped up

    Preciate this though - anything in particular that you really enjoyed/suggestions for improvement beyond the camera stuff?

    Maybe interview some of the participants to see their vision behind some of their fits

    Just get more people on tbh, I like the clash and the differences in opinions

  • Feb 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Maybe interview some of the participants to see their vision behind some of their fits

    Just get more people on tbh, I like the clash and the differences in opinions

    Oh we already got guests lined up for the other two episodes we got planned before round 2 so hopefully there's a good amount of that

  • Feb 4, 2021

    Oh we already got guests lined up for the other two episodes we got planned before round 2 so hopefully there's a good amount of that

    Say less

    Looking forward to it

  • Feb 4, 2021
    1 reply

    PODCAST FYE wouldve loved to be a part of it

    Thank you - we already got a good amount of guests lined up but we still have a ton of the event to go so this is good to know and something I'll keep in mind

    Besides what you've been talking about in the thread already, what did you like/not like about this episode?

  • Feb 4, 2021

    Maybe interview some of the participants to see their vision behind some of their fits

    Just get more people on tbh, I like the clash and the differences in opinions

    I wanna do this for @Anna sometime after Round Two ends, I think we mentioned that too

  • Feb 4, 2021
    1 reply

    This my no. 1 priority for the next one - we were planning on just streaming through youtube like we did in 2018 but had to go through discord and linking through youtube and that's where the problems popped up

    Preciate this though - anything in particular that you really enjoyed/suggestions for improvement beyond the camera stuff?

    enjoyed It throughly man a lot of interesting topics and random conversations that felt organic, would be interesting to bring in maybe 2-3 guests at a time while also trimming it down.

  • Feb 4, 2021
    1 reply

    amman dont worry about that. ur set up is fine. blessing us with ur knowledge is all that matters

    you ain’t gotta kiss ass like this bro

  • Feb 4, 2021
    1 reply

    enjoyed It throughly man a lot of interesting topics and random conversations that felt organic, would be interesting to bring in maybe 2-3 guests at a time while also trimming it down.

    Preciate this - that's exactly what we got planned for the next two (we gotta go through the remaining 12 and if we keep the same pace, it would be six hours even before accounting for the guest we got planned for that one and that's definitely a no go) so looking forward to hearing what you think of those when we get em done

  • Feb 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Preciate this - that's exactly what we got planned for the next two (we gotta go through the remaining 12 and if we keep the same pace, it would be six hours even before accounting for the guest we got planned for that one and that's definitely a no go) so looking forward to hearing what you think of those when we get em done

    awesome looking forward to it, who are the guests?

  • Feb 4, 2021

    awesome looking forward to it, who are the guests?

    Still got some setup to take care of so we'll announce whenever we got a confirmed time to record

  • Feb 4, 2021
    1 reply

    you ain’t gotta kiss ass like this bro

    as long as we can hear him fine then thats all that matters

  • Feb 4, 2021

    as long as we can hear him fine then thats all that matters

    This love but I rewatched a portion and even I was shook off my side and it's already hard enough for me to listen to my own voice so to have the visual be trash too...nah I got work to do

  • Feb 4, 2021

    The thumbnail for the second part funny as s***, my side on that monster movie found footage ish smh

  • Feb 4, 2021

    Thank you - we already got a good amount of guests lined up but we still have a ton of the event to go so this is good to know and something I'll keep in mind

    Besides what you've been talking about in the thread already, what did you like/not like about this episode?

    don't have much feedback that others haven't already given tbh

  • Feb 4, 2021
    1 reply

    no disrespect intended but i feel like your perspective is a little biased because you know i make my money off buying and selling clothing, from what you said on the cast i get the feeling you think i just put s*** on take a fit pic then sell it on grailed. and sometimes that is the case, but i don't consider those things part of my style. if i don't love it, i don't keep it, if i don't keep it, it's not me

    if i really love a piece it stays with me indefinitely. everything i submitted with the exception of the undercover cloak i've had for a long ass time and wear regularly, at least once or twice a week tbh. i look at my clothing buying habits as a sort of constant, self-sufficient cycle of things coming in and out. i keep things i like and sell things i don't u feel🤷‍♀️

    I actually didn’t know since I don’t follow you on Instagram and im only on rod every 6 months or so 🤔

    We were rather talking about a problem that arises when people have a heavy turnover rate in their wardrobe which ultimately leads to the commodification of clothes. If you view it as a cycle then that is exactly what I’m talking about. Stagnant water grows stale after all.

    To me it was the first and the third fit that gave me this feeling of replacablity. If you say it’s only one or 2 of all your pieces it’s still 25-50% of your Submissions that represent your style.

    I feel like you put the essence of our difference down best in the message before. What I value most is personal style and the growth of ones manifestation in everything you produce while you care a lot about experimenting and innovation and funky shapes

    Of course me having know chase for almost 4 years plays a big part in my opinion but even if I didn’t, the feeling of unease would still remain and I couldn’t pinpoint it as exactly as I do now

  • Feb 5, 2021

    I actually didn’t know since I don’t follow you on Instagram and im only on rod every 6 months or so 🤔

    We were rather talking about a problem that arises when people have a heavy turnover rate in their wardrobe which ultimately leads to the commodification of clothes. If you view it as a cycle then that is exactly what I’m talking about. Stagnant water grows stale after all.

    To me it was the first and the third fit that gave me this feeling of replacablity. If you say it’s only one or 2 of all your pieces it’s still 25-50% of your Submissions that represent your style.

    I feel like you put the essence of our difference down best in the message before. What I value most is personal style and the growth of ones manifestation in everything you produce while you care a lot about experimenting and innovation and funky shapes

    Of course me having know chase for almost 4 years plays a big part in my opinion but even if I didn’t, the feeling of unease would still remain and I couldn’t pinpoint it as exactly as I do now

    If you view it as a cycle then that is exactly what I’m talking about. Stagnant water grows stale after all.

    nooo it's not a cycle that repeats, it's cycl/ing/–constantly bringing in new refreshing challenging things, adapting to what works and discarding those that don't

  • Feb 5, 2021

    I feel like the needing to keep/really wear pieces comes from an entire style perspective vs getting individual fits off (macro vs micro). in this case I think the macro effects the micro more than the other way around in that having a strong foundation adds to the individual fits. not saying Chase doesn't have that cuz I even said he snapped with his fits, but I kinda feel what takti is saying about taking too many steps forward. the style story seems like a big jump from where he was vs now. at the end of the day it's style wars not fit wars so context is important.

  • Feb 5, 2021
    1 reply

    i been named superhans for like 5 years

    still waiting for a zoot suit fit from you.

    do your name some justice

  • Feb 5, 2021

    still waiting for a zoot suit fit from you.

    do your name some justice

    too busy eating tuna baguettes sorry

  • Feb 5, 2021

    Just finished the podcast—this the first style wars one I’ve checked out and I was really pleasantly surprised. Great insights all around and loved hearing the breakdowns/different perspectives. Gonna go back and check out the old ones now too.
    Great work, can’t wait for the next episode.