way cleaner presentation this time from me i promise
@illegalnecessity see u soon
who tryna t shirt and pants fit battle
I got you when it's not the dead of winter.
@Vox check email
where did u cop the cashmere beigeish camelish pants from they looked 2 cozy and i want a pair
where did u cop the cashmere beigeish camelish pants from they looked 2 cozy and i want a pair
mandolin linked em
mandolin linked em
i saw u posted a pair in the sale thread but i need a small lol
I got you when it's not the dead of winter.
Weak u can just go outside in a t shirt
edit also everybody working from home we can just not go outside
yo where was the stream for the podcast?
You can watch the last episode in OP
i saw u posted a pair in the sale thread but i need a small lol
yeah I got the small pair after selling that one definitely works way better for people under 5'10 lmao
yeah I got the small pair after selling that one definitely works way better for people under 5'10 lmao
ya im 5'1 lmao
ya im 5'1 lmao
alright so they're just right for me at 5'8 im pretty sure you will actually be swallowed up wearing em at 5'1
alright so they're just right for me at 5'8 im pretty sure you will actually be swallowed up wearing em at 5'1
do u wear them high waist : O
do u wear them high waist : O
they're almost at my belly button and I'm wearing S bro i don't think they'd work out for you
they're almost at my belly button and I'm wearing S bro i don't think they'd work out for you
i hate this
i wear my high aist stuff above belly button tho... thatll giv me... an extra ......inch maybe 2
this is v demoralizing
i hate this
i wear my high aist stuff above belly button tho... thatll giv me... an extra ......inch maybe 2
this is v demoralizing
welcome to the land of one size
love this community man. crazy to think how long its been and how many posters have moved on from the era when I got here. iv probably posted less than 15 fits in 8 years or so but hearing yall on the podcast talking thru fits... the same voice that plays in my head as I scroll thru this thread, the same thoughts and ideas about clothes, style, form, function... only way to describe it is cathartic.
Even when i worked in fashion i never felt like there were people who actually cared about the clothes in similar ways that I do, in the ways that have made me come back to this site for so long. My experience with fashion (style, actually, tbh) has been pretty defined by this place, the quirks (no pun intended, s/o the god) and crazy s*** that ppl on here have done, worn, and said to each other. So thanks to the boys @Vox @takti and like Vox said earlier, sometimes feels like a gift to just be able to hang out around people that care about similar things in similar ways.