  • Jun 25, 2022

    I was in the back of my dads car, I remember the announcement verbatim on the radio: “Michael Jackson, the king of pop, is dead”

    I even remember the Highway we were on and everything. I just remember hearing about him now and then up to that point, but I knew he was really important

  • Jun 25, 2022

    Remember that s*** like yesterday

  • Jun 25, 2022

    My parents used to play the radio in the house while we got ready for school, I think that's how I heard

    Which is kinda crazy, because apparently Michael was declared dead at like 2PM so about 11PM over here. I only found out on the morning of June 26. Surreal to think that only a little over 10 years ago, news and information wasn't instantly accessible like today

  • Jun 25, 2022

    At the crib felt my heart fall out my chest

  • Jun 25, 2022

    I was checking my Yahoo email and I saw a big headline that just popped up "Michael Jackson dead at 52"
    I was just like no f***in way...

    Then I went up stairs to tell my mom and she was watching this Spanish political comedy show and the host stops the show as I walk in n is like "woah woah, just got word that Michael Jackson, legendary American music star, has passed away" n my mom was like Noooooo!

    It was sad because he had already went through so much s*** in the 2000s n he was reemerging from all the bad press and was about to start another wave of his music...

  • Jun 25, 2022
    1 reply
    Sir Swagalot

    yeah his bday is august 29th

    I almost share a birthday with MJ

  • Jun 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Found out while I was playing pirates of the Caribbean online

  • Jun 25, 2022

    Woke up from a nap and remember walking into the living room and seeing it on the TV. felt like every news channel was talking about it no matter what for the rest of the day.

    Remember my mom talking on the phone about it to her sisters for what felt like hours about it

    And on the TV I vividly remember being up until liek 1 and 2 the morning after and I can’t remember if it was just MTV but it deadaas felt like multiple channels dedicated basically the entire rest of the day (might’ve been longer than that) to just playing straight MJ music videos

    I was like 8 or 9 at the time so my memory isn’t the best but I do remember those parts pretty vividly.

  • Jun 25, 2022

    RIP to a goat and one of the best to ever do it

    Listening to Dont Stop At 3am that evening

  • Jun 25, 2022
    internet buddy

    Mike was the most talented entertainer ever but y’all putting him over Stevie Wonder on what basis?

    i don't wanna slander the man in an appreciation thread but let's just say there's a very captivating argument that could be made for stevie wonder

  • Jun 25, 2022

    was too young to really remember, i think i remember seeing it on the news

  • I remember being at my dad house when this happened. Crazy day

  • Jun 25, 2022

    He died like 10.30pm here

    My friend told me the morning after when we were going to school

  • Jun 25, 2022
    BlueChew Sean

    I almost share a birthday with MJ

    my brother share’s his bday so that’s how i remember lol

  • Jun 25, 2022

    I was at a public pool and the employees came over the loudspeakers and announced that he had died. F***ing unreal

  • Jun 25, 2022

    when i was a little kid i used to take piano lessons in this little music equipment store and there was this corner in the back with a few tables, linoleum checkerboard floor a vending machine and this s***ty little tv up in the corner where the walls met the ceiling. i got there early that day and so i was sitting in that little cafe area watching the tv and they just kept playing mj performances on loop. s*** was crazy. when my lesson started my piano teacher took a good 5 minutes to just talk about mj's death.

  • Jun 25, 2022

    This is one of those memories that’s always stuck with me. I was 14 and was at home playing Guitar Hero lol… I remember taking a break and seeing the news online and just not believing it at all. Turned on the TV news and watched for hours, was in shock. He was one of those icons you kinda always thought would live forever… or at least a lot longer than he did.

  • Jun 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Wasn’t born yet

  • Jun 25, 2022

    was at a family cook out

    it was crazy cause the whole city started playing his music at that very moment niggas was driving around blasting mj like he was prime wayne at the time

  • Jun 25, 2022

    Where were you when you heard the news?

    Ill never forget, it was the last day of school. I was happy af and chilling in my moms room. Then i go to turn on the tv and i see the news. I was so shocked and started yelling for my mom to come see. She was sad and in disbelief too. I was only 9 but i felt how impactful his life/death was for a lot of people

    Jun 25, 2022

    MJs death shook the f***ing earth. I also remember where I was at when I found out he passed away. My parents told me in the car.

  • Jun 25, 2022

    I was at home and I saw it on the news but my family isn't from here so really I had no idea who he was. I just knew about the jokes people would make about him from my classmates.

  • Jun 25, 2022
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Found out while I was playing pirates of the Caribbean online

    I used to f*** with that game and need for speed online

  • Jun 25, 2022

    i woke up to the news and went to see ACDC in the night s*** was brazy

  • Jun 25, 2022
