my mom brought me to work with her. she was on her break looking at gossip websites when she found out... i think my dad called her or she called him...
when we got home the internet wasn't working. like so many people were online the internet just wouldn't work. it was so strange.
Yea when were you born?
In the 90s. Aren't you supposed to be on tik tok?
back when we was still livin in the projects. my mom told us but my siblings didn't get how big of a deal it was but I did. i remember the whole day we just watched his music videos marathon on (i think) BET
Real tears shed over this legend
He’s surely somewhere dancing his ass off
Hopefully in a better place, and given the respect he so badly deserved.
I was in 4th grade at my moms clinic and I remember she called me over telling me the news. I cried like I just lost a friend.
Was at home with an ear infection when this happened
Was in a backyard pool with my cousin. We were playing basketball on this inflatable hoop with the radio on the porch blasting music.
Then the music was interrupted and a guy straight up said that MJ just passed.
Took the fun out of that day immediately.
i was 9 years old...i just got a haircut and over the radio they said he suffered a cardiac arrest and was unresponsive. picked up some food at a restaurant about 30 mins later and it was confirmed that he died. my brother and i went on an MJ binge the whole summer
Watched it live on TMZ with the family. My mom said “he’s gone” when they first brought him into the hospital
First time I seen my dad cry
Right in our living room watching the news unfold
June? Could've sworn it was August But maybe I'm getting mixed up with his birthday
June? Could've sworn it was August But maybe I'm getting mixed up with his birthday
yeah his bday is august 29th
"I won't ever forget Michael Jackson because his contribution to the song We are the World had a very significant effect on my life.
I am 50 now but 25 years ago I was living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which at that time was suffering from a long drought and famine.
It was a terrible situation. Lots of people became sick and many more died. Around one million people in all were killed by the famine.
In 1984 Michael Jackson, along with a number of other leading musicians, made the song We are the World to raise money for Africa.
We received a lot of aid from the world and I was one of those who directly benefitted from it.
The wheat flour that was distributed to the famine victims was different to the usual cereal we bought at the market.
We baked a special bread from it.
The local people named the bread after the great artist and it became known as Michael Bread. It was soft and delicious. When you have been through such hard times you never forget events like this.
If you speak to anyone who was in Addis Ababa at that time they will all know what Michael Bread is and I know I will remember it for the rest of my life."