  • Nov 16, 2020
    monza sp1 x

    wants you to worship him
    did nothing during holocaust, slavery
    hates gays
    sends you to hell

    the devil:
    wants u to live your life

  • Nov 16, 2020

    ngl if hell exists, thats kinda hard gotta admit

  • Nov 16, 2020

  • Nov 16, 2020
    monza sp1 x

    wants you to worship him
    did nothing during holocaust, slavery
    hates gays
    sends you to hell

    the devil:
    wants u to live your life

    We praising the wrong god bros? 🤔

    Hell sounding elite rn

  • Nov 16, 2020

    when it's my time to go i wait for god with the .44

  • Nov 16, 2020
    3 replies

    Religious people be saying "well you're just atheist to sin freely" or "well if you dont believe in the after life why do you good things?" like the promise of eternal suffering is the only valid motivation to be a decent person.

  • i never even thought of that wow

  • Nov 16, 2020

    Religious people be saying "well you're just atheist to sin freely" or "well if you dont believe in the after life why do you good things?" like the promise of eternal suffering is the only valid motivation to be a decent person.

    Bruh frfr. s*** crazy. Ive asked some christians if theyd be a good person if heaven and hell didnt exist and they straight up said no

  • Nov 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Nothing more fraudulent than religion. I won’t deny it has helped people but it has been quite the tool of genocide and suppression.

    There’s nothing wrong with a belief in a god but religion is written by people trying (mostly) to help others and it being used for more bad than good.

    The stories being allegories or metaphors should have just been kept at that and be used as a guide rather than what it is today.

    The human ego has linked religion and the belief in a god to create something even worse.

  • Nov 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Religious people be saying "well you're just atheist to sin freely" or "well if you dont believe in the after life why do you good things?" like the promise of eternal suffering is the only valid motivation to be a decent person.

    what is your motivation to be a decent person? not disagreeing necessarily, just curious

  • Lein

    Religious people be saying "well you're just atheist to sin freely" or "well if you dont believe in the after life why do you good things?" like the promise of eternal suffering is the only valid motivation to be a decent person.

    That's what scares me the most.

    Like bruh you telling me you that afraid of hell. You're just doing good s*** just because. Not even based on faith.

    What if we never had this concept

  • Nov 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Umm no it's real, and most of us are going. Who are you trying to fool

  • Don't think too hard about it

  • Nov 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Umm no it's real, and most of us are going. Who are you trying to fool

  • Nov 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Not quite. Thing is. There’s a part in the book of 2 Thessalonians talking about how people are being damned bc they received not the love of the truth.

    A good example is the Pharisees from the time Jesus was around, they were supposedly following the Bible but Jesus is constantly rebuking them for rejecting the truths in scripture in favor of their traditions.

    Fast forward to today we have many religious systems following their traditions. However every one of us has a spirit and God communicates with our spirits and will inevitably have an encounter with the truth and face a decision where they either believe, or reject the truth.

    And the reason Jesus is so compelling is because it’s the only path to salvation that is based on faith alone, not works.

    People in other religions are trying to work their way to heaven, whereas anyone with an willing to accept the truth that they are a sinner understands there’s no way you can work yourself out of sinning.

    You’re last paragraph is so nice to read. So if we faced this truth that we are born sinners, what comes next?

  • Nov 17, 2020

  • Nov 17, 2020

    Nothing more fraudulent than religion. I won’t deny it has helped people but it has been quite the tool of genocide and suppression.

    There’s nothing wrong with a belief in a god but religion is written by people trying (mostly) to help others and it being used for more bad than good.

    The stories being allegories or metaphors should have just been kept at that and be used as a guide rather than what it is today.

    The human ego has linked religion and the belief in a god to create something even worse.

    I agree. And yes it has helped some people but the harm it has caused far outweighs any good it's done for the world. I can't really blame people for their beliefs since I get it's deeply ingrained in them since birth so it's incredibly difficult to move on from it

  • Nov 17, 2020

    what is your motivation to be a decent person? not disagreeing necessarily, just curious

    Lots of reasons, but it mostly rests on compassion for others and self perception. Doing good s*** makes me feel fulfilled, doing foul s*** makes feel guilty. I also care about what I put out into society. If I do good by someone it can brighten their day and it ups the chances of them doing the same with someone else in a chain reaction. Pulling a foul stunt on somebody can ruin their day, make them overly suspicious of others, cause them to take out their emotion on someone who doesnt deserve it, etc etc. Basically good deeds contribute to a better world and bad deeds to a worse world.

    And it doesn't make sense to be a piece of s***. If you're an amoral person who constantly f***s over other people, its either you'll have no good friends or you will hate yourself. Probably both. Sounds like a s***ty life of loneliness and guilt.

  • Nov 17, 2020
    monza sp1 x

    wants you to worship him
    did nothing during holocaust, slavery
    hates gays
    sends you to hell

    the devil:
    wants u to live your life

    ok we satanists now

  • Nov 17, 2020

    I always wondered if theres a link between different personalities and what religion or spiritual belief you may lean towards intuitively.

    For instance, I grew up in a Christian family but nothing in the belief fulfilled me personally and wasnt satisfied with the experiences associated with it. I have nothing but respect for the belief but now ive been Buddhist for some years because it just intuitively makes more sense to me and fulfilling.

    I'm sure others may intuitively feel Christianity to be they're path or Islam or whatever else. Think theres a spiritual practice or belief out there for everyone

  • Nov 17, 2020

    What if Hell is actually a nice place to be after you die?

    You meet Satan and he’s all like “What’s up man? You died lol. Anyway let me know if you need anything. Bar is self serve. D**** and s***are down the hall. Sorry about the heat, bro! A****** upstairs took our AC away.”

  • Nov 17, 2020

    Religion in 2020 brehs

  • Nov 17, 2020

    ngl if hell exists, thats kinda hard gotta admit

    Fr if its real ima burn for a couple 100 years to prove to Satan i can handle pain VERY well and befriend him so we can f*** all the demon hoes together