  • Nov 17, 2020
    2 replies

    Cause if they truly followed the book they would realize the whole system is f***ed up top to bottom, and explicitly goes against the text they follow.

    the fact these motherfuckers think it's god's will that has them allowed to be as greedy and exploitative as possible to accumulate wealth in the name of "prosperity"

    f*** them all

  • necromancer

    the fact these motherfuckers think it's god's will that has them allowed to be as greedy and exploitative as possible to accumulate wealth in the name of "prosperity"

    f*** them all

    it's why s*** like this pisses me off

  • Nov 17, 2020

    I think the only way the universe could have been created was because of an all powerful being or God. There's no other explanation that makes sense to me. Only something so powerful can create this entire world. It does feel like this all powerful being is either dead or doesn't care about us

  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply

    i grew up in a catholic household so i don't hate religion honestly, it's just a way that people feel solace in dealing with the world and all the unexpected chaos that comes in its wake, i just don't believe in a higher power and the science just isn't there.

    i also hate that it has been used as an excuse/shield to justify years of atrocities and hatred throughout human history, even though the bible isn't taken to be literal, rather metaphorically and also to be understood within the context of the times its from

    i just see it as a primitive guidebook on how it was understood by a certain sect of people on values with how to live in that lifestyle/society and also metaphorical commentary about the times in which it was written

    you don't need religion to be a morally good person either, it comes from your heart and thats what matters

  • Nov 17, 2020
    · edited

    i grew up in a catholic household so i don't hate religion honestly, it's just a way that people feel solace in dealing with the world and all the unexpected chaos that comes in its wake, i just don't believe in a higher power and the science just isn't there.

    i also hate that it has been used as an excuse/shield to justify years of atrocities and hatred throughout human history, even though the bible isn't taken to be literal, rather metaphorically and also to be understood within the context of the times its from

    i just see it as a primitive guidebook on how it was understood by a certain sect of people on values with how to live in that lifestyle/society and also metaphorical commentary about the times in which it was written

    you don't need religion to be a morally good person either, it comes from your heart and thats what matters

    Well said.

  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply
  • Nov 17, 2020

    You don’t have to do religious stuff to not go to hell. Just be a decent human and I promise God won’t send you there ;)

  • Nov 17, 2020


    Literally nobody:

    The edgy depressed broke adult on KTT: 666

  • Nov 17, 2020


  • Nov 17, 2020

    This is an interesting read

    i think using science to dispute things god can do doesnt really work (atleast for me)

    god is someone that can do anything he wants, he created science, why would he have to abide by it when he does something

    but thats just what i think!

  • Nov 17, 2020

    also the idea that u have to devote ur whole life to god and not be happy to not go to hell is very dumb and not true like at all, atleast not in islam

    u can live ur life, just follow some rules, if u cant even stop doing just a few things bc of ur lust for those things

  • Nov 17, 2020

    You should worry more about living in hell while you're alive my friend.

    There's no way to know for sure if a hell does or doesn't exist in the afterlife nor do we know how to not get sent there. At the same time we don't know what "hell" will actually be like and whether there is or isn't a way out. Imo humans are not supposed to know or be able to comprehend what an afterlife will be like or know if one does exist.

    Religions have their own definitions and understandings of what hell is and how people get sent there. It's impossible to know which one has got it right.

  • Nov 17, 2020

    was thinking bout this the other day, god can’t create the free mind and expect us to not question anything. some high school s***, like wtf is the devil? God has an opp?

    I grew up catholic and was even forced to go to Sunday school occasionally. When things are going great I like to think that God blessing me but I’m afraid it’s more of a comforting thought than reality. I didn’t ask to live, so I’m going to hell for questioning his existence? That’s unforgiving and honestly evil.

  • Nov 17, 2020

    The world would be a way better place if everyone believed in it and was scared of it

  • Nov 17, 2020

    No s***, all of Christianity is basically fear mongering and guilt tripping

  • Nov 17, 2020

    I think the golden rule is to live your life as decently as possible and be as honest with yourself as you can when dealing with those metaphysical questions. I am sure a tri-omni God/Gods, assuming he/they exist, won't give a flying f*** about the answers you come up with.

  • Nov 17, 2020

    If you’re around true Christians and people who present the Bible in its correct text I promised you that you won’t be in fear of going to hell. The first wrong thing that people who call themselves believers do is spread the fear and negativity of the persons sins. It’s alright to do a righteous judgement on a person but it’s our duty to guide them out of it in the most humble and loving way possible. And not by force or fear. Most religious people use fear and force to try and get someone to believe. Now of course no one will want to come over to the faith right? That doesn’t make the concept of God or the Bible incorrect. It’s the person who’s presenting the information making it incorrect. I promise you when I studied the Bible that hell was my least concern. I’m aware of it but I was too into the good news and word of God to even be in fear

  • Nov 17, 2020

    I’m not perfect but I wouldn’t consider myself evil by any means, I hate when people try to scare me into doing religious s*** out of fear of going to hell, and people wonder why religion is on the decline in the West among young people, especially with the rise of the internet and everything, no offense to religious folk but this is a major turn off for me among other things

    You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over.

  • Nov 17, 2020

    Check out The Great Divorce

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Nov 17, 2020

    I agree, I also think the sentiment of waiting until death for paradise and happiness in heaven is weird and not good. I can see it being a total test of delayed gratification and that being the ultimate reward but just living a dormant life just in hopes of a better one after doesn’t sit right with me. Why wait until you die to be happy? Why wait until death for heaven? Make it on earth.

    funniest thing is when Christians don’t even understand how their own canonical afterlife works.

    in Christianity, when you die, you don’t immediately go to heaven or hell. you just stay dead until the second coming when Jesus brings all the believers to heaven. and nobody turns into angels. angels are a different breed of creatures who live in heaven, not dead humans with wings.

  • Nov 18, 2020

    You’re last paragraph is so nice to read. So if we faced this truth that we are born sinners, what comes next?

  • ah yes thanos kanye spitting facts about religion

  • Nov 18, 2020

    Grandma make you wake up early and goto church?

  • Nov 18, 2020

    stream JIK