  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    Mfs be thinking they so smart. Nigga u have a furry avi u don’t know s*** about what’s good and what’s not

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    It doesn’t stop

    lol yall know my takes but I like the gifs . I think games should be fun . I wish the actual story had more levity to it sure . I understand it’s the apocalypse though even though again I think 28 days later nails the same central theme without ever being too dark to be dark

  • Jan 13, 2024

    Show the crunch too you cowards

  • Jan 13, 2024
    2 replies

    This is why the TLOU2 subreddit is one of the funniest and confusing things on the internet to me. Over 3 YEARS after the game released there is still a very active subreddit solely dedicated to s***ting on the game on a daily basis

    If TLOU2 is as bad and irrelevant as people try and act like, then tf are you still talking about it several years later .
    You can’t name another video game of our generation that has created this much debate and discussion

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 13, 2024

    Looks like reviewers and media already have the game, I hope we get some uncut footage before next week

    Embargo is Tuesday

  • Jan 13, 2024
    1 reply

    lol yall know my takes but I like the gifs . I think games should be fun . I wish the actual story had more levity to it sure . I understand it’s the apocalypse though even though again I think 28 days later nails the same central theme without ever being too dark to be dark

    I really, really want to play it again. I haven’t played since launch, and this “remaster” would be a perfect excuse to do so.

    Maybe I should give 1 another spin too

  • Jan 13, 2024

    This is why the TLOU2 subreddit is one of the funniest and confusing things on the internet to me. Over 3 YEARS after the game released there is still a very active subreddit solely dedicated to s***ting on the game on a daily basis

    If TLOU2 is as bad and irrelevant as people try and act like, then tf are you still talking about it several years later .
    You can’t name another video game of our generation that has created this much debate and discussion

    I used to really dislike the MGS2 comparison, but I’m seeing it more and more each year lol

  • Jan 13, 2024

    I really, really want to play it again. I haven’t played since launch, and this “remaster” would be a perfect excuse to do so.

    Maybe I should give 1 another spin too

    Grounded well paced playthrough while it’s cold out would be perfect

  • Jan 15, 2024
    3 replies

    Need some advice

    Never played the first game, enjoyed the HBO series. Been avoiding this game because it seems like a "movie" game. These type of games are just not for me. However, I can be a sucka for hype sometimes....

    For example, I bought a digital copy of Hogwarts Legacy while extremely hungover and bored...I wouldn't call it a bad game but I just can't do it can't put my time into stuff like that. Had to quit it after 5 hours. Same s*** with RDR2 just can't play it.

    How is this game compared to that? Money ain't really the issue here I can get a copy for like 2 bucks before the upcoming upgrade is released. I'm more concerned with my time and if it's worth it given my stance on heavy narrative games.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 15, 2024

    Need some advice

    Never played the first game, enjoyed the HBO series. Been avoiding this game because it seems like a "movie" game. These type of games are just not for me. However, I can be a sucka for hype sometimes....

    For example, I bought a digital copy of Hogwarts Legacy while extremely hungover and bored...I wouldn't call it a bad game but I just can't do it can't put my time into stuff like that. Had to quit it after 5 hours. Same s*** with RDR2 just can't play it.

    How is this game compared to that? Money ain't really the issue here I can get a copy for like 2 bucks before the upcoming upgrade is released. I'm more concerned with my time and if it's worth it given my stance on heavy narrative games.

    So if you were to get these games I’d get the “part 1” remake then the upcoming part 2 remaster

    But these games probably to you will be “movie games”. They are very cutscene and dialogue heavy. But it is some of the best dialogue and acting you can get with these type of games and it’s extremely gripping (biased)

    The gameplay itself in part 1 is nothing special. Third person survival shooter. The gameplay loop is basically go through abandoned towns and places, loot for ammo, kill zombies. The fun of it is the ammo is SUPER limited so you gotta make each bullet count. Running out of ammo and improving with what you have left in the environment can be thrilling. But the gameplay is the weakest part.

    Now with part 2 if you make it there. They take that gameplay and make it SOOOO much better. They add prone, diving, dodging, more stealth mechanics and it’s f***ing amazing. Every encounter turns into a game of cat and mouse. You got dogs that can sniff your scent so you’re always moving around, you can craft arrows that literally explode people on impact. And also it’s probably the most realistic gorey game out there (to the point where it’s f***ing disgusting). You got enemies crying out their friends names that you killed 😭.

    But again with part 2 it is VERY narrative and cutscene heavy. There’s sections of the game where you walk and take in the story and environment. There’s some sections where it’s just talking and you can go 20+ min no enemy encounter. BUT again, the dialogue and characters and story is so gripping imo it doesn’t matter.

    I beleive there’s a 2 hour trial of part 1 on ps premium if you got that and you can see if that grips you, but the gameplay of 1 is definitely the weakest part.

    But compared to RDR2, the opening is not nearly as slow, and hogwarts completely different genre but imo the cutscenes and dialogue suck and I find that boring af too

  • itanimulli

    Need some advice

    Never played the first game, enjoyed the HBO series. Been avoiding this game because it seems like a "movie" game. These type of games are just not for me. However, I can be a sucka for hype sometimes....

    For example, I bought a digital copy of Hogwarts Legacy while extremely hungover and bored...I wouldn't call it a bad game but I just can't do it can't put my time into stuff like that. Had to quit it after 5 hours. Same s*** with RDR2 just can't play it.

    How is this game compared to that? Money ain't really the issue here I can get a copy for like 2 bucks before the upcoming upgrade is released. I'm more concerned with my time and if it's worth it given my stance on heavy narrative games.

    They're most definitely playable movies yeah. Very dialogue and cutscene heavy. The gameplay is fun and the world is very immersive, but the story is the reason to be there.

  • Jan 15, 2024
    1 reply

    Need some advice

    Never played the first game, enjoyed the HBO series. Been avoiding this game because it seems like a "movie" game. These type of games are just not for me. However, I can be a sucka for hype sometimes....

    For example, I bought a digital copy of Hogwarts Legacy while extremely hungover and bored...I wouldn't call it a bad game but I just can't do it can't put my time into stuff like that. Had to quit it after 5 hours. Same s*** with RDR2 just can't play it.

    How is this game compared to that? Money ain't really the issue here I can get a copy for like 2 bucks before the upcoming upgrade is released. I'm more concerned with my time and if it's worth it given my stance on heavy narrative games.

    The stories in both games are great but it’s probably gonna end up being a one and done deal if you end up beating them at all. Beat both games once and tried to go back and couldn’t do it

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 15, 2024
    1 reply

    The stories in both games are great but it’s probably gonna end up being a one and done deal if you end up beating them at all. Beat both games once and tried to go back and couldn’t do it

    I like to rewatch my fav movies

  • Jan 15, 2024
    1 reply

    I like to rewatch my fav movies

    Same but the gameplay can be a slog a lot of the times in these games

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 15, 2024

    Same but the gameplay can be a slog a lot of the times in these games

    I get you but with tlou tbh I like the slow walking character moments but I get if people don’t like it on replays

  • Jan 15, 2024
    1 reply

    This winning GOTY isn’t it

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 15, 2024

    This winning GOTY isn’t it


    Tlou2 remastered sweeping GOTY

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 15, 2024
  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 16, 2024

    Reviews in 10 min

    TLOU2 sweep

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 16, 2024
    1 reply


  • Jan 16, 2024
    1 reply


  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 16, 2024

    Cuckmann paid reviewers again!!! everyone who likes this is a SHILL!!! ANOTHER MONEYGRAB FROM NAUGHTY FRAUDS!!!

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 16, 2024
    1 reply

    digital foundry time