  • Nov 15, 2020

    I’m not perfect but I wouldn’t consider myself evil by any means, I hate when people try to scare me into doing religious s*** out of fear of going to hell, and people wonder why religion is on the decline in the West among young people, especially with the rise of the internet and everything, no offense to religious folk but this is a major turn off for me among other things

  • Nov 15, 2020

    if I gotta burn in hell cause I love d**** and fornication toss me right tf in it is what it is

  • Nov 15, 2020

    i agree

  • Nov 15, 2020
    2 replies

    Yea the concept is stupid lol. God created all of us, gave us our personalities and put us in our circumstances, but if you f*** up he’ll send you to burn in hell and suffer for all eternity with the Devil (who is one of his angels that he somehow lost control over cause apparently the all-powerful God isn’t THAT powerful.)

  • Nov 15, 2020
    2 replies

    I agree, I also think the sentiment of waiting until death for paradise and happiness in heaven is weird and not good. I can see it being a total test of delayed gratification and that being the ultimate reward but just living a dormant life just in hopes of a better one after doesn’t sit right with me. Why wait until you die to be happy? Why wait until death for heaven? Make it on earth.

  • PIMP 💿
    Nov 15, 2020
    2 replies

    ngl if hell exists, thats kinda hard gotta admit

  • Nov 15, 2020

    No duh how else would you be able to keep millions of ignorant, self-serving human beings in line?

  • Nov 15, 2020

    I find it really amusing that hell/damnation in the abrahamic sense is a concept that was most probably not developed until Jesus' times. There is no mention of any kind of eternal fire in foundational jewish texts and all allusions to divine punishment in later writings were always interpreted by the majority of rabbis as non-physical ....

  • Nov 15, 2020
    1 reply

    When I die f*** it I wanna go to hell
    Cause I'm a piece of s*** it ain't hard to f***in' tell
    It don't make sense goin' to heaven with the goodie-goodies
    Dressed in white I like black Timbs and black hoodies

  • Nov 15, 2020
    2 replies

    Yea the concept is stupid lol. God created all of us, gave us our personalities and put us in our circumstances, but if you f*** up he’ll send you to burn in hell and suffer for all eternity with the Devil (who is one of his angels that he somehow lost control over cause apparently the all-powerful God isn’t THAT powerful.)

    not to mention that he already f***ing knows whats gonna happen. Not only he knows but he it was he who decided what will happen... Also it's kinda sus that he went with this whole big test of humans and the exercice of free will thingy. It implies that creation got a purpose of its own that god must/needs to fulfill... That doesn't scream omnipotent/omnibenevolent to me

  • Nov 15, 2020
    4 replies

    wants you to worship him
    did nothing during holocaust, slavery
    hates gays
    sends you to hell

    the devil:
    wants u to live your life

  • Nov 15, 2020

    When I die f*** it I wanna go to hell
    Cause I'm a piece of s*** it ain't hard to f***in' tell
    It don't make sense goin' to heaven with the goodie-goodies
    Dressed in white I like black Timbs and black hoodies

  • Nov 15, 2020
    · edited

    not to mention that he already f***ing knows whats gonna happen. Not only he knows but he it was he who decided what will happen... Also it's kinda sus that he went with this whole big test of humans and the exercice of free will thingy. It implies that creation got a purpose of its own that god must/needs to fulfill... That doesn't scream omnipotent/omnibenevolent to me

    Yea and he’s decided to create s*** like leukemia and AIDs and allow children to be kidnapped and murdered and people to be tortured to death and sold into slavery & all of the other abominations you can think of. If anyone deserves to go to hell its God.

  • Nov 15, 2020
    2 replies

    Yea the concept is stupid lol. God created all of us, gave us our personalities and put us in our circumstances, but if you f*** up he’ll send you to burn in hell and suffer for all eternity with the Devil (who is one of his angels that he somehow lost control over cause apparently the all-powerful God isn’t THAT powerful.)

    The thing is though, hell must exist for God to be a righteous judge. Otherwise God permits wickedness, and therefore unjust.

    People think this is unfair bc of reasons like the ones you mentioned. But God made a way for man to be saved from hell. By sending Jesus, who being crucified bare the sin of the whole world and rose again from the dead so that nobody would have to go to hell.

    And the only thing God requires of anyone to be saved is to believe in Jesus, which is to trust in him for salvation. Does that sound unfair?

  • Nov 15, 2020
    monza sp1 x

    wants you to worship him
    did nothing during holocaust, slavery
    hates gays
    sends you to hell

    the devil:
    wants u to live your life

  • Nov 15, 2020
    · edited

    not to mention that he already f***ing knows whats gonna happen. Not only he knows but he it was he who decided what will happen... Also it's kinda sus that he went with this whole big test of humans and the exercice of free will thingy. It implies that creation got a purpose of its own that god must/needs to fulfill... That doesn't scream omnipotent/omnibenevolent to me

    Yeah lmao I’ve always had a problem with the whole omniscient thing

  • reincarnation

  • Nov 15, 2020
    1 reply

    The thing is though, hell must exist for God to be a righteous judge. Otherwise God permits wickedness, and therefore unjust.

    People think this is unfair bc of reasons like the ones you mentioned. But God made a way for man to be saved from hell. By sending Jesus, who being crucified bare the sin of the whole world and rose again from the dead so that nobody would have to go to hell.

    And the only thing God requires of anyone to be saved is to believe in Jesus, which is to trust in him for salvation. Does that sound unfair?

    yes. so someone that was born into a Jewish or Muslim community and has made mistakes in life & doesn’t believe Jesus was the Son of God will burn in hell due to their upbringing?

  • Nov 15, 2020
    1 reply

    The thing is though, hell must exist for God to be a righteous judge. Otherwise God permits wickedness, and therefore unjust.

    People think this is unfair bc of reasons like the ones you mentioned. But God made a way for man to be saved from hell. By sending Jesus, who being crucified bare the sin of the whole world and rose again from the dead so that nobody would have to go to hell.

    And the only thing God requires of anyone to be saved is to believe in Jesus, which is to trust in him for salvation. Does that sound unfair?

    But if god cares so much about good and justice (let's not even talk about how you here treat these concepts as transcending and independent of him like he must abide to them or smn) why doesn't he ever take my place.. Why it gotta always be me who's tempted by evil, who remains forever ignorant, weak and sinful and therefore infinitely more prone to slip to hell? Why was I never presented the chance to be in his place and have it as easy as him?Doesn't sound so just now

  • Nov 15, 2020

    I was thinking about this last night though
    Where did everything come from?
    Not talking about evolution or the creation of Earth and all that but like the first atoms or neutrons or whatever the f***
    They just popped up out of nowhere? I've never actually done research because I don't really care all that much but had me thinkin fr

  • Nov 15, 2020
    1 reply

    yes. so someone that was born into a Jewish or Muslim community and has made mistakes in life & doesn’t believe Jesus was the Son of God will burn in hell due to their upbringing?

    Not quite. Thing is. There’s a part in the book of 2 Thessalonians talking about how people are being damned bc they received not the love of the truth.

    A good example is the Pharisees from the time Jesus was around, they were supposedly following the Bible but Jesus is constantly rebuking them for rejecting the truths in scripture in favor of their traditions.

    Fast forward to today we have many religious systems following their traditions. However every one of us has a spirit and God communicates with our spirits and will inevitably have an encounter with the truth and face a decision where they either believe, or reject the truth.

    And the reason Jesus is so compelling is because it’s the only path to salvation that is based on faith alone, not works.

    People in other religions are trying to work their way to heaven, whereas anyone with an willing to accept the truth that they are a sinner understands there’s no way you can work yourself out of sinning.

  • Nov 15, 2020
    · edited

    But if god cares so much about good and justice (let's not even talk about how you here treat these concepts as transcending and independent of him like he must abide to them or smn) why doesn't he ever take my place.. Why it gotta always be me who's tempted by evil, who remains forever ignorant, weak and sinful and therefore infinitely more prone to slip to hell? Why was I never presented the chance to be in his place and have it as easy as him?Doesn't sound so just now

    It’s really nice to hear someone consider these things honestly. But this one is easy. It’s because our great great great (etc.) grandparents were tempted by the devil and sinned and we are still living with the consequences.

    And normally ppl wonder why the devil exists then. And the answer is because he serves a purpose.

  • Nov 16, 2020

    If God does exist, I don't see them as someone who sticks with their creations as an omniscient presence. They allow creation to evolve on its own like a snowball down a hill.

    However, if God sends people to hell, isn't he helping Satan? Hell needs souls too. So Satan must not be so bad if God can work in increasing Satan's forces. Unless heaven and hell are constantly at war with one another, God seems willing to negotiate with Satan.