It’s crazy how the entire doc just makes game dev at that high of a level look like hell, there’s very few moments where they seemed like they were enjoying themselves
It’s crazy how the entire doc just makes game dev at that high of a level look like hell, there’s very few moments where they seemed like they were enjoying themselves
I think the moral of the story is to bring back PlayStation experience
I think the moral of the story is to bring back PlayStation experience
The moments where the team could finally show off the game seemed like the high points of development
Area 5 are hands down making the best development documentaries i’ve ever seen. Hopefully Sony contracts them for more
When Laura was talking about the death threats man
It’s crazy how the entire doc just makes game dev at that high of a level look like hell, there’s very few moments where they seemed like they were enjoying themselves
Yea in the documentary every time Neil would request the dev team to make small changes, I would feel so bad for them
Like just imagine spending an entire week of your time working on the physics of a strand of hair
And I understand that ND has set expectations to do everything at the highest standard, but damn man I know these developers probably want to jump out of the closest window during game development
Yea in the documentary every time Neil would request the dev team to make small changes, I would feel so bad for them
Like just imagine spending an entire week of your time working on the physics of a strand of hair
And I understand that ND has set expectations to do everything at the highest standard, but damn man I know these developers probably want to jump out of the closest window during game development
Yeah like I understand that the micromanagement and having to make every single detail perfect is what makes Naughty Dog who they are, but it'd be a nightmare to work like that. I think their constant need to one up themselves and expand on their previous games is eventually going to come back around to bite them. They got lucky that Part 2 turned out the way it did.
Doc is dope so far been waiting on it. Bought halfway through. I love seeing how passionate people can be when they have a project/goal they want to finish. You really gotta have that drive, in any field really. That's why I get excited about starting a book, not that yall asked lol. But yeah its interesting hearing they were gonna do more of a full open world at first too.
Man I've never attempted these games on the hardest difficulty, not interested. With the scale and scope of this game that s*** prolly crazy.
The hospital level is peak, we need more resident evil type s*** like that in part 3
I noticed they really upped the amount of horror/infected sections from the first game. It was a good choice
game development crazy
they talking about e3 demo's in january and having to scrap it 5 months ahead of time cause not enough time to make a 3 minute demo. so instead they decide to spend A YEAR AND A HALF on that e3 2018 demo
It’s a great demo. I was surprised that the finished level turned up close to what they showed at E3.
ventured over to the subreddit to see if they are still mad
had a good giggle at this one
They should ve provided skins with the cast of the show foe this rerelease. Have Abby looking like she did at the end the whole game
They should ve provided skins with the cast of the show foe this rerelease. Have Abby looking like she did at the end the whole game
they did? theres skins and you can be santa barbara abby
they did? theres skins and you can be santa barbara abby
Fr? Figured that woulda been all over social media lol
Fr? Figured that woulda been all over social media lol
social media too busy hating to notice
My dad watched the TLOU show and saw comparisons between the game and the show how they were basically word for word and was shocked at how far the medium had come lmao
Astronaut suit >>>
also when Ellie corners Nora in the hospital basement she looks like a horror villain sheesh.
GOD replaying this s*** makes me miss TLOU multiplayer maps, the school was so fire
Every day I’m convinced gamers are the most brain dead people on the planet
Every day I’m convinced gamers are the most brain dead people on the planet yep we need to nuke Twitter
Every day I’m convinced gamers are the most brain dead people on the planet take . Easily could just focus on the fact they kind of wasted her immunity ability and discussion of it in game two but anime avy always going to find a way to be antisemitic and racist