  • SidSteezy

    Just finished watching this for the first time, and man I'm not sure if anything will top this series for me.

    Curse of watching this show I first watched in 2012 and have yet to find something on its level. About to rewatch again


    On my rewatch marathon (watching the 16:9 remaster not the 4:3 SD version)

    I mean Season 1 is great don't get me wrong but IMO from season 2 is when the show truly becomes f***ing incredible
    I'm currently 2 episodes left on season 2, and I never thought this would be one of my favorite seasons man

    Yeah it's crazy how hard season 2 hits on the rewatch - first time around for almost everyone you're kind of thrown for a loop trying to settle into the new setting and characters, but that second time it really clicks

  • May 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Also, not sure I've ever been more proud of any TV character as much as I am of Bubbles

    That moment where he gets to come upstairs

  • May 3, 2021
    Bad Finger Boogie

    That moment where he gets to come upstairs

    It's beautiful man

  • Finished Season 3. 10/10 season, bra-fucking-vo. I'm a sucker for that chain of command storyline.

    the episode ending with Stringer confessing to Avon about Dee was such a wild moment, I had forgotten all about it. If Stringer hadn't felt the need to let his nuts hang on some emotional s\*\*\* to prove something, if he hadn't confessed that murder, then I think Avon would've definitely reconsidered serving him up to Brother Mouzone and Omar. Then again, it would still come back to bite him in the ass, with the warrant, because Stringer was a snake

    On season 4 now. There's nothing like this show I swear. The realism, the natural moments of comedy, the tension, the characters, man

  • May 13, 2021
    3 replies

    Finished Season 5. Wow I could not rock with Jimmy in this one at all, that boi tweakin
    Whole time I was like the f*** you doin?
    Lester? You too nigga?

    Bubs tale was a novel and everything wrapping up in that Baltimore montage was sweet too.

    Glad the writers didn't bend Cedric to make him something he never was.

    Visually, the season looks s***tier than the previous ones, idk if I'm buggin tho.

    F*** that Scott news reporter too.

    Kima reacting the way she did was completely understandable. Matter fact, I was on her side. Bunks too.

    Omar's death scene had me shook. Did NOT see that coming the way it did

    Overall, ranking the seasons, I'd say season 4 is prolly the most important, BUT, I still enjoy season 3 the most. So:

    3 (10/10)
    4 (9/10)
    2 (9/10)
    1 (8/10)
    5 (8/10)

  • May 13, 2021

    About to start watching this show for the first time. See if it's as good as people say

  • btstuedit

    i finished my rewatch and yeah this the best show ever. -30- is not only my fav finale ever but fav episode of any tv series tbh that s*** was so good how it ties in everything in that show. i really wish there was like 10 seasons lmao but i’m thankful i got 5 excellent seasons

    That finale was amazing
    5 excellent seasons fasho

  • 925Andrew

    Season 5 especially you get to see McNulty, Freamon, Greggs, Bunk, Carcetti, Omar, Michael, Bunny all at their truest version of themselves

    But seriously f*** Kima

    Why f*** kima?

  • fmvp yzy vert

    Was there any follow up to seeing Rawls in that gay bar?

    Nah. Just a flash and that's it. Never addressed. It's only an Easter egg

  • May 13, 2021
    2 replies

    @Beach_kneega @Jerry_Seinfeld

    Lester loves that Pepper Steak

  • May 13, 2021
    1 reply

    @Beach_kneega @Jerry_Seinfeld


    Lester loves that Pepper Steak

    I remember at the beginning of the first season I didn’t care much for him and then once they turn him loose.. man, Lester was the GOAT

  • May 13, 2021
    Jerry Seinfeld

    I remember at the beginning of the first season I didn’t care much for him and then once they turn him loose.. man, Lester was the GOAT

    Lester got that OG detective vibe, when he came through with that boxing poster with Avon's pic..

    When the first pic they brought was a white guy

  • May 13, 2021
    4 replies

    really excited for We Run This City, David Simon and George Pelecanos' upcoming HBO show about police corruption in Baltimore in 2015

    kinda seems like a unofficial spinoff/sequel in a way, especially if they decide to focus on the d*** trade a bit as well as the dirty cops

  • May 14, 2021

    really excited for We Run This City, David Simon and George Pelecanos' upcoming HBO show about police corruption in Baltimore in 2015

    kinda seems like a unofficial spinoff/sequel in a way, especially if they decide to focus on the d*** trade a bit as well as the dirty cops

  • Koala

    @Beach_kneega @Jerry_Seinfeld


    Lester loves that Pepper Steak

    Carver also doing an Asian delivery boy accent. Major crimes unit was all fools.

    Too bad Lester fell off season 5.

  • May 14, 2021
    2 replies

    really excited for We Run This City, David Simon and George Pelecanos' upcoming HBO show about police corruption in Baltimore in 2015

    kinda seems like a unofficial spinoff/sequel in a way, especially if they decide to focus on the d*** trade a bit as well as the dirty cops

    Where's Ed Burns? He really brought the grit in the wire

  • May 14, 2021

    Where's Ed Burns? He really brought the grit in the wire

    former cop so the blue wall of silence stops him from making a show about police corruption

  • May 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Where's Ed Burns? He really brought the grit in the wire

    Speaking of grit, I been eyeing that David Simon book Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets.. Looks p interesting

  • Koala

    Speaking of grit, I been eyeing that David Simon book Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets.. Looks p interesting

    Do tell

  • May 14, 2021
    2 replies

    The one drawback is say about the newspaper stuff is, they're not painted with a sympathetic brush like the rest of the characters in the show. Their either buffoons or pawns/frustrated or slimy. Little nuance to work with. But everything ties up together very well. -30- is one of the best episodes of the show by far

  • May 14, 2021
    1 reply

    The one drawback is say about the newspaper stuff is, they're not painted with a sympathetic brush like the rest of the characters in the show. Their either buffoons or pawns/frustrated or slimy. Little nuance to work with. But everything ties up together very well. -30- is one of the best episodes of the show by far

    Misread this at first, I see what you mean now. Despite spending almost more time with him, we’re not made to feel for Scott the way we are for, say, Ziggy.

  • May 14, 2021

    Finished Season 5. Wow I could not rock with Jimmy in this one at all, that boi tweakin
    Whole time I was like the f*** you doin?
    Lester? You too nigga?

    Bubs tale was a novel and everything wrapping up in that Baltimore montage was sweet too.

    Glad the writers didn't bend Cedric to make him something he never was.

    Visually, the season looks s***tier than the previous ones, idk if I'm buggin tho.

    F*** that Scott news reporter too.

    Kima reacting the way she did was completely understandable. Matter fact, I was on her side. Bunks too.

    Omar's death scene had me shook. Did NOT see that coming the way it did

    Overall, ranking the seasons, I'd say season 4 is prolly the most important, BUT, I still enjoy season 3 the most. So:

    3 (10/10)
    4 (9/10)
    2 (9/10)
    1 (8/10)
    5 (8/10)

    Yea I enjoyed S3 more than S4 but I know on rewatch thats gonna change

  • May 14, 2021
    3 replies

    Finished Season 5. Wow I could not rock with Jimmy in this one at all, that boi tweakin
    Whole time I was like the f*** you doin?
    Lester? You too nigga?

    Bubs tale was a novel and everything wrapping up in that Baltimore montage was sweet too.

    Glad the writers didn't bend Cedric to make him something he never was.

    Visually, the season looks s***tier than the previous ones, idk if I'm buggin tho.

    F*** that Scott news reporter too.

    Kima reacting the way she did was completely understandable. Matter fact, I was on her side. Bunks too.

    Omar's death scene had me shook. Did NOT see that coming the way it did

    Overall, ranking the seasons, I'd say season 4 is prolly the most important, BUT, I still enjoy season 3 the most. So:

    3 (10/10)
    4 (9/10)
    2 (9/10)
    1 (8/10)
    5 (8/10)

    Damn. Season 3 might have my favorite finale montage (aside from 5 but that’s a series one so of course it’s gonna tug your heart strings the most) but I still can’t put it above 4 or 1. I might even put 2 above it but I know I’m in the minority there. Where you’re at with 4 is where I think I’m at with 3: a lot of important stuff happens but I personally can’t put it at the top.
