literally just finished replay of part 1 TODAY
Pt 1 my favorite game ever and still haven't play this yet. Need to get on it
If you loved part 1 you should love this
Part 2 better in every single way snd I LOVE part 1
Pt 1 my favorite game ever and still haven't play this yet. Need to get on it
Gameplay and combat on Part II is incredible, you’ll love that alone even if the story doesn’t do it.
I’ve been saying this game was the best game OAT for almost 5 years now. Maybe finally more people will actually play it instead of basing their opinion off of some YouTuber who ranted about its story
If I go on Reddit.. will people still be b****in about Joel and tlou2?
Yep. and twitter
The only people who said this game was trash was the antiwoke dudebro crowd, everyone else with a brain been knew it’s a fantastic game
If I go on Reddit.. will people still be b****in about Joel and tlou2?
r/TheLastofUs isn’t a bad subreddit, it’s worth checking out if you want to see some level headed opinions about the game. And people on there show true love and appreciation for the second game
But never NEVER go to r/TheLastOfUs2 . 5 years later and it’s still one of the most toxic and bigoted subreddits on that site
I need to see gameplay of Ye playing on survivor + it’s 2025 I wanna see the biggest celebrities streaming on twitch come on now this is capitalism go an take all those nerd twitch streamers money they shoulda never been famous in the first place