  • May 22, 2020
    Raplic Priest

    Wtf is this greta nonsense


  • May 22, 2020
    1 reply
    provider 4 u

    I knew Matty talked about this having the UK-garage, dance influence

    but damn 6 or 7 tracks?!?!

    Matty is aware that the band is big enough to put out EPs/side projects whenever the f*** they want if they want to explore more dance or ambient stuff? I think they do add to the texture of their albums or whatever but this was overkill

    The band is also aware that they can do whatever they damn well please

  • May 22, 2020

    The band is also aware that they can do whatever they damn well please

    ...........yeah. of course they can.

  • May 22, 2020

    Is it good?

  • May 22, 2020


  • May 22, 2020

    Ite -

    • Absolutely hated the intro. HATED THE INTRO. But with People being right after it made it a tad bit better.

    • But People is the only track with that direction on the album. After that with listening to the rest of the album it sticks out like it doesn’t belong.

    • Yeah I know... come on bro

    • Jesus Christ and Roadkill

    • the pacing on this is horrible

    • Obvious as hell they had many ideas with the direction of sound with this album and couldn’t decide which way to go so just threw everything on here.

    • Who thought it was a great idea to give the public your closer before the album was put by the way.

    A few gems on here but man smh

  • May 22, 2020

    greta intro is so f***ing cringe

  • May 22, 2020



  • May 22, 2020

    I really like the production on The Birthday Party but it goes nowhere for me...

    Frail State of Mind same thing. a lot of the songs just sound flat.

  • May 22, 2020

    some awful takes itt

  • May 22, 2020

    " I f***ing love “Yeah I Know.” I don’t know what it reminds me of. It’s kind of like Hyperdub. I remember super, super minimal ravehead music when I was growing up. It was just a synth and a drum kit. We’re also big Thom Yorke fans, outside of Radiohead, so I think there’s probably a bit of that. "

    Reading the Apple Music notes and different Matty interviews honestly helps me appreciate the music more. I may not necessarily love the sound, but they have very specific sources of inspiration and influence. If I'm grading it on that then I guess they knock it outta the park.

  • May 22, 2020

    This is a huge vibe

  • May 22, 2020

    Their last album was incredible.

    Digging the insane variety on this, looking forward to diving in more. They are sprawling and wear their heart on their sleeve in the best way imo.

  • May 22, 2020

    Love the bridge on Roadkill

    I've been waitin' for YOOOOOOUUU

  • May 22, 2020

    Frail State of Mind

  • May 22, 2020


  • May 22, 2020

    I also don't really like If You're Too Shy. and the hype that it got for several months before release really devastated me on first listen lmao like snoring through the first half and THAT track finally comes and you're like...

  • May 22, 2020

    if they put out an EP or like 9-10 track album of the ambient/garage/dance stuff like Having No Head

    that might be their best received s*** ever lol

  • May 22, 2020

    yeah I really like most of the second half of the album

    do you wanna leave at the same time?

  • May 22, 2020

    alright on second listen i don't haaaate it. it comes nowhere close to ABIIOR for me. I just feel like Matty had more to say. This literally sounds and feels like Matty woke up one day and decided the album would be 22 songs, tweeted it to the world, and then they had a quota to fill (because that's literally what happened).

    on the production side of things, it was a great idea and executed well. they got to dig into all of their different influences and flex their versatility. as far as lyrics and songwriting go...i'm genuinely confused at Matty saying this is his best album lyrically. he lied.

    I don't really assign scores to albums but this s*** aight/10.
    tonight (i wish i was your boy)
    shiny collarbone
    having no head

  • May 22, 2020
    2 replies

    Am I the only one who thought People was a little too polished for that type of sound?

    I don't know if it is the mixing or what...

  • May 23, 2020
    1 reply

    f*** all of u if u hate the intro track

  • May 23, 2020

    People hating on this lmao

  • May 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Imma put it straight

    People are mad bc this s*** is actually different

    In a scope of their whole career this album will be what solidified them as one of the biggest bands of our generation and not just a bunch of queer dudes with guitars

    Anyone who hates on the instrumentals... Like... Do you even like music?? The instrumentals are so beautiful and complicated. And if I were to judge they are the most important parts of the album. Not the songs like Roadkill but the instrumentals like The End or Streaming

    A Brief Inquiry... was like PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH

    this one is slowing down, taking things easy, noticing the beauty in the chaos

    Listened to it again in my bed b4 going to sleep and I felt like I'm levitating

    I take back what I said yesterday. This is getting better and better with every listen.
    It's different. Whole lotta different. But that's what makes it good
