  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    Looks like reviewers and media already have the game, I hope we get some uncut footage before next week

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    What is the point of remastering 2 it’s gonna look the exact same. Use these resources/funding to make a fantastic third entry

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    What is the point of remastering 2 it’s gonna look the exact same. Use these resources/funding to make a fantastic third entry

    Lol do you actually think it took that many resources be fr

    Also the sales from this goes to funding the next game so you’re tripping for nothing

  • Jan 13, 2024

    Lol do you actually think it took that many resources be fr

    Also the sales from this goes to funding the next game so you’re tripping for nothing

    Just comes off as a pointless money grab lol I’m not trippin I just don’t understand why it’s necessary

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    game is $50 as a feature

    Gonna need Digital Foundry on those graphical updates pronto.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 13, 2024

    Gonna need Digital Foundry on those graphical updates pronto.

    It’s gonna be a “if you squint maybe you can tell the difference” type situation

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    i reslly cant wait to play roguelike mode its gonna be phenomenal

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply
    ye bully mode

    i reslly cant wait to play roguelike mode its gonna be phenomenal

    Wish it had coop to it but I get it

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    Wish it had coop to it but I get it

    given that it doesnt and they canceled multiplayer, im almost positive theres something about the design of the game / gunplay that doesnt work properly in a PvP setting vs PvE setting

    they could have just scaled back multi mode instead of cancelling it, but given theres no coop in this new edition and no multiplayer at all despite it being years after the initial release date

    i feel like the designers must have accepted that they couldnt get the feel of it right. idk if its an animations thing bc playing the game is crazy impressive how interactive the hand to hand combat is with the world around it. i imagine doing that unscripted with each player having a fair opportunity to activate the enviornment in such a way is incredibly difficult. its such a major piece to the combat that scaling it down may have felt like it was dumbing the whole experience down for the sake of PvP

    what do u think other problems arised in trying to get the game to work in a PvP environment?

  • Reddit nerds really hate Druckmann for this one huh...

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    the difference in abby and ellie alone was like night and day and my favorite part of the whole experience

    i kinda understand peoples qualms with the story but the pacing on that initial playthru really felt airtight solid to me

    its a bit diff now on my like 4th playthru (the younger walking simulator moments suck for abby where as they're really sick for ellie)

    saying all that to say that feeling the difference between the two as fightwrs had me soooo excited for a multiplayer experience that really fleshed out and capitalized the differences between the two

    imagine matchmaking between 2 abby style tanks 2 ellie style all arounders and maybe a tommy type sniper / technician

    snipers holding down their respective positions, holding back the ellie style quick paced fighters from afar with the abby tanks serving as the defense

    damn even just talking about it rn is making me so mad like f*** why couldnt this happen

    im guessing a lot of the diff between characters we never played as before were gonna be the kind of roles we were gonna be able to play in multi

    we need a proper explanation as to why it didnt pan out

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply
    ye bully mode

    given that it doesnt and they canceled multiplayer, im almost positive theres something about the design of the game / gunplay that doesnt work properly in a PvP setting vs PvE setting

    they could have just scaled back multi mode instead of cancelling it, but given theres no coop in this new edition and no multiplayer at all despite it being years after the initial release date

    i feel like the designers must have accepted that they couldnt get the feel of it right. idk if its an animations thing bc playing the game is crazy impressive how interactive the hand to hand combat is with the world around it. i imagine doing that unscripted with each player having a fair opportunity to activate the enviornment in such a way is incredibly difficult. its such a major piece to the combat that scaling it down may have felt like it was dumbing the whole experience down for the sake of PvP

    what do u think other problems arised in trying to get the game to work in a PvP environment?

    I think they really just wanted to figure out how to monetize it . Coop similiar to a remnant style with rogue like wouldn’t be that hard design wise at all . I think wanting to sell things did them in . Can’t wait til factions 2 gameplay and design docs leak

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply
    ye bully mode

    the difference in abby and ellie alone was like night and day and my favorite part of the whole experience

    i kinda understand peoples qualms with the story but the pacing on that initial playthru really felt airtight solid to me

    its a bit diff now on my like 4th playthru (the younger walking simulator moments suck for abby where as they're really sick for ellie)

    saying all that to say that feeling the difference between the two as fightwrs had me soooo excited for a multiplayer experience that really fleshed out and capitalized the differences between the two

    imagine matchmaking between 2 abby style tanks 2 ellie style all arounders and maybe a tommy type sniper / technician

    snipers holding down their respective positions, holding back the ellie style quick paced fighters from afar with the abby tanks serving as the defense

    damn even just talking about it rn is making me so mad like f*** why couldnt this happen

    im guessing a lot of the diff between characters we never played as before were gonna be the kind of roles we were gonna be able to play in multi

    we need a proper explanation as to why it didnt pan out

    You get it entirely . I think design wise the early Ellie parts were kind of grating both story and gameplay wise .

  • Jan 13, 2024

    maybe the failure of MGO and popularity of more child friendly but equally deep shooters made it a tough sell when the development got rough and costs went up without any end date in sight

    how does a niche 3rd person slower paced shooter fight for the attention from a space dominated by arcade 8v8 classic cod lobbies or the 100 man battle royale space between apex and fortnite

    the battle royale people arent gonna get the gameplay theyre now used to and in love with, the arcade people dont have the attention span for it. i know seige was and probably still is massively popular, but nowhere near levels of the biggest battle royale games.

    i really really wish the multiplayer worked out but i guess overtime it became increasingly harder for the team to justify its years long development process. missing a release date that coinsided with the show p much meant there was never gonna be enough hype to gather a meaningful playerbase needed to make a shooter like this work.

    its sad bc i truly believe this is the best 3rd person shooter mechanics of all time, there is simply not a game out there that makes shooting your enemies as satisfying, responsive, or as dramatic, as this one.

    seriously a headshot in this game feels like it carrys a completely different weight than any other shooter ive played even from naughty dog.

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    You get it entirely . I think design wise the early Ellie parts were kind of grating both story and gameplay wise .

    i get a lot of ppl dont like the fake open world segment but i actually really liked it, even tho i rush thru it on most playthrus now after my 2nd one

    i think ellie has a better start where as i found abby's journey grating until you meet lev. she finds her narrative purpose with lev and hes def the best companion in the game story/gameplay wise everyone else feels useless on higher difficulties lol

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    I think they really just wanted to figure out how to monetize it . Coop similiar to a remnant style with rogue like wouldn’t be that hard design wise at all . I think wanting to sell things did them in . Can’t wait til factions 2 gameplay and design docs leak

    i think cancelling a project of that size bc of nit knowing how to monetize it cant be the full picture right ?

    like im sure there could have been lootboxes type s*** in the game, s*** maybe im an outlier die hard but i'd have paid extra money on top of ps plus to play the f***ing game every month all jokes aside

    im still convinced it was a balancing issue alongside the monetization issue. id love to see the game design documents. i imagine a lot of stuff on paper seemed exciting but when players played against each other...

    ah what do i know. im just really in love with this game and strong believer it will be looked fondly upon a decade away from the release

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply
    ye bully mode

    i get a lot of ppl dont like the fake open world segment but i actually really liked it, even tho i rush thru it on most playthrus now after my 2nd one

    i think ellie has a better start where as i found abby's journey grating until you meet lev. she finds her narrative purpose with lev and hes def the best companion in the game story/gameplay wise everyone else feels useless on higher difficulties lol

    I think I would have faired better in that area if they used it to introduce characters or a boss more shadow of colossus style . It was cool not terrible get it was grieving area and notes / lore scattered but definitely didn’t hook me til I cleared that area

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    the only game that seems like it will touch its graphical fidelity, character models, and world building will be gta. love red dead to death but bc of the difference in scope between the two, tlou2 is just prettier to look at. although red dead 2 still blows my mind.

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply
    ye bully mode

    i think cancelling a project of that size bc of nit knowing how to monetize it cant be the full picture right ?

    like im sure there could have been lootboxes type s*** in the game, s*** maybe im an outlier die hard but i'd have paid extra money on top of ps plus to play the f***ing game every month all jokes aside

    im still convinced it was a balancing issue alongside the monetization issue. id love to see the game design documents. i imagine a lot of stuff on paper seemed exciting but when players played against each other...

    ah what do i know. im just really in love with this game and strong believer it will be looked fondly upon a decade away from the release

    As someone who just worked a game job and can tell you the reason behind many of the layoffs . Yes games as a service push and monetization can end games . Cost of marketing one time purchase is what is hated right now . Huge focus on investment in ecosystems not “ I beat it next game “ but daily interaction . Numbers . Word of mouth . Viral . User generated content . All of that

  • Jan 13, 2024

    I think I would have faired better in that area if they used it to introduce characters or a boss more shadow of colossus style . It was cool not terrible get it was grieving area and notes / lore scattered but definitely didn’t hook me til I cleared that area

    grieving area is a great way to put it. you even go through a synagogue! it def is supposed to slow u down from the intense fast paced prologue.

    i feel like from the moment you get jumped on y'all horses, the gameplay and narrative pace is on freight train speed. chasing the first girl in abby's entourage blew me away the firdt time. wasnt an overly complex chase sequence, it was just something about the pace of the game that made me feel like, damn i NEED to catch her ass

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply
    ye bully mode

    the only game that seems like it will touch its graphical fidelity, character models, and world building will be gta. love red dead to death but bc of the difference in scope between the two, tlou2 is just prettier to look at. although red dead 2 still blows my mind.

    Different art styles but yes . I think visually we will have some greatness this year

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    As someone who just worked a game job and can tell you the reason behind many of the layoffs . Yes games as a service push and monetization can end games . Cost of marketing one time purchase is what is hated right now . Huge focus on investment in ecosystems not “ I beat it next game “ but daily interaction . Numbers . Word of mouth . Viral . User generated content . All of that

    makes a lot of sense thank u for the clarity, i trust ur expertise

  • Jan 13, 2024

    Different art styles but yes . I think visually we will have some greatness this year

    the arthur crying scene if u do that one mission on a good playthrough is phenomenal.

    like A tier acting with amazing facial captures. never seen a game capture a grown man holding back tears like that, it still gives me chills thinking about it

    despite whats little thats shown in gta vi, it honestly has me believing were gonna get that level of emotional , semi intangible detail in even the npc's.

    we have come such a long way. even tlou1 holds up bc of its art style that borders between realism and almost like that telltale comic book / point click style.

    tlou2 graphics leap was insane and while i understand why some ppl miss the art style of the first one esp when comparing the ps5 version with ps4 remaster, i think what naughty dog has been able to capture in peoples faces is nothing less than ground breaking.

    i knew i was playing a different quality of game when ellie puts on the meanest mug of her life to strangle enemies out. instead of making it annoying to strangle players by mashing square, they gave us some of the most realistic visual feedback to simulate the difficulty of strangling someone.

    its s*** like that, that seem small but take this game to the next level, kinda how mgs 2 was for action games

  • Jan 13, 2024
    ye bully mode

    makes a lot of sense thank u for the clarity, i trust ur expertise

    I’m only one experience but yes last year layoffs and this is huge on “ you played our game all year it’s in your wrapped “ not “ I beat it “