Hailey is going tf off on articles calling violence in tlou2 misogynistic lmfao
TLOU2 Bloodborne forever embedded in my mind
planned spring 2018
Jesus that would’ve been an insane year
God of War, Red Dead & this??
its crunch time
Winter 2019 release slate now
Feb 2020
gonna make some food then watch
play the game first lol
Leak talk
At least they confirmed it was some random in the Netherlands and not a disgruntled employee like conspiracy theories on twitter are convinced
new hate mail collage dropped
whole section of how they are now a crunch free studio
now talking about the HBO show
There was a stand alone story planned starring tommy was shelved
Neil is saying all he has for tlou3 is a concept. not a story
so i guess new ip
"one more chapter to the story"
Full quote from end of doc:
I did some other interview where someone asked me about The Last of Us, and would there be any more stories or something. I mentioned we have written a story that takes place after Last of Us II that stars Tommy. I hope one day we get to make it. The headlines across the industry were like, 'Naughty Dog Has Outlined The Last of Us Part III.' And that's actually wrong. It was always a small story, it was never a full title.
At the time, we had higher priorities at Naughty Dog, to fix our pipeline, to fix work-life balance issues. Just based on where we were, I didn't wanna prioritize this story, so that story was shelved. I still believe one day it will see the light of day. I don't know if it'll be a game or a show… TBD.
The first game had such a clean concept of the unconditional love a parent feels for their child. The second one, once we landed on this idea of the pursuit of justice at any cost, justice for the ones you love, it felt like there's a clean concept here and there's a through-line from the first game about love. If we never get to do it again, this is a fine ending point. The last bite of the apple, the story's done.
The great thing about working at Naughty Dog is that we don't have to. It's always like, we would love another Last of Us, but if you guys are passionate about something else, we'll support this other thing. Very privileged position to be in. I never take that for granted.
I've been thinking about, "Is there a concept there?" And for now years, I haven't been able to find that concept. But recently that's changed. I don't have a story, but I do have that concept, that, to me, is as exciting as I, as exciting as II, is its own thing, yet has this through-line for all 3. So it does feel like there's probably one more chapter to this story.
play the game first lol
you were right i thought abby was trans this whole time :clapdead:
you were right i thought abby was trans this whole time :clapdead:
theres thousands of people just like you who still believe that s***
theres thousands of people just like you who still believe that s***
i need to play now
i need to play now
divisive classic
At least they confirmed it was some random in the Netherlands and not a disgruntled employee like conspiracy theories on twitter are convinced
I like the part when Neil mentions that the leaker still lives with his parents
I just know he still hates that mf