so in
Theo was throwing out gold and joe couldn't comprehend how he didn't actually mean half of it lol. I don't see how a comedian can't riff or be part of a joke.
Y’all just realizing that Joe is dumb as s***
Y’all just realizing that Joe is dumb as s***
I don't think he's dumb I just think his style doesn't work with Theo.
if you listen to Rogan regularly
you would know all you need is a pull up bar.
the rest of your exercises can be bodyweight.
Duncan Trussell is my favorite guest. Him and Christopher Ryan had great episodes with Joe.
I retract my statements about him selling out for signing the spotify deal. Him having that guaranteed money in the bank account and full creative control is gonna allow him to go all out on those topics that would usually get censored on Youtube/Google, without any fear of being cancelled.
Plus knowing Joe he’s gonna try to prove the “his number of viewers will diminish” crowd wrong by having the most fan-requested guests on like Alex Jones, etc.
He might be able to be more of himself off of YouTube though we’ll see
@BLitty This the vibe
I retract my statements about him selling out for signing the spotify deal. Him having that guaranteed money in the bank account and full creative control is gonna allow him to go all out on those topics that would usually get censored on Youtube/Google, without any fear of being cancelled.
Plus knowing Joe he’s gonna try to prove the “his number of viewers will diminish” crowd wrong by having the most fan-requested guests on like Alex Jones, etc.
! hope you’re right it’s a perfect time for the JRP to go all out with no restrictions I’d love to see it
I hope you’re right it’s a perfect time for the JRP to go all out with no restrictions I’d love to see it
Type s***
But did you see that clip where he says Joe called him right after the Spotify deal and said this is a war against the mainstream or something like that? You think that’s true, or just Alex over hyping stuff as usual?
Type s***
But did you see that clip where he says Joe called him right after the Spotify deal and said this is a war against the mainstream or something like that? You think that’s true, or just Alex over hyping stuff as usual?
for sure
I’d say the line was drawn between independent content creators & mainstream media ever since the adpocalypse but now more than ever it’s clear the media just a brainwashing machine that’s for sale. We need platforms like JRP (which isn’t perfect) to give people raw information without bias.
I like that Hamilton Morris dude even tho he dissed LSA aka one of the best psychs ever
so in
pretty good podcast, actually listened to this whole one.
so frustrating how Rogan only focuses on the riots and looting from the first few days of the protests and completely ignored the cause behind them and the movement that's STILL going on now it's been like 10% looting and 90% peaceful protesters getting shot at, tear gassed, and wrongfully arrested for exercising their first amendment. him and saagar breezed over that part and spent all their energy condemning looters. Krystal tried her best but they sleep. no surprise though, rogan is progressively becoming more #alllivesmatter
Going back and rewatching shows from yeaaars ago.
And yeah this show has went in the decline past couple years.
The move to spotify hopefully shakes things up a lil.
so in
hadn't heard of them before but i like these two. really great episode imo
The 3 David choe episodes on youtube >
don’t even like joe rogan but David got the wildest stories lol
I like that Hamilton Morris dude even tho he dissed LSA aka one of the best psychs ever
could listen to that man talk about d****/chemicals I’ve never heard of in my life all day
I haven’t listened yet, but Andrew Schulz on JRE could be one step away from a klan rally.
could listen to that man talk about d****/chemicals I’ve never heard of in my life all day
check out his dad
interesting guy in his own right
Ronnie Coleman had me crine